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Looks like we'll be paying more for offsite ads


Looks like we'll be paying more for offsite ads


        You hit the nail squarely on the head. Promoted listings and promoted offsite ads are a terrible idea for sellers to use!  As a seller you are basically paying ebay  extra to bring traffic-NOT TO YOUR LISTING... but to ebay in general because as soon as someone clicks through from offsite- ebay floods your listing page with other people's promoted listings.   You are being a patsy when you fall for this trick.

      Part of ebays value or obligation to sellers in exchange for their fees is to bring traffic to our listings.... now they are tricking sellers into paying this obligation. Its double dipping! 

     And if you are paying 17 cents per click- please understand that ebay is paying google 13 cents for that same click and keeping the other 4 cents. (example- nobody really knows what the real split is because there is never any transparency with ebay- that is how you know you are being manipulated and ripped off.

   Plus- as brought up before- if you use offsite promoted ads- that negates your listings from showing up in the regular spots on google.   

   I know a seller that tried this a couple months ago and saw fees after fees for clicks and saw very little if any boost in sale and worse yet had no idea what the fees were for or what sales they were tied to so there was no way to justify if the ads worked.   Its a complete scam to separate sellers from their money

Message 16 of 20
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Looks like we'll be paying more for offsite ads


Rule of thumb:


If a seller is (like me) a single quantity listing seller, ANY Pay Per Click system is a hard no.

That goes for this, and it goes for Promoted Listings Advanced. 


There may be some exceptions, but the average single quantity seller should not even think about this. 


And this, in particular, is an incredibly opaque system. 


Now, that doesn't mean a multi quantity listing seller with some real business savvy can't come out ahead here.  but it does MEAN no one should consider this unless they take the time to fully understand how this works. For exampe, seller does not decide  the cost per click, ebay does. And it is dynamic, today it might be five cents, tomorrow it might be ten cents, the following day it might be eight cents. And it is entirely possible that each day, Google is seeing 3 cents of that, and the rest goes to ebay. We won't know, and we aren't told. "You will be charged for clicks on your ads based on your target budget." Which is to say, as far as I can tell, no matter what, we will be sure to spend your full daily budget. 


Now, ebay recommends you run a "Continuous campaign" (non-ending). But note that if you do:


"When you choose to run a continuous campaign, eBay will calculate your total monthly budget as (30.4)*(average daily budget). Over the course of your campaign, you will not be charged more than this total budget per calendar month. However, as marketplace demand fluctuates, eBay may spend more or less than your average daily budget to capitalize on interested buyers when the demand is there on a per day basis.

For example, if your average daily budget is $10 for a continuous campaign, you won’t be charged more than $304 per calendar month. On a daily basis, though, you may be charged up to $20 or as low as $0, but the average over the course of your campaign will not exceed $10 per day.

If you end a campaign prematurely, you may be charged up to 2x your average daily budget on a daily basis. This is because the campaign may not have had the chance to average out the budget over time."


In other words, that daily budget of, say, $10 doesn't mean ebay can only spend $10...ebay can double that, as long as in you aren't charged more than the max determined on a monthly (well, 30.4 basis). So, when you set the daily budget, it's more like setting a 30.4 days budget.


Will this be worth it? Well, as always with ads, it's a question of ROI. If you set a $10/day budget on a continuous cycle, you can be certain that by the end of 30.4 days, you will have spent $304.00  Obviously, if your sales have grown by, say, $10,000, that's money well spent. If they've gown by , say, $350.00, that's not money well spent.


And remember, every click takes the buyer to your listing, but since your listing shows the buyer , what, 50 to 100 other listings, you are effectively paying to advertise ebay generally and your competitors specifically. 


Again, I don't doubt that there are some sellers who can make this work and who will be very happy to have this option. But judging by many posts I've seen here, of sellers who don't take the time to read the rules, etc and just jump in to things...these are dangerous waters for those who do not fully inform themselves of how this works.







Message 17 of 20
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Looks like we'll be paying more for offsite ads

Please do not give e-bay any ideas. 

Message 18 of 20
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Looks like we'll be paying more for offsite ads

@sunwave_shop wrote:

Is it worth offsite ads on eBay? Can we increase sales? I need an answer.. thanks 

LoL.   You want a general, one-size-fits-all all answer?

A free answer?  

OK, here it is:   No.


But, it does depend:   What do you sell?   What is your average sales price?   How much do you spend on promotion now?  How successful is it?   Have you tested sales before promotion, and after?  If so, what were the results?   If you didn't ... why not?   

What is your sell-thru rate?   What was your gross income last year?  What is your current advertising budget?   How much are you willing to increase your advertising budget?  What are your goals?


Answer all those questions with a great deal of specificity ... send $1000 to me in bank check or money order and I will do a full analysis and feasibility study with recommendations. 

I'll have it back to you within 30 days of submission.



Message 19 of 20
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Looks like we'll be paying more for offsite ads

That 0.17 per click.  Think about that the next time your cat is slapping the mouse around on your desk for attention.

Message 20 of 20
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