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I have started to dislike certain types of eBay buyers!

I have started to dislike certain types of eBay buyers!




The buyer new to eBay that thinks all sellers on eBay are Amazon!

They want things rushed to them! They complain when it's

not shipped when they think it should have been!


The buyer who has one feedback by his name, hasn't bought anything

for six months or a year, picks my store, and (1) buys never pays! (2) Buys

receives and complains about it! One of these buyers once told me when asked

what was wrong with the record album he bought, and he said: “I just

didn't like it.” OKAY? Why did you buy it? (3) The buyer who is looking

for a freebie! They buy with the intent to complain ask for a refund, but

keep the item, and never hear from them again! This is very common

now after Managed Payments went into effect.


The bargain hunter, they want everything for half price or even cheaper!

I will not sell a 78rpm record for less than $9.99 for many reasons, So they

will try to ask for $8.00! NO! The one buyer today, another haven't bought for

six months or more, wanted a one dollar discount! The item is $15.99

free shipping, They wanted it for $14.99 and it's okay they said to add

sales tax! As if sellers have anything to do with that!


The story teller type of buyer, and why they need a discount! Everything

from their mom is dying and needs the record but can't pay full price,

to this gem: “Hi, I bought the same item from another seller, but it arrived

damaged is there anyway I could get a discount if I buy your copy, since I

already spent money on the other copy?” NO LIE HERE!


I sell old yearbooks, I take 12 photos of some key pages, home coming queen

cheerleaders, football stars, senior pages, local ads, etc. Onetime I got a request

to look up a student, no problem, then when I told that person yes the student

is featured in the yearbook, they asked of I could take a photo of that page?

At first I thought nothing of it, but when I did, they said: “Thanks, now I don't

have to buy it, I needed it for my Facebook page.” I thought “I will never do that again!”

Then a similar request only this time a “story teller type” of buyer, asked “If there dad

was in this yearbook?” I looked and he was. Second request, can you take a photo

of his photo for me?” I said: “No, I don't do that anymore, and I explained why.”

They threw a fit! They told me “Their dad was on his death bed, and this meant so

much for them to show him his yearbook picture! AND That: “You are a cruel person

it's people like you who make the world a horrible place to live!” I thought

gee wiz, okay okay I will do this one more time, so I took the photo of the photo,

these yearbook photos have screens so the dots close up make the image in the

photo I took and uploaded horrible! So when I sent the photo, I said it's not

the best quality, but that's all there is.” Days later they emailed me and said:

“Yes it's not that good.” and I never heard back from them, not even a thank you!



It seems like these buyers are getting more numerous – and I hate it!


Then to add fuel to the fire let's not forget these types of buyers:


NUMBER ONE: The buyer who never reads the description! Asks the question

that's been answered in that description! This happens constantly! I think what it

comes down to is a collector will see an item, wanting this item for so long

they impulse buy, pay, then read the description, then complain!

One buyer said, “I didn't see that in the description, you should have put that

first!” I said: “Even before the title of the item?” He didn't read! It was stated

two times!


NUMBER TWO: This goes for all buyers but overseas are the worst! They never

check the tracking on the package first before they open a claim, “haven't received

the item” So I track it, send them the history, send that to eBay, etc. I tell them

all the same thing! I have no control once the parcel leaves the USA!


NUMBER THREE: (Overseas) The lair, who asks for a return, when after checking tracking

turns out they don't even have the item in hand! This has happened a few times and they

got found out! Of course eBay had no choice but to side with me.


NUMBER FOUR: The buyer who switches the item, and returns the wrong copy!

Classic tale, sold a 78rpm record, these will crack in half if mishandled. Buyer

sent me a photo of the record cracked in half, upon further examination of their

photo, the copy wasn't even the one I shipped them! I pointed out that the dead

giveaway was the matrix number on the copy of the record I sold them was

in a different position then the one they tried to pass off! Of course eBay had

to side with me! This has happened a few times!


Once I listed a Rolling Stones bootleg LP on the Pig label. These sell for fifth

bucks and up. I paid $25.00, thinking I could turn it for at least $35.00. Turns

out that the yellow vinyl disc was from a two record set. I didn't know this

until an outraged buyer sent me a message: “Hey I'm a huge Stones fan and

I would hate to see other Stones fans ripped off by your listing! YOU need

to fix the listing, and state that this is only part one of two records!” Then

he signed off with “Peace” I updated and some guy in Ohio bought it for

$35.00 bucks, and loved it!


