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Maybe doing a chargeback isn't so easy after all?

I've read so many horror stories about chargebacks on these boards.

I was under the impression that for a buyer it would be a piece of cake, but apparently not.

I bought 5 pairs of safety glasses from a online vendor.

I paid with PayPal.

These fragile glasses were shipped in a Priority Mail padded envelope.

They arrived totally crushed but the glasses appeared to be ok.

However two of the five  glasses were opened.

Not just opened but the original packaging was missing. 

Totally useless to me for re-sale.

I reached out to the vendor and was ignored.

Only when I filed a NAD dispute with paypal did they answer me.

All I wanted was to return the two glasses (at my expense) for a refund.

I didn't think that was unreasonable.

They told me NO because their ten day return window had passed.

I then escalated my paypal claim to a chargeback.

I thought to myself if there ever was a "slam dunk" for a chargeback, this was it.

Two weeks later I was notified by paypal that I lost the dispute.

Maybe doing a chargeback as a customer isn't so easy after all.




























Sea Of Love - The Honeydrippers
Message 1 of 51
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Maybe doing a chargeback isn't so easy after all?

I don't believe it should be a 'piece of cake' or 1000s of sellers could get screwed around on a consistent basis.  eBay already makes it to easy for buyers to get away with frivolous returns & refunds.  Every action against sellers shouldn't be cut & dry.  🙂

Message 31 of 51
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Maybe doing a chargeback isn't so easy after all?

@slippinjimmy wrote:


This is why smart buyers, no matter where they shop always use a credit card for payment as that is the only way to ensure full protection.

I would change "smart" to "fully informed" so as not to imply that inhawaii is not smart, but I for one appreciate this clarification.  I've heard it before but it's good to get a reminder, now that I have my first credit card in several years.  I accepted the offer of it with the "only for emergencies" idea, but on further reflection, if I have the money in my bank to buy something, I can always use that same amount to immediately repay my credit card, with no interest, after using the credit card to make the purchase.  It's a bit more of a P.I.T.A. so I won't do it every time, but with people or platforms I've not bought from before, it's not a bad idea.  So thanks for your reply. 

Incidentally Slippin' Jimmy, look what I have paused in another tab this very moment.  The final 9.5 minutes of Better Call Saul.  I'm stalling because my heart is fracturing with every passing minute, knowing I'm about to be 100% finished with the Breaking Bad universe (yes I already saw El Camino).   


Message 32 of 51
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Maybe doing a chargeback isn't so easy after all?

From what it sounds like, Paypal makes it hard or impossible for a buyer to do the ethical thing, get satisfaction with the least amount of harm to the seller, like return only the dissatisfactory portion of a multi-item purchase, as opposed to getting a full refund on the whole order, without having to return anything.   I've always admired Paypal for a myriad of reasons, but if this discrepancy is true, it sure can't contribute to a safe and thriving online experience for sellers OR buyers.  

Message 33 of 51
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Maybe doing a chargeback isn't so easy after all?

@gurlcat wrote:

From what it sounds like, Paypal makes it hard or impossible for a buyer to do the ethical thing, get satisfaction with the least amount of harm to the seller, like return only the dissatisfactory portion of a multi-item purchase, as opposed to getting a full refund on the whole order, without having to return anything.   I've always admired Paypal for a myriad of reasons, but if this discrepancy is true, it sure can't contribute to a safe and thriving online experience for sellers OR buyers.  

Well, bear in mind that the reason why @inhawaii had to go to PayPal in the first place was that they received no response from the seller when they inquired by email about a partial return.  Was the seller trying to stall out and let the ten-day return window lapse, or had inhawaii already waited too long to contact the seller?  We'll probably never know.

Message 34 of 51
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Maybe doing a chargeback isn't so easy after all?

@marnotom! wrote:

@gurlcat wrote:

From what it sounds like, Paypal makes it hard or impossible for a buyer to do the ethical thing, get satisfaction with the least amount of harm to the seller, like return only the dissatisfactory portion of a multi-item purchase, as opposed to getting a full refund on the whole order, without having to return anything.   I've always admired Paypal for a myriad of reasons, but if this discrepancy is true, it sure can't contribute to a safe and thriving online experience for sellers OR buyers.  

Well, bear in mind that the reason why @inhawaii had to go to PayPal in the first place was that they received no response from the seller when they inquired by email about a partial return.  Was the seller trying to stall out and let the ten-day return window lapse, or had inhawaii already waited too long to contact the seller?  We'll probably never know.


