06-30-2018 08:02 AM
I guess many seller's (me included) Markdown Manager has a glitch and is not working.
I understand things happen but how much longer will it take to ger fixed.
Which leads me to the question..What else is not working that we don't know about?..could the search engine not be working right?....how about anything else we don't know about thats not working thats hurting sales.
We need to get people who know whats going on to fix all of these poblems.
06-30-2018 08:46 AM
@namtrag1 wrote:I guess many seller's (me included) Markdown Manager has a glitch and is not working.
I understand things happen but how much longer will it take to ger fixed.
Which leads me to the question..What else is not working that we don't know about?..could the search engine not be working right?....how about anything else we don't know about thats not working thats hurting sales.
We need to get people who know whats going on to fix all of these poblems.
All valid points - tulips
06-30-2018 11:29 AM
Yes just noticed mine is not working either
06-30-2018 11:31 AM
It is not a glitch, you now have to wait 14 days between sales or price changes. Try using order discount
06-30-2018 11:32 AM
Do you know there are new rules in using MMM? Might check the last release.......
06-30-2018 11:35 AM
Or read the countless threads already addressing it.
06-30-2018 11:36 AM
@namtrag1 wrote:Which leads me to the question..What else is not working that we don't know about?..could the search engine not be working right?....how about anything else we don't know about thats not working thats hurting sales.
Yeah, there are a lot of random problems over the last couple of weeks, but I haven't noticed anything different about the search. Our sales have been strong for those products that are in demand and that have competitive prices.
06-30-2018 11:44 AM
CORRECT....its not a Glitch, I just spent 35 minutes on the phone w/ Ebay. You can no longer "adjust pricing" to be competitive.....as soon as you adjust your price you've pushed out your ability to place an item on sale by 14 days. So, in the even you're a seller that likes to adjust as Items available adjust, you will never be able to use Mark down manager. THEN, when you do use it....whether its a 24 hour sale, or a 36 hour sale or a 7 day sale, as soon as your Sale ends (you have to wait another FOURTEEN 14 days before you can run another sale). Its asenine, borderline ridiculous and sellers need to voice their opinions (loud as possible).
They'are all worried about "tax implications" and want us to sign petitions (which many of us will/did)....then they destroy our ability to be competive on THEIR END. Just absolutely ridiculous what I learned today (and shame on me for not reading all the fine print in the updates (or I'd have known this beatdown was coming). Holiday weekend, no sales for me....
06-30-2018 11:50 AM
Yes that is correct markdown manager not working at all. Have tried for last two days. I was told by a represenative that a top IT person quit and nobody has access to fix it or they dont know how. Anyhow this is what I was told. They are working on it, yea right. Also many of my listings have images missing. Some just have one or none. I always use 12 photos. I was told the same on this by a rep. You would think for the $$ we pay out in fees they could at least keep the site running. Every day it does not work we all lose. maybe we should as for a portion of our store fees back for every day its down. I have three stores and am pretty disgusted ! Looking right now for other venues too sell on.
06-30-2018 11:59 AM
You can still do an order discount and get the percentage off you need. The challenge is the banner for that is too small and your price in the listings still show retail.
06-30-2018 12:14 PM
@emerald40 wrote:Or read the countless threads already addressing it.
From a search on this Board for Markdown Manager. Dates for these threads are June 27, June 28, and June 29, 2018. For example:
06-30-2018 12:19 PM
Too bad that we cannot pin certain threads to the top.
But posters should look before opening up yet another thread about the same exact thing.
On other boards that I post on, you are only allowed to open one thread per topic.
But even when you respond, why it was implemented some still do not seem to get it.
It did open my eyes as to why buyer protection is so important here because you cannot trust all sellers to be honest. So glad as a buyer ebay has my back.
08-23-2018 07:58 PM
Thanks eBay! Top notch! Top notch!