03-15-2024 06:06 AM
eBay used to display your total lifetime sales number in your profile account area. Do they still show this somewhere? It was simply a monetary value of the total of all your sales from the inception of your account. Where can I find this now?
03-15-2024 06:23 AM
I noticed this went 'missing' a few weeks ago, but a search of the forums seems to indicate it's been gone for years.
I hope I'm wrong. It's such a simple stat. I mean, I *could* get it from my tax files, but still.... why remove it?
03-15-2024 07:32 AM
It went away when they removed the Powerseller program. I would like to see that number return in some location, somewhere.
03-15-2024 07:36 AM
Bummer. I enjoyed checking it every few years just to see the number quick and easy!