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Low or no sales

Hello - the discussion I started seemed to have disappered.


Is anyone else experiencing drastic drop in sales or no sales at all for days.  We have no sales at all for almost two weeks now during the day from 7 am to mid night.  there are couple of exceptions.  any sale that happened only after mid night and maybe early before 7 am. 


Is anyone aware of anything that is causing this drop in sales.  I appreciate your input.  


Why did my last discussion I started on this disappear?  Am I not supposed to talk about that here?



Message 1 of 279
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278 REPLIES 278

Re: Low or no sales

I have been doing this for years now no sales for days I think EBAY should lower or lose some of the fees to help sellers.

Soon there won't be any reason to keep on selling if I pay more fees then money made.

I guess it might be time to try some thing new!!!

Message 211 of 279
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Re: Low or no sales

I agree that EBAY is doing something or worst nothing to help sellers stay a float.

Message 212 of 279
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Re: Low or no sales

It's frustrating for me that sellers don't understand the change that has occurred through the years when it comes to e-commerce. 20 yrs ago - computers were just becoming affordable for the everyday Joe. Ebay was unique - an auction site where the thrill of bidding was more fun than the actual prize. Everyone sat and waited to see if they won.


Then other internet sites opened up with similar formats and Ebay, tho still the top, was not the only game in town - so changes were made to accomodate a new cliental who didn't want to wait for an auction to end - they wanted to Buy It Now.


20 years have passed - where there were only a few sites to purchase from online - you now have millions. Due to so many sites and internet shopping - B&M stores have closed their doors due to lack of sales. Ebay is no different than that B&M like Sears - where everyone shopped for their Craftman tools - it has lost customers and continues to try to change and adapt to the new era.


I think - we are going to see sales continue like this from here on out - not because Ebay isn't trying - but because ecommerce has grown. It's easier to use social media sites to buy now and get the item within a day vs waiting to see if it will be mailed. I can examine that item before I hand over my money. These sites are in trend right now and will continue to be popular for a long time.


I'm still making sales - so will continue to use Ebay - but I plan to examine some of this newer local seling sites as well as social media. Please look at what's happening in the world around you instead of just focusing on your feelings that Ebay isn't doing enough. There is only so much any site can do to stay afloat and competitive. Other sites with similar formats have come and gone - but Ebay is still here - for now - appreciate that but look at the bigger picture of what's happening with consumer purchasing around you.

Message 213 of 279
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Re: Low or no sales

Ebay did not give me any free listings this Xmas season like they did in the past.  Though many will defend the notion that "free listings" are better, overall I believe it hurts sales for all.  Not only are there less items that could have sold... most sellers are also buyers.  I know when I list, I run across many items that interest me.  Free listings gets me on the site more often and the listing process exposes me to more things I might buy.  Ebay was foolish and desperate to go after that $.30 for listings instead of creating traffic.

Message 214 of 279
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Re: Low or no sales

@thatsallfolks wrote:

@marvi.corne wrote:


If you’re paying 25%, you’re doing something wrong.

That's not unusual.  From an accounting standpoint, you need to include shipping paid by buyers as income, and then shipping paid as an expense.  This can easily drive your cost percentage well north of 20%, especially if you sell items that are heavy and have a relatively low selling price.  


Message 215 of 279
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Re: Low or no sales

@tunicaslot wrote:

It's frustrating for me that sellers don't understand the change that has occurred through the years when it comes to e-commerce. 20 yrs ago - computers were just becoming affordable for the everyday Joe. Ebay was unique - an auction site where the thrill of bidding was more fun than the actual prize. Everyone sat and waited to see if they won.


Then other internet sites opened up with similar formats and Ebay, tho still the top, was not the only game in town - so changes were made to accomodate a new cliental who didn't want to wait for an auction to end - they wanted to Buy It Now.


20 years have passed - where there were only a few sites to purchase from online - you now have millions. Due to so many sites and internet shopping - B&M stores have closed their doors due to lack of sales. Ebay is no different than that B&M like Sears - where everyone shopped for their Craftman tools - it has lost customers and continues to try to change and adapt to the new era.


I think - we are going to see sales continue like this from here on out - not because Ebay isn't trying - but because ecommerce has grown. It's easier to use social media sites to buy now and get the item within a day vs waiting to see if it will be mailed. I can examine that item before I hand over my money. These sites are in trend right now and will continue to be popular for a long time.


I'm still making sales - so will continue to use Ebay - but I plan to examine some of this newer local seling sites as well as social media. Please look at what's happening in the world around you instead of just focusing on your feelings that Ebay isn't doing enough. There is only so much any site can do to stay afloat and competitive. Other sites with similar formats have come and gone - but Ebay is still here - for now - appreciate that but look at the bigger picture of what's happening with consumer purchasing around you.

