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It's October 2023 - What are your plans, goals, and changes for this month?

October is Halloween, but it's also a good time to think about early Christmas ordering while supplies are still in reasonably good shape.


My personal goal is to increase sales, even if just by one more sale than last month.  To get there, I'm going thru my older inventory looking for elongates I haven't sold before, and will be considering selling partially functional laptops. Generally clients will remove the hdd for security and may remove the memory if it's current enough to be of use in the incoming machines.  Shipping on laptops is manageable, much more so than with desktop systems.  The desktops I've received will be parted out - mobo & cpu, memory, optical drives, data drives (hdd/ssd), and of course add-in cards (usually video or data capture).  The chassis will be donated for recycling, saving me a lot of space.


Not sure what the plan is for October at work - I know we're clearing out a lot of older stuff from the smaller warehouses so we can get rid of them or fill them with newer, more current purchases.  All the online venues are struggling, some less than others, both with product selection and with venue gating of various products (at the manufacturer's request).  One thing I do know for sure -- it's going to be an interesting month!


So, to mangle a CC ad:  "What's in your playbook?"  🙂



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Ask me about SixBit and the tools I use to sell - I'm happy to share!
"A journey of a thousand miles begins by getting off the couch"
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It's October 2023 - What are your plans, goals, and changes for this month?

My sales are up 28% so far this month.  I have sold almost all of my newest dinnerware and finally sold some glasses I have had listed for some time now.  I continue to add my higher dollar listings.  Then fill in with the lower priced items.  I have started to send offers and add best offers to my older listings.   Kinda got into a pinch with a large order that was shipping all the way to Oregon.  I ended up eating 40.00 in shipping cost and she thought she would be getting money back.  I apologized but I have not heard if she received the dishes safely.  It has been 2 weeks.


Hope everybody else is doing well in sales!

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It's October 2023 - What are your plans, goals, and changes for this month?

My October seems to have been better - according to eBay, my sales on two of my IDs are up over 100%!  But that's a lot easier to do when you only had 1 or 2 sales the month before.  😞


Still chugging away on emptying the house.  Having to fight leaky rims on my Expedition... my son mounted a set of 22" chromes on it about 2yrs ago (I think), and they have started leaking, leaving me with low or flat tires each morning.  I was going to get them swapped back to the original stock 17" wheels, but the shop I asked to do that said they couldn't... because the tires I bought less than 10yrs ago were actually 19yrs old!!  Amazed the heck out of me!  The tires were older than my truck!  Even the original spare wasn't that old... so now I have to find a different shop (there's a history of 'misinformation' with this shop).


Work is improving, but mostly because of a great bulk purchase of professional (Snap-on, Matco, MAC, etc) tools.  Sales dollars are up even tho sales volume is down.


Weather has finally cooled off!  Yay!!  I don't mind wearing a jacket in the morning and short sleeves in the afternoon... it's beautiful weather for working in the storage units and garage.  I just have to pace myself... otherwise I spend as much time 'recuperating' as I do working.  By slowing down a bit, I can work longer and recuperate less.


Overall, October wasn't all that bad, and November is hopefully going to continue the improvement.



RKS Solutions LLC logo
Ask me about SixBit and the tools I use to sell - I'm happy to share!
"A journey of a thousand miles begins by getting off the couch"
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It's October 2023 - What are your plans, goals, and changes for this month?

@linda7913 wrote:

Following up on my last post. 


This October is starting to be the same as last October. Friday, I had 4 sales!! For the entire month of September, I had 2 sales, so things are looking better. 


I took the direct approach to listing my inventory. I decided which dolls would stay in my personal collection, which dolls were good enough to sell, and some were donated because they weren't good enough to sell or keep. I have added quite a few new listings and have several more to do. Then I can relax and work on other things until the sales come in.


How are all of you doing? 


I did the same only with clothing. I sold a bunch of stuff out of my own wardrobe over the summer, too. I'm going through everything and deciding what goes into my clearance store on another site and what stays here and what is donated. Kind of refreshing everything and whittling my offerings down hopefully back to 150, but better curated.


Also I'm selling bicycle tires now.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

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