02-25-2023 12:44 PM
Hi everyone,
I've been experiencing this issue only recently where I'll upload about 5 or 6 photos to my eBay listing, but after I finalize adding the details and go to crop, the cropping function seems to be very finicky and works about half the time consistenly.
What I mean by this is I'll crop the first photo and it'll usually save just fine, but when I go to the next photo and crop, I will just get a spinning wheel that will stay there unless I back out and start again which is very inconvenient.
Does anyone else experience this too?
02-25-2023 01:23 PM
I always edit my photos before uploading them rather than try to use the ebay tools.
02-25-2023 01:34 PM - edited 02-25-2023 01:35 PM
This ^^^^^ I have never used any of eBay's photo editing.
If you want an all purpose photo editor that is not ridiculous complicated like Photoshop have a look at Irfanview (it's free).
02-26-2023 04:47 AM
Agree with previous/above posts about not using Ebay edit tools.
Most cell phones have great cameras and relatively easy editing tools included.
Take photos, edit them after your done and upload directly to the Ebay App for your listings.
As previously mentioned there are many Free or Paid programs / apps that you can use on your phone or computer as well.
02-26-2023 07:47 PM
No I have not seen this happen and use the crop tool nearly every day. Do you have sufficient bandwidth for your device? Which browser do you use?
02-26-2023 07:54 PM
Never had a problem adding photographs or editing until this new listing tool came out. Try to load photographs kicked out start again the editing fuction due to the time it takes to do one photograph 45 second to one minute makes it useless to use. I use strictly a desk top.
02-26-2023 10:55 PM
I think most cell phone have bad cameras.
Even my nearly 20 year Canon Rebel 18MB camera with its 18-55mm kit lens, Class 10 SD card and battery grip takes far better and faster photos than a cellphone. A full frame camera would be even better.
I use PhotoShop application to crop and batches, which is partially automated by the use of Actions. I don't use Adobe's subscription version of PS, but an older retail version.
One should not use a cellphone or laptop as they lack the processing power, RAM and storage. I edit photos on a Mac Pro with 48 RAM since the Canon takes 5184 x 3456 photos and I do other graphic work.
You should be using 3rd party listing software on your desktop as its been the fastest way to list for more than 20 years. Using Seller Hub is way too slow to use.
02-26-2023 11:02 PM
You should be using 3rd party listing software on a desktop instead. You construct your listings within the application and they are uploaded by the application, even scheduled when you are not at home. No sitting there babysitting each listing as it uploads.
Get a dedicated crop frame or full frame camera. Much better and faster photos than a cellphone.
Edit photos on a desktop, preferably with two large screens. Cellphones and laptops lack the processing power and RAM.
I crop photos in PhotoShop on a Mac Pro desktop. Its partially automated. I open a batch of images at once in different tabs, crop each one and then use a Action to automatically save each open image. Another Action applies slight color correction when needed - typically on white objects such as paper.
02-27-2023 06:41 AM
yes, i have found this to be true, on my laptop. I will crop, all looks good then it uploads without the crop. I go back in to crop again & it works fine. A mystery to me, extra work too.