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Leaving feedback as a seller

I am a long time eBay seller and buyer, and when sellers wait to see if I've left them feedback before leaving feedback from my purchase it really makes me mad.  Feedback as a seller means, the seller leaves feedback about the transaction, i.e., paid promptly, answered questions quickly, etc.  The feedback should be left for the buyer as soon as the seller receives payment or at least as soon as the item is shipped. 

Come on sellers, you can even set up automatic feedback's and you don't have to do a darn thing.  

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Leaving feedback as a seller

If it helps you at all, I just gave you a helpful thumbs up on your original post.

Message 16 of 133
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Leaving feedback as a seller

@bigdeals.etc wrote:


Off topic but one of my favorite lines in a commercial. I think it was a car dealership.


"We accept ALL credit applications no mater how bad your credit!"  Sure they accept all applications. But they don't approve them.


Another one of my favorites.


"Everything we have is IN STOCK!"

Sea Of Love - The Honeydrippers
Message 17 of 133
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Leaving feedback as a seller

I would agree with you for the most part.  To me its reciprocal.  I will always leave feedback if feedback is left, or something extraordinary happened (They put amazing care into packaging... really helped out with something... etc).  If a seller doesn't take the time to leave feedback, Its not important enough so I won't bother either.   When I sell something, I leave feedback the moment that money is in the pipeline.  Does it suck when I dont get feedback in response, sure... but I put my best foot out there as a seller.

Message 18 of 133
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Leaving feedback as a seller

I leave it after the buyer renders payment, but understand why some sellers wait.

Sometimes it may seem like sellers are holding the buyer’s feedback hostage, only releasing it once feedback has been left for them first. Withholding feedback, they believe, will encourage a buyer to come back and leave it, as many buyers do not these days.


Feedback no longer represents what it once did—a primary avenue to define one’s trustworthiness as a trading partner in the community of buyers and sellers. As the platform evolved, eBay dropped a seller’s ability to give poor ratings to buyers, and feedback’s place in the community was altered substantially.


Now feedback is the traditional evaluation of a seller’s standing only. Where it was once a vital part of the community, it has become less important. Fewer buyers leave it, leaving some sellers frustrated. Therefore the withholding of feedback by some sellers hoping it spurs buyers to leave it.

Message 19 of 133
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Leaving feedback as a seller

We used to do it that way - after a few stingers and duds, we decided to leave FB (it is automatic) when the Buyer leaves it for us.  


Usually after the 30 day mark, if they have not left FB for us, I go in and do some manually.  I say "some" as there are usually a few transaction I prefer to not.


I get quite a few repeat buyers - no Buyer has ever emailed or asked me for FB as a Seller.  I really do not think most buyers even care any more.  


Appreciate the perspective, just might have to agree to disagree on this one.  😺

....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

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Message 20 of 133
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Leaving feedback as a seller

@Anonymous wrote:

A long time ago, and someone can correct me if wrong, but I believe that if a buyer left positive feedback, it was a huge decision maker in determining if a buyer won a case or not and would prevent a buyer from even filing a case...

at least I remember something like that, I may be way off.



Back when the playing field was somewhat level.

Could be used as evidence in a case in the past:

were now days it can not be.

Message 21 of 133
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Leaving feedback as a seller

Feedback in my view reflects how a transaction went from start to finish.


For a buyer transaction is completed when they receive the item, examine it and find that everything is to their satisfaction.


For a seller transaction does not complete when item is shipped.


For a seller transaction is completed when buyer either leaves a feedback or messages the seller confirming that item is received and they are happy with product and service provided by seller and item will not be returned.


If a Seller leaves feedback when item is shipped and buyer opens a bogus INAD case to avoid paying return postage or to bypass a no return listing means seller did not have a positive experience and at present seller does not have the option of leaving a negative feedback and seller not leaving a feedback is the only option available to show that transaction was not to his satisfaction.


Message 22 of 133
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Leaving feedback as a seller

Here is my advice for everyone reading this:


One of the easiest things you can do to increase your success on Ebay is to leave feedback as soon as payment is received. Buyers appreciate that and it shows you have confidence in yourself and your products. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by withholding it.

Message 23 of 133
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Leaving feedback as a seller

Sellers should also be allowed to leave negative feedback on buyers who don't pay, cancel orders, or make false claims but we can't.  

Message 24 of 133
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Leaving feedback as a seller

There is merit in what you say.


Experienced/ professional seller must have 100% confidence in their product and service they provide. 


Unfortunately they get effected by some bad experiences.


I will give due consideration to your advice and I may change my policy of leaving reciprocal feedback automated and then manually after return period has expired.


Message 25 of 133
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Leaving feedback as a seller

I miss the days you could leave negative feedback for a buyer who chose not to pay.  Those were the times.  Now, the buyer can pretty much get away with murder while eBay does nothing.

Message 26 of 133
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Leaving feedback as a seller

I read all the time about the seller feedback received/sales ratio.


What's the average buyer feedback received/purchase ratio? I haven't the faintest idea. 1 out of 3 I'm guessing?

Message 27 of 133
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Leaving feedback as a seller

@bigdeals.etc wrote:

I read all the time about the seller feedback received/sales ratio.


What's the average buyer feedback received/purchase ratio? I haven't the faintest idea. 1 out of 3 I'm guessing?



No idea - but I honestly do not see Buyers complaining about not receiving feedback?


My buyers get an email from us thanking them for their order (from us, not the generic one from e-Bay) - they get a printed "thank you" in with their order and a coupon for a future purchase.  As a Seller, I have "thanked" them for their purchase and invited them to shop with us again.  Happens on every order.  


Appreciate that the OP feels strongly about not receiving "auto" feedback.  To me, it makes no sense - it is automated and is meaningless.  As a buyer, I do appreciate when a Seller takes the time to email me a personalized "thank you" for the order and it is nice when you receive a note in the parcel/box.  Automated FB is not customer service.  At least not to me.

....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 28 of 133
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Leaving feedback as a seller

What feedback means to you does not necessarily mean the same to others. Why send a scripted meaningless feedback? That tells you the shallowness of the feedback system in itself when scripted feedbacks are automated..

Message 29 of 133
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Leaving feedback as a seller



< Sellers should also be allowed to leave negative feedback >    


There are arguments on either side of this, but do you know eBay's reason for prohibiting sellers from giving negative feedback to their buyers? 


eBay removed the ability of sellers to give negative feedback to their buyers in 2008.  Management worried that buyers would feel inhibited from giving honest feedback to the sellers for fear of sellers retaliation.  See the rest of the story at  scroll down to #4.  


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