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Listings removed because "it appears you listed stolen property"

Hello all-  I posted about toner a couple weeks ago. Yet again, new toner is the problem. Got an email from ebay tonight stating the above. Quick background- I own an electronics recycling company and sell viable equipment on ebay often that has been dropped off for recycling. We get toner in everyday, from multiple businesses and agencies. None contain a serial number, how they were deemed stolen is beyond me- they were not. I fear someone has a vendetta against me- the toner buyer I fought with last week, comes to mind. 

Anyway, a legal and law enforcement investigation has been launched. eBay will give me no information, nor my attorney, as any requested information must come from a local law enforcement office (I'm not getting the cops involved over eBay.

Anyone had this happen to them? Advice?

Message 1 of 36
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Listings removed because "it appears you listed stolen property"

I hope you have signed contracts with everyone who drops off stuff with you? Are you paying for these drop offs? Because, if you pay, people looking for quick cash could be selling you stolen stuff. I know some recycled stuff has the logos or engravings of the previous owners, so that may be something that triggered an investigation. 



Message 2 of 36
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Listings removed because "it appears you listed stolen property"

We don't pay for anything and don't charge for recycling. I do have signed contracts. This I can unequivocally say, was not stolen property.
Message 3 of 36
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Listings removed because "it appears you listed stolen property"

Then there is really nothing to worry about. Maybe eBay saw something suspicions about your listings. I do know that many sellers of recycled items have almost too good to be true prices. I recently bought new electronic items at way below the market price from one such seller. It could your prices are fantastically so low that eBay or someone thought they were too good to be true. 

Message 4 of 36
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Listings removed because "it appears you listed stolen property"

Living here in NYC and being somewhat street smart it's rare that there is an area of crime I'm unaware of.  After all we are on the cutting edge of crime, new trends often originate here and take years to get picked up on elsewhere.


I have not heard of anyone stealing ink out of printers to turn in for recycling for no money. Even the dullest people usually think crime through better than that.


The used and surplus ink I've come across is barely profitable if you get it for free, it's not a high crime/fraud item.  Maybe some California Eco-terrorists would steal it to recycle. Or a gang of squid/octopi too lazy to produce their own in the ordinary glandular way. But those theories are unlikely.


I would guess that the competition is reporting you. If you are recycling ink that would otherwise go to the land fill you are doing a great service to the planet and to low income Americans who might not be able to afford new ink. But you are probably also undercutting people who buy new ink from a distributor to resell on ebay.  They would like to see you go away and don't mind dirtying up their soul to do it.


That makes a lot more street sense than you running a stolen ink cartel. Unfortunately there is no viable way to combat it other then lay off selling ink for awhile. If the reports keep coming in on your listings you will get banned from selling. There is no mechanism for you to get justice, just an algorithm to identify you as a problem. Sometimes you need to shift focus a little here rather than get martyred on the cross of what is right and wrong.

Message 5 of 36
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Listings removed because "it appears you listed stolen property"

Listings removed because "it appears you listed stolen property"




Can ebay do that? How can something appear stolen? Either it's stolen or it isn't.


If one of my listings were cancelled and i received such a notice, you better believe i would demand an explanation from ebay.

Bye Bye Love - The Cars
Message 6 of 36
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Listings removed because "it appears you listed stolen property"

@inhawaii wrote:

Listings removed because "it appears you listed stolen property"




Can ebay do that? How can something appear stolen? Either it's stolen or it isn't.


If one of my listings were cancelled and i received such a notice, you better believe i would demand an explanation from ebay.

Oh I believe that, but what do you think the usual suspects at the Customer Service center are going to tell you?


That having been said...

I found it highly interesting that ebay is delisting items based on (supposed) reports of stolen merchandise.

I mean, nothing else seems to work.


Message 7 of 36
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Listings removed because "it appears you listed stolen property"



So I picked a random item to test report and here is what I found:

Read carefully the underlined part...

Something about law enforcement AND ebay PROACT members?


Message 8 of 36
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Listings removed because "it appears you listed stolen property"

@slati_2013 wrote:

Then there is really nothing to worry about. Maybe eBay saw something suspicions about your listings. I do know that many sellers of recycled items have almost too good to be true prices. I recently bought new electronic items at way below the market price from one such seller. It could your prices are fantastically so low that eBay or someone thought they were too good to be true. 

There is certainly something to be worried about, with enough reports and flags on his listings he will be banned from selling.


It's not just sellers of recycled items. Some of us just have old junk we want to get rid of fast. List it cheap and you can keep pushing out inventory. The opposite of the strategy where you list it really high while hoarding faster than you can sell. I know people who built up so much ebay inventory they couldn't find the cat when it died.


You are correct that some people (competitors) can't keep the finger off the report button when they see a good deal. I had a Gucci key chain from the 1970's with an iron clad pedigree. My neighbor who gave it to me got it from her boss in the 70's and said it was "flash for trash" and I should sell it for $20 so as not to screw anyone. I listed it at $40 and the listing got pulled almost instantly. Similar was going for $168 so mine must be fraud.


Didn't dare relist it so sold it for $150 elsewhere and apologized when I gave her $75. It's getting really hard to give anyone a deal.  

Message 9 of 36
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Listings removed because "it appears you listed stolen property"

Odd this is the 2nd post on this board this month about toners being pulled for being stolen . 

Was yours Xerox?

Either way look at this post

Message 10 of 36
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Listings removed because "it appears you listed stolen property"

"We set up the PROACT team in 2007 to collaborate with both retailers and law enforcement agencies to identify and remove sellers of stolen goods from eBay and support criminal prosecutions against those sellers. The PROACT team has enlisted over 300 retailers to join the PROACT program and provide the team with leads on potentially harmful sellers."


No confusion here. 

300 retailers to join.

You've been pushed out by the competition, and ebay will stand behind them.

Message 11 of 36
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Listings removed because "it appears you listed stolen property"

This may not help the OP's situation but personally if I dropped something off at their shop for recycling I would expect it to be recycled and not sold on Ebay.  Maybe some of the customers that are being duped into thinking their items are being recycled saw the listed ?

Message 12 of 36
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Listings removed because "it appears you listed stolen property"

@coolections wrote:

This may not help the OP's situation but personally if I dropped something off at their shop for recycling I would expect it to be recycled and not sold on Ebay.  Maybe some of the customers that are being duped into thinking their items are being recycled saw the listed ?

I'd guess the motivation for recycling is to have something go to use rather than end up in a landfill. If it's melted down for it's raw materials that's good but it's even better if it can be reused without expending the resources to melt it down and remanufacture something else.


Lets say I take my beer cans to a recycler. Should I be more or less angry if he sells them as cans or melts them down and sells them as aluminum ingots? Seems to me if I'm going to get mad about someone making money on my recyclables I should not be recycling in the first place. 



Message 13 of 36
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Listings removed because "it appears you listed stolen property"

But you're being logical 😛 

Message 14 of 36
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Listings removed because "it appears you listed stolen property"

@coolections wrote:

This may not help the OP's situation but personally if I dropped something off at their shop for recycling I would expect it to be recycled and not sold on Ebay.  Maybe some of the customers that are being duped into thinking their items are being recycled saw the listed ?


I do understand salvaging or reclaiming the item for its parts, recovering any unused toner and so on is considered recycling in its purest form, but I would consider refilling a cartridge and reselling it for a fraction of the cost of new to be a form of recycling as well, granted that's just my opinion.


Message 15 of 36
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