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Items are not getting views all of the sudden

I listed some Fernando Tatis Jr. cards on my account yesterday after I sold a bunch from some auctions I started last week. The ones that I listed last week were getting significantly more views than the ones that I’ve listed yesterday despite them being the same cards that I sold last week (I have a ton of duplicate sports cards and I prefer to auction them instead of having a BIN price with a large quantity). Someone please give me some insight on this issue. Thank you in advance. 

Message 1 of 67
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Items are not getting views all of the sudden

A lot of people have been complaining the views have been wonky and low.  I wonder if ebay will address this formally. There is probably something going on with the views due to the new promoted listings. I would try to make an IT report with CS. 

Message 2 of 67
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Items are not getting views all of the sudden

Don't know if its related but there are lots of sellers over on the Reddit Ebay subforum who are wondering why their sales and views have suddenly taken a hit. People who sold multiple items daily are now not selling anything for weeks. Some sellers are down 100 percent. I myself noticed a bizarre and sharp dropoff in views. Something is going on, but it is doubtful Ebay will tell us why. Some are wondering if it isn't that searches are being throttled purposefully so that people will participate in Promoted Listings, tho some are reporting a downturn even though they have promoted. No one can figure out what is going on, but with supply chain slowdowns, its best that Ebay sellers diversify and sell on other platforms. something is not right and I have been here since 2003. 

Message 3 of 67
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Items are not getting views all of the sudden

Ok I’m glad I’m not all alone. I thought I was going insane and just listing things wrong/listing things that people don’t want at all. 

I listed 100 items over the past 2 weeks (that’s a lot for me) and probably sold only 10 things total out of all my listings. As of right now, all weekend I’ve only sold 2 items both of which are old (prob listed for 2 years). Weekends I usually sell way more and sundays especially, I sell a boatload/have more offers to send. Just nothing right now. It’s dead. I have no clue what’s happening but something is happening.

Message 4 of 67
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Items are not getting views all of the sudden

I would like to report that my views and sales are waaaaaay down also. I am also finished with Auctions...... Last few auctions I am literally paying customers to take my stuff. Oh, and that's with 10+ watchers on items. I don't know what is going on but Auctions are just screwing me on good postings and items ...and I am done. Back to 100% BIN.


Can anyone else confirm for me that they too have been getting screwed with Auction format ?



Message 5 of 67
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Items are not getting views all of the sudden

Yup, I agree everything I have up is promoted and up to 3X the recommended %. Not helping me one iota.......

It's been brutal in June , July ,  August , September

Never in my time with Ebay (1995) has it been this slow. I  am not even getting low ball offers ..............

Message 6 of 67
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Items are not getting views all of the sudden

Me too!  It's like views and sales fell off the cliff, although today was more normal.  Views are way down, not even the obligatory 1 view you get when you share a listing to pinterest or something.

Message 7 of 67
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Items are not getting views all of the sudden

I'm in the same boat I used to have 20 plus views in minutes now I have 20 in days I called ebay, emailed ebay, chated with ebay and they keep saying nothing is wrong but I know there is something wrong this is not normal I just hope it gets fixed soon since there is a lot of people losing a ton of money because of this 

I wouldn't be surprised if ebay is doing it to get everyone to promote items 

Message 8 of 67
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Items are not getting views all of the sudden

Not applicable

I've thought others were crazy talking about this.......but my newest listings have 0 or 1 view in the last few days.

Definitely frozen, not available, or not being seen. Some are also promoted (PLS).

There is definitely a wall up. I wonder how long it will last since eBay is denying it.

Message 9 of 67
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Items are not getting views all of the sudden


Could this all be a general slow down in purchasing from people in general? 


  • No more $300.00/week "enhanced unemployment" benefits from the Feds
  • No more unemployment benefits for the self employed
  • People suddenly realized that "pandemic unemployment assistance" is not their new career?


There are some who have been enjoying a very long paid vacation and perhaps they are now realizing that they have to get back to reality.  There is also the more serious problem of people who are renters and are behind in payments possibly being forced out of their living environments.  Plenty of uncertainty going around will make the general public tighten up their belts so fast that it will make the non food retail sector scramble big time.


Wall street isn't feeling good and have been having sell offs...nothing like a little uncertainty in people's 401K plan to suddenly make them feel poor.



Message 10 of 67
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Items are not getting views all of the sudden

That doesn’t explain why my view count went down from over a hundred last week to 0-5 now. Plus, even if that was the case and people were “getting back to reality” and saving money and whatnot, you could bet your bottom dollar that people would still be at least checking out the listing. I believe that either my listings aren’t showing up in searches, or the view count is simply broken. None of this makes sense considering everything was normal (for me, at least) within the past week. 

Message 11 of 67
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Items are not getting views all of the sudden

Such a peculiar situation. I haven’t been selling for too long but I haven’t had anything like this happen to me. I’ve heard of others having this problem in the past. When did it start happening for you?

Message 12 of 67
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Items are not getting views all of the sudden

Not applicable

It kinda seems like eBay shut down PLS so that sellers would PLA.......I'll end all of my listings first, they aren't being seen anyway.

That's a groin shot eBay, very scummy thing to do but not surprised considering what this platform has become as of late.

Message 13 of 67
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Items are not getting views all of the sudden

I looked at my listings that I put up this morning and the views are down but not crazy down.  Sales are off but not crazy off yet.  September & October has always been  slow months for me.  It will be interesting to see what experiences others are having.  This is not the first (or second or third) post of this nature recently so I do think that there is something a bit off but it is not happening to me (yet.)

Message 14 of 67
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Items are not getting views all of the sudden

Not applicable

You've just been lucky so far, but will probably be in the next group of sellers taken or the next group after that.

This is intentional for unknown reasons, we are all going down eventually.

I'm thinking it's eBay's way to promote PLA, or they may be big enough at this point that they are done with the smaller sellers.

As wonky as they've been for a while now, not surprised that this is how it would go down.

Message 15 of 67
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