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Lots of watchers but no buys or offers... what is going on?!

Hello, hope you are doing well. Thank you for helping me! Anyway, I have a listing here:


There are a lot of watchers and I have been constantly lowering the price of the item. Why are there no offers or buyers? I am confused, why is this happening? Normally when selling, this does not happen for me. When it reaches 3 watches, it sells on time. Please help, thank you and have a great day! 

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Lots of watchers but no buys or offers... what is going on?!

I heard one eBay seller say International shipping was hurting their sales, but not why. Is this an issue with many us sellers?

Message 31 of 42
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Lots of watchers but no buys or offers... what is going on?!

I have over 290 watchers and very slow sales. I just got 2 low priced sales after a week of no sales. Not understanding why eBay won't let us send an offer to all watching instead of rationing them out to us. It's not spamming it it's allowed once per week at least, it doesn't have to be everyday, but geez! I sell vintage, and antiques to modern. I can't just give items away, I would make no profit. Most all my items are promoted. Is anyone having more sales without promoted listings? I can't lower my prices and get pennies on the dollar. I sell mostly jewelry and even ship them in a free gift box. I see sellers making in the thousands on you tube while I'm just getting by. Not understanding why I have so many watcher's and so little sales. I could contact eBay, but that's a waste of time. They just tell you they will escalate it to comfort you. I list often, have reasonable prices, and great customer satisfaction because I give great service. I tried returns for 14 days and that's when I get remorse buyer's. So that didn't work. I need eBay to actually promote the items I have promotions on. I've seen many with zero views after a month or so. Then I see below my listings that eBay is promoting similar items, som lower prices that I can't see myself giving up profits for. Any suggestions?

Message 32 of 42
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Lots of watchers but no buys or offers... what is going on?!

I don't believe it's the economy at all. People have been using that excuse for years. People that have money and want to buy will pay the price you ask. Of course they may try to haggle, but that's just human nature. One can always decline an offer. I even get other sellers offering me low ball prices. I simply decline. I hate it when I get trolls trying to tell me about my prices are to high on items that are rare, retired, and/or no longer available. I block those trolls. I research my items before putting a price on them which I think is a fair price. 

Message 33 of 42
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Lots of watchers but no buys or offers... what is going on?!

@beachislandtreasures wrote:

I heard one eBay seller say International shipping was hurting their sales, but not why. Is this an issue with many us sellers?



Unlikely to be an issue for very many.  Heck I don't even know what that means or how it could be of a negative impact. 

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 34 of 42
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Lots of watchers but no buys or offers... what is going on?!

Watchers watch.

Viewers view.

Buyers buy.


Having a lot of viewers and watchers may indicate interest in a lisiting, but every Watcher and every Viewer is someone who did not buy.


What's the price point? 

Most of your sales are under $50, with a few others under $200.


Sometimes we get a rash of viewers because another seller has called attention to a similar product, or because something is in the news. 

Message 35 of 42
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Lots of watchers but no buys or offers... what is going on?!

@beachislandtreasures wrote:

I don't believe it's the economy at all. People have been using that excuse for years. People that have money and want to buy will pay the price you ask. Of course they may try to haggle, but that's just human nature. One can always decline an offer. I even get other sellers offering me low ball prices. I simply decline. I hate it when I get trolls trying to tell me about my prices are to high on items that are rare, retired, and/or no longer available. I block those trolls. I research my items before putting a price on them which I think is a fair price. 

Oh the short memories on some things.  


Our economy is doing very well in the US.  Our unemployment rate is extremely low.  However we have other issues.


2022 had an inflation rate higher than any year we have seen for a long time.


2020 through 2021 were what we usually call the Pandemic years.


Not everyone has financially recovered from these events.  The Pandemic years had serious ramifications on millions of people and the income they earned.  Follow that by supply chain issues and rising prices on necessary things like food and gas.  Those rate increases for food and gas have not come down like they should.  Many things we could purchase in 2019 are doubled in price now, to include a hamburger at a drive through.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 36 of 42
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Lots of watchers but no buys or offers... what is going on?!


I have over 290 watchers and very slow sales.


As I understand it Watchers are permanent. If I Watched something of yours in 2019, I would still show as a Watcher on that Unsold item.

Viewers are changeable. Only views from the last 30 days are counted and shown. They are human beings not bots and search engines.

290 people thought your things were attractive. Maybe they put them on their Pinterest board, maybe they have a dream list. But they didn't buy.


Watchers watch.

Viewers view.

Buyers buy.


and even ship them in a free gift box.

It's not free. ALL your costs are part of the asking price. The box is just not a line item. Same principle as Free Shipping. The buyer is still paying for shipping, just not told how much of the asking price is the seller's shipping costs.

Message 37 of 42
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Lots of watchers but no buys or offers... what is going on?!

Is the American Dream still there? Or has it gone?? 

Message 38 of 42
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Lots of watchers but no buys or offers... what is going on?!

Just fyi watchers are often competitors too. I have followed others a few times to see if their items have sold.


Statistically October, November and December are my most profitable months of the year. Can't say I'm seeing that so far this October, but we still have 9 days left in the month, so we shall see.


Hang in there! 

Message 39 of 42
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Lots of watchers but no buys or offers... what is going on?!

Not understanding why eBay won't let us send an offer to all watching


Not all watchers want to receive offers. And eBay limits the amount of offers that can be sent to those who have already received offers previously.


Without such limits, some sellers would just send offers over and over and over....

Message 40 of 42
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Lots of watchers but no buys or offers... what is going on?!

maybe for you, but not for the rest of america. the economy has been completely destroyed by the biden administration. inflation is devastating, all those foreign proxy wars, aid, dei programs, etc do not fund themselves, they require increased taxes along with more money being printed. inflation is called an invisible tax because you don't really feel it, but your purchasing power has been ebbed away gradually. this "economy is fine" line of talk is just establishment rhetoric meant to put people's minds at ease while they take billions of your tax dollars and throw it in zelensky's pocket. i hope that answers your question.

Message 41 of 42
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Lots of watchers but no buys or offers... what is going on?!

Hi everyone,

Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.

Thank you for understanding.

Message 42 of 42
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