I immediately contacted the vendor.

Did this 2 or 3 times and was ignored.

Finally left them a voice mail and they emailed me back but ignored my rely to that email.

In the paypal dispute they made like they were trying to get ahold of me and I ignored them. 

Paypal's "official" reason for denying my claim was that I admitted the glasses were not damaged.

Sea Of Love - The Honeydrippers
Message 35 of 51
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Maybe doing a chargeback isn't so easy after all?

@slippinjimmy wrote:

@marnotom! wrote:

Has the term "chargeback" broadened in scope since my INR claim made through PayPal many years ago?

No it hasn't! The word chargeback is misused here almost as much as the inability to correctly refer to buyers as buyers and sellers as sellers.


In the world of payments the word "chargeback" specifically refers to a dispute via a claim with the credit card company that issued the card used by a buyer.



YES! But let us not forget that in addition to be a payment processor Paypal also issues credit and debit cards. In my example above I paid with my Paypal DEBIT card. There was NO other credit card company or bank involved in the transaction. The charge back (which was approved) was handled by Paypal since they were the originating source of the funds. So, yes, "charge back" is the correct term to use for Paypal as in my case. And, by the way, this is not the first time. I even got a Paypal charge back approved against the U S Post Office for postage under the claim "Item Not Received" (the "item" being the postage charge for delivery of my package which was never delivered).

"Laissez-faire capitalism (AKA The Great Material Continuum) is the only social system based on the recognition of individual rights and, therefore, the only system that bans force from social relationships." ~ Ayn Rand
Message 36 of 51
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Maybe doing a chargeback isn't so easy after all?

I had something arrived extremely damaged because it was shipped in only a poly bag when it should have been a box that I bought from walmart. Walmart refused to help me and told me specifically to file a charge back and they would put it in the notes that they told me to. My credit card not only denied me but they charged me Interest on that money that was frozen during the investigation time. I never let my credit card debt lapse (and have to pay interest) so it was beyond frustrating. That was very recently and the only chargeback I have ever filed.

Message 37 of 51
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Maybe doing a chargeback isn't so easy after all?

I both buy and sell, and I have no idea how the seller won this chargeback.  Terrible pack job with breakable items.

Message 38 of 51
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Maybe doing a chargeback isn't so easy after all?

Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, often with no telling why.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 39 of 51
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Maybe doing a chargeback isn't so easy after all?

@richard1rst wrote:

@lacemaker3 wrote:



Perhaps you should have opened the chargeback with your credit card company directly, instead of with PayPal. (I didn't know that you could do a chargeback through PayPal, TBH.)


Can you still do that? Open another chargeback, and let your CC make the final decision?


I always figured that the CC was the final arbiter, after PayPal.


I can't speak for inhawaii but as for me I used my Paypal debit card to make the original purchase so Paypal was the right avenue to use for the charge back. There was neither a CC company nor my bank involved.

Disputing through PayPal is called a PayPal dispute, not a chargeback.


IMO a chargeback is done with the credit card company, not through PayPal.


As far as I can see it is still possible for OP to open a chargeback with the CC company, which would be the final arbiter for the dispute.


Message 40 of 51
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Maybe doing a chargeback isn't so easy after all?

If they where not broken during shipping  ,then what was the reason for a snad ,  other then  buyer's remorse?   I do find it intresting  that the seller got away with a 10 day return .

Message 41 of 51
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Maybe doing a chargeback isn't so easy after all?

OP   could file with   bank or credit card  they have on file with paypal  for payments.   the snad  will be tough to prove .

Message 42 of 51
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Maybe doing a chargeback isn't so easy after all?

@carlmarxx wrote:

If they where not broken during shipping  ,then what was the reason for a snad ,  other then  buyer's remorse?   I do find it intresting  that the seller got away with a 10 day return .

2 of the pairs of glasses did not come with their original sleeves.  The seller must have chucked them, in order to make the whole order fit into the package they wanted to use.  

Message 43 of 51
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Maybe doing a chargeback isn't so easy after all?

Slightly off topic. Got an email tonight. PayPal is no longer covering INR CC Chargebacks under Seller Protection effective in January 2024.

Message 44 of 51
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Maybe doing a chargeback isn't so easy after all?

Not with PayPal these days. They are denying seemingly cut and dry cases.

Here is my situation from this year (my complaint is on 9/7/23):

Message 45 of 51
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