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Lost our top seller rating because ...

Just found out we lost our top seller rating - Great googly moogly, oh say it ain't so - not because we did anybody wrong, like shipping stuff late or not at all. Or shipping some socks instead of the boots, a spoon instead of a fork, no rocks in a box ... No cases in years, or listings pulled down, no complicates that we know of, even the 'as described' star is 5/5. Over the last year fifty four feedbacks were left and fifty one of them left stars and again, as described is 5/5. 


Nothing like that, we just did sell enough.


It seems if we had just sold one more item in the last twelve months we would still be a 'top rated seller' - We have taken in enough money - three times more then what they demand - to make them happy, but in too few sales it seems.


"Funny' thing, we did 'sell' more the the demanded 100 items ... but it seems ebay doesn't count the fourteen auctions that were never paid for .... Don't get me started on how managed payments should go both ways -


So to be considered a 'top rated seller' the amount of items sold is counted as just as important as how you treat/deal with 'your' buyer [remember, they are buying from you on ebay, not from ebay]


So I could give all of our buyers a five dollar discount on their items and because we were 'only' paid for 99 of the 112 things 'won' -- 'above standard'


We don't think we didn't sell enough, we think people didn't buy enough. So it's all those look but don't buy people's fault.



AND how come this thing keeps finding html in our posting, all written in the 'body' box.

Message 1 of 27
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Re: Lost our top seller rating because ...

did you read the O.P. post and other member comments?

Message 16 of 27
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Re: Lost our top seller rating because ...

     I've had TRS status off and on over the last couple of decades. My experience is that it doesn't make that much of a difference... just a few minor perks... not worth it for me to get my socks in a wad because occasionally I don't have it. I got a cheap paper "award" the first time I received the status about 22 years ago, and I permanently took it down from my office wall when I moved because it became meaningless over years of getting it, losing it, getting it again, losing it again...

     I really don't care about TRS in the great scheme of things, as my bottom line is not affected to the point of worrying about its "status". The status doesn't get my chest puffed up when I do have it. It's like getting a gold star in grade school... meaningful for just a day or two.

     My sales experience is that many buyers don't care about a seller's TRS that much either... Some seem to buy just as often without even looking at the listing details - just the pictures and the title.

Cheers, Duffy

Message 17 of 27
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Re: Lost our top seller rating because ...

Been selling vintage china for a few years. I lost my  top rated sellers status for only selling 88 items in a 12 month period.  You have to sell 100. I just found out. I have lowered my prices to where I am breaking even or loosing a dollar or two just to get rid of crap. The shipping prices on china which is heavy, cost of bubble wrap, and tape increasing and people not buying unnecessary vintage china hurt my sales. I find the rule a bit stupid because I have 100 percent positive reviews for years from my customers. No other infractions.  Don't bother calling eBay. They will tell you to focus on your sales even if you tell them you cut your prices and your listings are the lowest available for most of your items.. My response is I can't loose money to sell on your forum and we are in a recession people aren't buying unnecessary things. I want my status back as I have been making you guys money for years too. Now , I am not making any profits but you guys are. And why wouldn't I want to sell? I want to sell all my items badly. The problem is there are no buyers.

Message 18 of 27
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Re: Lost our top seller rating because ...

Just another way of squeezing more money out of you,  It happened to me a few weeks ago.
Ebay is no way to run a business.
Sell less, work more, give more money to Ebay,

How does the algorithm work? nobody knows.
How much did I make or lose on that sale? not sure, Ebay makes the fee schedule cryptic.
Contact customer support? good luck with that.
Been scammed? good luck with that to.
Come to the boards for help?  It's you, not Ebay, rah, rah, rah!



Message 19 of 27
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Re: Lost our top seller rating because ...

It's just a metric, it's not a judgment on your worth as a human being, it's just a dry metric where a limit had to be set somewhere. I gain and lose it also and don't even notice. Rah rah rah, I guess.


Old thread- bleh.

No matter how cynical I get, I can't keep up.

Message 20 of 27
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Re: Lost our top seller rating because ...

I was disturbed when I lost TRS but quickly discovered that it had no effect on my sales.


Most of my listings have professional listing images and having Top Ranked Status is worthless if your images are not professional in appearance.


The rules are arbitrary but any rules they come up with will be arbitrary.


It is unlikely that a set of rules which actually defined who are the best of Ebay sellers could be devised without a fee increase, and would probably upset more sellers than the current metrics.


Message 21 of 27
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Re: Lost our top seller rating because ...

TRS no longer matters anyway, it's now who is willing to pay more to be placed higher in search.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 22 of 27
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Re: Lost our top seller rating because ...

Again, a prime example of Ebay being unnecessarily adversarial and punitive towards a seller.

Message 23 of 27
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Re: Lost our top seller rating because ...

@rugerskick wrote:

Again, a prime example of Ebay being unnecessarily adversarial and punitive towards a seller.

Really? Just because they have a fixed number that you have to attain?


You know the old saying "close only counts in horseshoes", should eBay hand out exceptions to anyone that asks? How much wiggle room would you think is appropriate? 90? 80? 50? how about just making it 1 sale and let 99.9% of sellers be "Top Rated".


It's already a meaningless thing given how little it takes, 2 $10 sales per week and you can be TRS


FYI - Seems like the OP has returned to TRS status at some point in the last 9 months.

Message 24 of 27
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Re: Lost our top seller rating because ...

@rugerskick wrote:

Again, a prime example of Ebay being unnecessarily adversarial and punitive towards a seller.

LOL. I guess store rewards programs are also unnecessarily adversarial and punitive towards customers because you only get rewards if you spend a certain amount of money.

Message 25 of 27
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Re: Lost our top seller rating because ...

I've never been anywhere where people take business so personally.

No matter how cynical I get, I can't keep up.

Message 26 of 27
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Re: Lost our top seller rating because ...

Hi everyone,


Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.


Thank you for understanding.

Message 27 of 27
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