05-02-2017 12:38 PM
05-02-2017 12:44 PM
This is not the way to get your limits increased. Limits are placed on sellers to help you become more successful and to ensure a safe experience for all ebay members.
See more here: http://pages.ebay.com/help/sell/sellinglimits.html
Im sure you know this though as you have posted this same question a few times since February.
Hope this helps!
05-02-2017 01:00 PM
Yes, agree with responder.
You have to call ebay and discuss it with them.
This is a member to member board.
05-02-2017 01:04 PM
Tagging OP @the-world-gemstore
05-02-2017 04:24 PM
Um OP is located in Pakistan.
05-03-2017 12:22 AM
ok Thanks Got It