08-26-2024 12:39 PM - edited 08-26-2024 12:41 PM
selling the same cream.
What gives? The only reason I listed that cream is because I saw so many listings selling the same item.
So, did someone report my listing that I just posted like a few hours ago? If so, I'm going to return the favor by reporting all of their listings that are selling the same cream.
Its fair, no?
08-26-2024 12:41 PM
08-26-2024 12:44 PM
Sorry for your situation. Has that listing been removed before? You cannot list prescription drugs or items on eBay. Just because others are doing it, doesn't make it right. They just haven't been caught ....yet. My suggestion is not to dwell on what others do or what and how they sell. Concentrate on your sales and doing the right thing. Do not relist that item as it can jeopardize your account...permanently. Please read this link.
08-26-2024 12:50 PM
No, I've seen this item being sold on ebay for the past few months at least. None of 'their' listings were removed, so its very strange. Someone definitely reported my listing.
I actually bought this cream from overseas for my parents but they don't want to use it, so I'm just trying to recoup my losses.
Thanks for the advise, but I am going to dwell on it and get the person who reported me even if I have to report all of their listings. Its only fair.
08-26-2024 12:55 PM
LOL, I'm looking at listings selling this cream and there's so many and hundreds have been sold without any problem. WTH? I don't get it!
08-26-2024 12:56 PM
I am asking you as a fellow seller who cares....do not relist that item. There is no way to find out who reported you. Most likely it may have been a bot who took down your listing as they are programmed to spot prohibited items. Don't take it personally. Again, just because others are doing it, doesn't make it right. Be smart. You seem to have a cute shop and I'd hate to see you lose it. We all work hard. It's not worth it.
All the best
08-26-2024 01:02 PM
What are you talking about? I didn't say I was going to relist it, I said I am going to report all the listings of that same item that is being sold.
Why would a bot get mine, but not the other listings? Do you want me to post links to all the listings selling that same item here?
08-26-2024 01:09 PM
Bots are bots. Who knows? By all means you have every right to report these other listings & you should.
Good luck
08-26-2024 01:18 PM - edited 08-26-2024 01:24 PM
Yeah, its definitely not a "bot". Of the ten listings I've reported, so far 4 have been taken down.
Also, there's far more than 30 listings. There are 50 listings at least, and probably more. Maybe they're using different accounts but sold by the same people.
08-26-2024 01:46 PM
08-26-2024 01:47 PM
Why was yours taken down and not the others? That is because it's like speeders. You were unlucky and got caught speeding but others fly by you and the cop doesn't chase them,,,,,,
08-26-2024 01:48 PM
@sunny237 wrote:Yeah, its definitely not a "bot". Of the ten listings I've reported, so far 4 have been taken down.
Also, there's far more than 30 listings. There are 50 listings at least, and probably more. Maybe they're using different accounts but sold by the same people.
But you are unable to see the hundreds they've probably already removed off the site just like yours have been. I'm sure others have been removed just like yours as well.
08-26-2024 01:48 PM - edited 08-26-2024 03:25 PM
Okay, so I spoke to an agent via chat and she told me I would be okay to list it as long as I disclose that it is a prescription cream and to go to the the other similar listings and click on "sell now".
08-26-2024 01:51 PM
@sunny237 wrote:Okay, so I spoke to an agent via chat and she told me I would be okay to list it as long as I disclose that it is a prescription cream and to the the other similar listings and click on "sell now".
Mmmmm, tread lightly would be a nice way of wording this warning. CS reps have been widely known to give false info without taking the responsibility. Ultimately it's the seller who would suffer any consequences, not the reps.
08-26-2024 01:52 PM
Maybe. But I just spoke to a live agent via chat and she told me it should be fine to relist it as long as I put the right description.