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Let's Share ALTERNATIVE Programs to Replace TURBOLISTER!!

For sellers that are still using TurboLister, we are all painfully aware that at some point it will be retired and no longer available for us to use.  


With the announcement of TL being retired this month on the UK site, it puts us all on notice here on the US site.  


In an effort to prepare and be ready for the demise of TL so that we do not experience any down time for our businesses, I thought it would be a good idea to be a bit proactive and get some advice from experienced users of other programs.


Speaking for myself, some of the important points with TL are [in no particular order]:

1. The ability to work and create listings offline.

2. The ability to store lots of templates.

3. The ability to store 1,000's of old listings for future use.

4. The ability to work with multiple Ebay IDs

5. The ability to pull Ebay listings in and mass edit, then update the listings on Ebay.


I know there are more.  But this at least gets the conversation started.  For those of you out there using other listing programs, please share your pros and cons.  To include pricing if you know that.  This thread is intended to help sellers that are currently using TL and need to work our way onto another program BEFORE we are cut off from the program all together.


I think an important part of a new program would be the ability transfer the info we have in TL into the new program chosen to move forward with.  So if you know if this is possible, please share.


I look forward to learning more on this subject.


Thank you in advanced for your time and willingness to help.


mam98031  â€¢  Volunteer Community Member  â€¢  Buyer/Seller since 1999
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Let's Share ALTERNATIVE Programs to Replace TURBOLISTER!!

This is already occurring on another thread.  You might want to continue to address that there.

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Let's Share ALTERNATIVE Programs to Replace TURBOLISTER!!




Or roll your own using File Exchange


There many be one or two more that I'm not aware of but desktop applications are few and far between.


I didn't mention a couple of others for the simple reason that they are VERY expensive (ie: Hundreds of Dollars/month).



Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
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Let's Share ALTERNATIVE Programs to Replace TURBOLISTER!!

Thank you for the link.  That thread is talking about TL and if or when it is going to be retired.  And what Ebay is currently recommending and what they aren't.  Certainly some important information on that thread as you and I have both participated on it.  But the subject on that thread is not about alternatives to TL.  Which is what this thread is intended to be.  


I welcome your insight to any of the programs out there that might be able to replace TL for some sellers.  

mam98031  â€¢  Volunteer Community Member  â€¢  Buyer/Seller since 1999
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Let's Share ALTERNATIVE Programs to Replace TURBOLISTER!!

@castlemagicmemories wrote:

This is already occurring on another thread.  You might want to continue to address that there.

To further clarify, posts 44, 48 etc.


Re: Turbo Lister latest situation
in reply to 02-05-2019 08:55:08 AM



I know of others who have the same issues. Many are powerusers. I do not know how they have gotten by for so long.


I imagine that eBay can see, in their data, the communications channels, that members use. This may be the one ray of hope, if there are enough of you, eBay may...something.


They have not called me lately, to ask my opinion, so I really am as much in the dark as anyone else.


I have good internet. Not cheap, but it is fast and not error prone.


I can not recommend any listing packages, as I do use FileExchange and SellerHub. I have heard that some of the packages can be reasonable for small accounts. Have you looked at any?


I have found that when many use a new package, that they filter their comments/feedback about such, through their emotional viewpoints, instead of giving the package a fair appraisal.


Each package will have it's good points and it's failings. Sometimes, a user needs to just decide to overcome the bad and get on with the job.


Take FileExchange, for instance. It has a learning curve, yes. Once you get past that, it works great. But it is not perfect. It does not give you category choices to choose from. You have to find this info for yourself and plug it into the spreadsheet. It will list thousands of items at one time, after you have gone though each of those thousands, one at a time, and defined the correct category. Also it does not give you hints about item specifics. Again, it is a one at a time, approach. But once you have done these things, you can list in batch, just like TurboLister.


SellerHub is definitely a one at a time approach. My partner lists this way. Even tho I can list many more than her, at one time, she outperforms my efforts. She is a terrific typist and can go though the Advanced listing form very quickly. This, of course, requires reliable and fast communication speeds.


The eBay mobile app works well for many members. It's ability to scan barcodes and attach images to  listings is awesome. But it uses the Quick lister and that program's limited options. I would like her to try the desktop site on a tablet. More real estate, and could use the Advanced listing form. Again...Communications.


Anyway, if anyone reading has any fair comments/feedback about any listing program that you use or have tried, other members here really need to hear about it. Please include both pluses and minuses, why you still use it, or why you stopped. I fear that the biggest issue with listing packages is not in the way they work, but the lack of customer support connected to the package, when it does not work well.

eBay is continually updating this site. Some advice given may have changed. Please reply to this thread, to let us know if this advice works for you. The links on the bottom of any eBay page can help you deal with most eBay issues. Contact eBay Customer Service on or



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Let's Share ALTERNATIVE Programs to Replace TURBOLISTER!!

Thanks for the link castle - but the thread is primarily talking about TL and the fact that it will be discontinued. Posters would have to read through 3 pages of a lot of posts which are not relevant to get to the posts that do mention an alternative. I think this thread is appropriate as sellers can post here the alternatives as well as provide other sellers with their  reviews of these products.

Message 6 of 100
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Let's Share ALTERNATIVE Programs to Replace TURBOLISTER!!

All GREAT information as shared on the other thread.  But as Dolly stated and I quote "I can not recommend any listing packages, as I do use FileExchange and SellerHub".  