Ebay was unique 20 years ago, and it still is - it's really still the best place to sell the **bleep** from your attic.  It's really the best thing Ebay has going for it and they really should embrace it.  By trying to be Amazon, the best they can do is become a second rate Amazon.  My opinion is that Ebay would be much better off if they tried to be a first rate Ebay.

Message 216 of 279
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Re: Low or no sales

Ebay is still unique - but guess what everyone that is baby boomer age is selling all that stuff they've collected or inherited as they are downsizing to retire. Those items are no longer unique nor wanted by the younger folks.


I see one person sells boots - quite a nice sell thru rate when they only have 56 items listed in a category with over 54,000 items. They've got great pictures - good descriptions and have paid attention to sell them at the right price.


By the way - I haven't gotten and free promos either - but will pay to list an item I think may sell - and my sell thru rate is way lower than yours so take the gamble and spend the 30 cents to list more.


A couple of others sell used clothing - not many people are looking to buy used clothing this time of year - they are looking for new to be given as gifts. Many of these people have less than 200 listings in a category that has millions of items. Being I sell clothing - I'm happy for ech and every sale that comes my way as it's like finding a needle in a haystack.


Many are selling "collectibles" that my grandmother owned. Few people are searching for these. I find these items in the 10 cent trays at garage sales - and they don't sell.


It's much easier for many to close their minds and not see what's going on in the real world around them. Folks are into tech these days. They want the latest designer fashions. They want a new Keurig machine not grandma's percolator.


You will always find some that do enjoy things from the past - or need that part for a repair as they can't afford new - but buying habits and what people are buying has changed - and people still refuse to see this.

Message 217 of 279
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Re: Low or no sales

You will always find some that do enjoy things from the past - or need that part for a repair as they can't afford new - but buying habits and what people are buying has changed - and people still refuse to see this.

I don't buy that.  What's new becomes old and then becomes desirable.  Is everyone interested in "old" stuff?  No, but then it's always been that way - that's why we have stuff that's old, because someone bought it new.  Yet, there always seems to be a market for the older stuff.  Not all of it, of course.  Some stuff becomes junk and stays junk.  When I was in HS in the 80s, 30 years old cars were already desirable.  Now, most 30 year old cars are not desirable.  Yet, there are people half my age who are restoring Model Ts and buying parts.


The market changes, and what people are buying changes, but there will always be a market.

Message 218 of 279
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Re: Low or no sales

I'm not arguing with you that markets will cease to exist - what many here fail to see is that these markets often become smaller either because interest wanes or people can't afford them. The baby boomers had more disposable income than their parents and their kids. We are now retiring - so things we collected and were marketable are not as popular to the younger generation. The market is decreasing for many of these items as there is little interest and loads of these items for sale.


Other markets such as scrapbooking was very popular a few years back - the interest in that is waning as new fads come about. There will always be some that love to scrapbook - but it was a fad for many - now forgotten.



Message 219 of 279
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Re: Low or no sales

Facebook Marketplace is one.
Message 220 of 279
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Re: Low or no sales

<<My December sales so far are 5:1 in other venues. That's stuff that would otherwise be listed on Ebay if they didn't have a hidden limit on my account. They missed out on commissions for over $10k in sales.>>

Message 221 of 279
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Re: Low or no sales

Any hints on other venues? I'm still trying to find ones that will work for me.
As far as this holiday season I think I'm finished with sales, what with the shipping time limit and it looks like I'm in the switch that's turned off at the moment. I really would like to find venues and work on them over the next couple of weeks and be ready for the New Year. I would love to say that I'd be working on my store here, just too unpredictable, so I would like some back ups. Anyway, hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and a great New Year.
Message 222 of 279
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Re: Low or no sales

I think Amazon is taking some Ebayers away but there are people who use both as well as loyal Ebayer.. 

One thing to notice is , if Amazon lowers the price, you better lower the price too otherwise people will not buy it from you. 

Message 223 of 279
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Re: Low or no sales

Ebay gives hides us seller listings even if promoted ebay favors the Chinese sellers and their counterfeit and shoddy items. ebay also turns off your sales for a week then turns them on just befor you have to pay your ebay fees.

Message 224 of 279
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Re: Low or no sales

Sales are way down for most sellers, reason: TOO MANY SELLERS and not enough buyers, plus eBay POS search engine...There are of course other factors, but those are the main two...When I started on here in 2001 it didn't matter what you listed, the views were through the roof, now I can go days or weeks without "the first" view of a newly listed item...It's pathetic, if I had the same exact eBay store I have now 10 years ago, I would not have a chance of keeping up with shipping and packing...As the years have passed and I kept adding more and more items, I was wondering at what point would I have too  many sales to do by myself, well now I have over FIVE THOUSAND ITEMS listed and still have no trouble keeping up with sales, questions, packing and shipping and I have another job too...eBay is a shell of it's former self...I have another smaller store too, haven't made a single sale in almost 2 weeks and it has 250 items...

Message 225 of 279
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