10-06-2024 01:20 PM
I do expect to be impacted by Milton, but I'm quite a bit inland so it might not have a big effect, but it's better to schedule temporary TIME AWAY and not need it than to NOT schedule it and be unable to ship due to power outages and closed post offices in your area. I just wanted to share what was on my mind. Everyone be safe!
10-10-2024 08:49 AM - edited 10-10-2024 08:49 AM
10-10-2024 08:56 AM
10-10-2024 10:27 AM
As OP, I hope everyone survived the storm with minimal damage. I just now canceled my TIME AWAY, we had no damage that requires an insurance claim (although I'm sure my rates will go up anyway). I appreciate everyone who clicked "helpful" on my post, I earned a new badge! Be safe and "Happy Sales to You!!!"
10-10-2024 10:29 AM
Thank you for defending me! 🙂
10-10-2024 10:38 AM
It was just a suggestion, you have 100% feedback so you're definitely doing something right! Best of luck to you during the upcoming seasonal sales season!