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I'm sure others have seen this but I haven't ...

Just acquired - legally and they're not old and they're not fake - some high end HBA products.  On the back of the packaging, printed on the box or container and not removable, is:


ebay/amazon in the universal NO symbol - red circle with line - and below that:



Ebay & Amazon are

non-authorized dealers

of our products.

We cannot be responsible 

for product quality, freshness

and performance.



Interesting and frustrating.  Wonder how the company gets away with using ebay and Amazon's trademarked logos on the packaging.


These products are manufacturer sealed and do not have expiration dates.  And I'm calling them NEW.  stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye


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Message 1 of 11
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Re: I'm sure others have seen this but I haven't ...

Interesting.  I have never seen, or heard, of anything like that.

Message 2 of 11
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Re: I'm sure others have seen this but I haven't ...

@castlemagicmemories wrote:

Interesting.  I have never seen, or heard, of anything like that.

Me either. Curious? Were the products made in the U.S.A. ?

Message 3 of 11
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Re: I'm sure others have seen this but I haven't ...

@sharingtheland wrote:

Just acquired - legally and they're not old and they're not fake - some high end HBA products.  On the back of the packaging, printed on the box or container and not removable, is:


ebay/amazon in the universal NO symbol - red circle with line - and below that:



Ebay & Amazon are

non-authorized dealers

of our products.

We cannot be responsible 

for product quality, freshness

and performance.



Interesting and frustrating.  Wonder how the company gets away with using ebay and Amazon's trademarked logos on the packaging.


These products are manufacturer sealed and do not have expiration dates.  And I'm calling them NEW.  stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye

Ok, have no idea what HBA is. Should i feel embarrassed? 


Whatever it is, glad you got them and more power to you for listing them. Wishing you the best in your efforts!

Message 4 of 11
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Re: I'm sure others have seen this but I haven't ...

@fashunu4eeuh wrote:

@sharingtheland wrote:

Just acquired - legally and they're not old and they're not fake - some high end HBA products.  On the back of the packaging, printed on the box or container and not removable, is:


ebay/amazon in the universal NO symbol - red circle with line - and below that:



Ebay & Amazon are

non-authorized dealers

of our products.

We cannot be responsible 

for product quality, freshness

and performance.



Interesting and frustrating.  Wonder how the company gets away with using ebay and Amazon's trademarked logos on the packaging.


These products are manufacturer sealed and do not have expiration dates.  And I'm calling them NEW.  stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye

Ok, have no idea what HBA is. Should i feel embarrassed? 


Whatever it is, glad you got them and more power to you for listing them. Wishing you the best in your efforts!

No need to be embarrassed~you're great, but nobody knows everything!  Smiley Happyheart  It's health and beauty aids.  HBA

Message 5 of 11
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Re: I'm sure others have seen this but I haven't ...



ebay isn't an authorized dealer for anything, though, and never has been.  Smiley Very Happy  The TOS distances ebay from the sellers, though they don't advertise it.

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 6 of 11
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Re: I'm sure others have seen this but I haven't ...

I find this extremely interesting and like the others, I've never heard of this before either.


Have you considered taking this concern to Ebay Facebook and see what they say?

It's important to be aware of where you post a question on our Facebook page. A comment on one of our marketing posts won't be answered, but comments posted directly on our page will.


mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 7 of 11
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Re: I'm sure others have seen this but I haven't ...

Very interesting. I buy Avon here a lot, and some of the creams are way out of date. I have never had a problem, indeed time has made some of them more aromatic and less creamy, which I like. They are well sealed as far as I can tell.

This reminds me of the way manufacturers put expiry dates and bottlers/canners etc put pull dates. Or 'good till' whatever dates. These dates are an attempt to protect themselves. BUT...anything in glass will last for decades if not whacked or temps are kept fairly even. Cans, about ten or so years. Even eggs, lol, last about 6 months, I kid you not...under refrigeration. Mother Earth News did a study on it.

They tell you to throw out herbs after a year...smell them first, and crunch them, if they still smell, use them up. It bothers me that in such a throwaway society we are encouraged to throw away even more.

I grew up in the 60's...reduce, recycle, reuse, repurpose...and there was the 30's. Use it up, wear it out or do without. Throw it out, never.

OK, get that dang soapbox away from me....!
Message 8 of 11
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Re: I'm sure others have seen this but I haven't ...

that's so wrong to do that,eBay doesn't sell anything SELLERS on eBay sell and i bet out of millions of sellers on eBay there are authorized dealers.
Dumb disclaimer label should read "Product 100% Guaranteed when purchased from Authorized dealer" I agree they shouldn't Have eBay name any place that eBay hasn't "Authorized" the use of their name ridiculous disclaimer completely useless,it's a negative message to buyers that accomplishes nothing.
Message 9 of 11
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Re: I'm sure others have seen this but I haven't ...

Add me to the group that haven't seen this before but whatever the product is they must of had enough complaints to them about their products and found out it was being sold here and at amazon second hand to warrant them to officially add it to their packaging/boxing of their product.  Maybe there wasn't no complaints but they want to cover their buts because they are fully aware it is being resold at these places?


I normally work pharmacy and not hba so I will ask her tomorrow if I remember if she seen it on any packages before and I will pay closer attention to my pharmacy products to see if they have any new disclaimer that I haven't seen before.  There could be because I am just used to going fast and getting the job done and don't take the time to read the boxes at all. 

Message 10 of 11
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Re: I'm sure others have seen this but I haven't ...

This reminds me of the way manufacturers put expiry dates and bottlers/canners etc put pull dates. Or 'good till' whatever dates. These dates are an attempt to protect themselves.


You forgot an important part of those expiration date equations:  You'll buy more, sooner.


One of our best friends in The Frozen Tundra is a doctor and he routinely used half of whatever "amount" the box said to use - laundry detergent, etc.  He also paid no attention to expiration dates of certain OTC and prescription medications; he knew which dates were bullpuckey.


PS - He wasn't a quack, far from it.  We did everything he said to do and we're still alive and kicking.  grinning


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Message 11 of 11
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