08-31-2020 10:28 AM
So apparently there is no way to stop these useless email notifications! All my shipping label communication preferences are turned off. And now I see people have been complaining about this for over a year. Is there any other way to stop them? Just checking in case I missed something.
10-27-2020 11:12 PM
@sodelight wrote:People aren't required to read entire threads. Stop acting like yours is the only opinion that matters. Maybe you should take up knitting.
DON'T TAG ME!! I won't read it.
You are correct. But then I didn't say that in the first place.
10-27-2020 11:32 PM
@dbfolks166mt wrote:It took me a bit of doing to get the filters right but I finally got a filter setup on my email account that automatically filters these and moves them to trash. Took a bit of tweaking since you cannot do it by the sender or you miss all the eBay emails, I had to do it by the subject line content. Not sure if your email provider offers you the ability to filer your mail but this may be an option.
I filter mine by sender AND subject line, less false positives that way.
10-27-2020 11:36 PM
Put simply, no. Moreover, the PayPal receipt for the label (a separate email) no longer contains the tracking number, BECAUSE EBAY NO LONGER GIVES IT TO PAYPAL. eBay just keeps getting worse and worse.
11-26-2020 09:09 AM
Nope mine are OFF and i get emails constantly
11-26-2020 10:06 AM
It's the most stupid notification too. If you've printed the label... I guess you are aware of that BEFORE you go to your email account. Where is the common sense app?
11-30-2020 07:57 AM - edited 11-30-2020 07:58 AM
I thought about that then thought all ebay emails will be put into spam.
11-30-2020 07:59 AM
Agree you can say no email but it still sends them.
11-30-2020 08:25 AM
Thank you I did this and it worked.
12-03-2020 11:52 AM
The useless e-mails continue. Would be nice if these can be stopped.
12-07-2021 06:25 AM
Sorry, but I am with them! Every time I have to interact with eBay in any way and use their hemorrhoidal clusterpile of an interface, I instantly become nauseous. It is very obvious to see the direction in which eBay is going and they deserve it!
12-07-2021 07:04 AM
@sodelight DON"T TAG ME! @sodelight
07-13-2024 07:25 AM
Thanks for this info + screen shots, some of the settings are not very intuitive and you have to hunt around! ; )
07-13-2024 07:35 AM
This thread is from 2020. Any information in it is likely out dated.
07-13-2024 07:42 AM
Any frequent emails I get like those that the programmer didn't allow for an opt-out, I create an email filter and send them to junk - very common with banks and other institutions who probably have to 'notify' such things. I'm amazed how few know about email filters, it's not that difficult and saves more time than trying to find company solution, or ask them for a fix.
07-13-2024 07:45 AM