06-25-2021 05:36 PM
I have had low sales in the last 3 months, and never have before. I don't think all my item are being seen all around the world on Ebay.
Anyone else having this problem and feel the same way?
07-14-2021 03:50 PM
My sales are very low to no sales for a week at a time. Not sure why.
07-14-2021 04:06 PM
Ebay is irrelevant to me these days, I'll post my items but don't expect to sell. If I do sell I consider it as a bonus, so post away and go for a bonus.
07-14-2021 04:13 PM
@lovemybabys123 wrote:I don't think all my item are being seen all around the world on Ebay.
Are you set up to show your items all around the world ? In the U.S EVERYONE can see you stuff.
07-14-2021 04:16 PM
I know of no one who does not have a bank account. Just like the scam going around that people do not have I.D'.s and cannot get access to one.
07-14-2021 04:30 PM
Item specific is the culprit of this turmoil.
Scientists and architects spend half a century to simplify all search into keywords.
eBay is driving the simplicity back into complexity, totally driving backwards.
Their computing power simply cannot catch up with this complexity.
This is why all these chaos emerges.
Your listings might not be seen because there is simply not enough computing power to do all the searching in this overwhelming item specific complexity eBay created.
I guess this item specific idea might have came out from someone who probably only high school graduated, probably even lower.
We all suffer, and it surely would get worse ...