Having some information on alternatives is a good thing to have.  It gives sellers information for thought and research so they can find their path to the right answer for them when they must stop using TL or even migrate there before that happens.  Depends on the needs and wants of each seller.

mam98031  â€¢  Volunteer Community Member  â€¢  Buyer/Seller since 1999
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Let's Share ALTERNATIVE Programs to Replace TURBOLISTER!!



Tagging you over here. Thank you so much for all of your tireless attention to us poor TL saps over on the Tools & Apps board. Your advice saved my bacon more than once. You're a gem!


I think a new, clean thread to discuss possible options for when TL is retired is perfectly fine and appropriate for interested sellers.


I've narrowed my choices down to three- SixBit, WonderLister, and AuctionWizard.


I used AuctionWizard way back when, and did like it. The price is cheaper than it was way back then. I'll probably try the free trial before my final decision. I only stopped using it because I quit ebay completely for awhile.


I loved Blackthorne until ebay bought it and changed it.

Déjà Moo: The strange feeling that I've heard this bull before...
Message 8 of 100
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Let's Share ALTERNATIVE Programs to Replace TURBOLISTER!!

I just posted this in the other topic mentioned in this topic. Post 53 of


Here is a copy of that post.


I did some research on alternatives to Turbo Lister a couple of years back. The lowest cost computer based alternative to Turbo Lister is Wonder Lister at 5$ per month for the Beginner Plan. It is computer based (Windows computers) like Turbo Lister so you can work offline and upload your listings.


The Beginner Plan allows up to 1,000 active listings on eBay, that is, 1,000 listing running on eBay with up to two eBay accounts and listing on one eBay site. (More plans available with more active listings, more eBay accounts, more sites, more features) It can store more than 1,000 listings in its data base as long as no more than 1,000 are active (I asked their marketing a couple of years ago). So it should be able to hold thousands of listing saved over the years.


For more information on this product do an internet search on Wonder Lister to find their site. They also have forums like here so you can get ideas of the issues with the product and how well their support handles it.


As I understand it, you need to do a Turbo Lister export to CSV file and then import that into WonderLister. Same method for any third party tool to get old non-active listings into their system. Active running listings can be captures by the the third party software.


I stopped selling years ago so I never bought it and installed. I have read reviews online and there are good and bad reviews. It seems to get 3.5 or 4 stars out of 5 when checking review web sites.


This would be the package I would try to replace Turbo Lister. Of course, there is a learning curve like all software so be prepared for some pain learning to list with it.


If there are any WonderLister users reading this topic, please post your opinions of the product.


Other computer based alternatives to Turbo Lister are rare. (I think Six Bit is computer based but starts at 19.95 per month). Most are web based. (Auctiva, Inkfrog, Seller Source Book and so on). So if you have a poor internet connection for working online or pay data charges, computer based is your best choice.


Disclaimer: I only researched Wonder Lister and never actually installed or used it. I am not affiliated with WonderLister in any way. This post is my opinion based on my research a couple of years back. I am not recommending this product over others.

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Let's Share ALTERNATIVE Programs to Replace TURBOLISTER!!

There are plenty of sellers, especially newer ones, who may be interested in a 3rd party listing/business program. Some have probably never even heard of TurboLister, as it's demise was announced a couple of years ago (where did the time go?).

The other thread discussed TL exclusively, and then went OT to alternatives. People who don't know or don't even care about TL aren't going to read all of it. This thread could be considered a spin-off to discuss the alternatives, offer experiences, give recommendations, etc.  Not a duplicate.


It's no different than discussing alternatives to ebay labels for postage.

Déjà Moo: The strange feeling that I've heard this bull before...
Message 10 of 100
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Let's Share ALTERNATIVE Programs to Replace TURBOLISTER!!

I do not know if I post post links to Wonder Lister and other tools but I will try. Hopefully not an issue. Just posting for computer based tools like Turbo Lister, not web based tools.


Wonder Lister


Features and Pricing.


Forums for Wonderlister (not active with last post in 2018)


Six Bit Solutions


Here is an old topic (Jan 2017) discussing Six Bit and Wonder Lister on the Canada forums. Still relevant.







Message 11 of 100
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Let's Share ALTERNATIVE Programs to Replace TURBOLISTER!!

@moo*cow*corner wrote:

There are plenty of sellers, especially newer ones, who may be interested in a 3rd party listing/business program. Some have probably never even heard of TurboLister, as it's demise was announced a couple of years ago (where did the time go?).

The other thread discussed TL exclusively, and then went OT to alternatives. People who don't know or don't even care about TL aren't going to read all of it. This thread is a spin-off to discuss the alternatives, and not a duplicate.

Very important points, thank you for sharing your point of view.  I actually hadn't thought of that.  I guess I just have tunnel vision on my needs on this because I do use TL.


Hopefully we will gain some good insight from many sellers to help all of us with this subject.

mam98031  â€¢  Volunteer Community Member  â€¢  Buyer/Seller since 1999
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Let's Share ALTERNATIVE Programs to Replace TURBOLISTER!!

You are quick on the draw! LOL! I have edited and added to that post...ha!
Déjà Moo: The strange feeling that I've heard this bull before...
Message 13 of 100
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Let's Share ALTERNATIVE Programs to Replace TURBOLISTER!!

Here is a link to a review comparing Wonder Lister and Six Bit. Has some detailed experiences with both products.

Message 14 of 100
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Let's Share ALTERNATIVE Programs to Replace TURBOLISTER!!

Thanks for the thread! I'm most interested in a product to help me organize and track my inventory. Despite my best efforts, I've been moving slower than anticipated in redoing my "warehouse."  As soon as that's done, I'll be ready to start listing. BRB Looking for motivation 😉

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