A day ago, a buyer said, “Do you really think this record is worth $19.99?”

I said: “The last copy sold on line went for $14.99 in lessor condition, make me

an offer!” Never heard from them. Then other well meaning members will email

me and say “this item will never sell at the price you're asking, it's only

worth about $300 to $600.” Which means they want it, but at their price!

I have found that once this happens the listing is jinxed – and doesn't sell?

Don't ask me why, but it's inevitable.


Think about some of these buyers, do they plain this? Do they go in thinking

oh she's just a dumb seller, I'm going to scam her! What else can one think?

Message 1 of 36
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I have started to dislike certain types of eBay buyers!

reading and hand writting is dead in the 21 century!

Email, text, spell check, etc

brain dead we all are in our high tech world!



Message 16 of 36
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I have started to dislike certain types of eBay buyers!

*** You will receive 1 (ONE) Shoe charm in the style selected or choose as many as you'd like. ***


Yep, I find that confusing........  ...........I would have said.........or "BUY as many as you like"........


just leave the whole sentence out.....

Message 17 of 36
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I have started to dislike certain types of eBay buyers!

I am sure that you felt alot better writing the long letter. It was very entertaining too.  I have been here since 1998 selling with another ID.  I have gotten my fair share of nuts.  LEARN to ignore.  I no longer respond to stupid questions or really lowball offers.   I used to get into arguments with these types of buyers but it wasn't worth raising my bp.    


Incase you did not know, you can now add 24 photos. So maybe adding a few more yearbook photos can reduce the amount of cheap skate buyers.  When the request states something like Mom is dying or whatever,  I usually do comply with the request.  Sometimes it's the truth.  I had a lady who won a diecast 1970 Chevy Nova.  She paid immediately and asked if I could ship it because she needed it in 2 days. She wanted to put the car in her dad's casket.  He was going to be buried in 3 days.  I sent the item priority mail instead of first class.   I don't know if it was actually true or not but when my dad died, I put 3 diecast cars in the casket.   I did not ask for the difference in shipping.   


I have gotten requests to gift wrap an item and I will do it.  I have tons of wrapping paper that I bought on clearance.  


Maybe you can price some items a dollar or two higher because  you will get requests to lower the price and sometimes I will say that the best that I can do is a dollar off.    Remember, if you lose a dollar somewhere, you recover it by pricing something else a dollar.    That is exactly the motto that stores use to cover their loses.


You obviously had a lot of sales. I bet the majority were great buyers. I bet some told you stories.  Focus on those positive buyers and good stories when you get a bad buyer that drives you nuts.  Learn to block immediately the second your blood pressure rises.    My buyer block list at least a 1,000.  


I worked in retailed when I was single. You could not block a buyer in a store. You had to hear them out. You could not walk away from your register. If you were on the phone, you had to listen.  Trust me, selling online is much better.


Now don't forget to start raising your rates.  Media mail is going up on Jan. 22.   Goodluck on your sales.

Message 18 of 36
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I have started to dislike certain types of eBay buyers!

Our biggest peeve is buyers who send offers for 80% off of asking price - which often won't cover free shipping and fees.


Sometimes we'll counter, in hopes that it was just an odd way of asking what our best price is. But they rarely buy. Wish they'd realize they are just wasting their time and ours.

Message 19 of 36
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I have started to dislike certain types of eBay buyers!

I disagree.


The dims, weight, and safe packing makes a difference on shipping destination. 


Shipping a record vs. a CD or Cassette is totally different. 

Message 20 of 36
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I have started to dislike certain types of eBay buyers!

Yes, don't feel alone! I just had to change my attitude. No more going out of my way for anybody. EVER! I had a woman who bought a blade for a Cuisinart chopper. This was for the small version. The model was specified in the title, in the ad and I even wrote, This only fits... So she buys it for a different model like an idiot, then wants a refund when I had it as no returns. She never opened a case with Ebay, but one day i checked the mail and she sent it back on her own. I stll gave her nothing back since it was a no returns ad. Then she filed with Visa 2 months later. I sent Visa the ad showing it was no returns and the model was fully specified. Visa sided with me. LOL!

Message 21 of 36
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I have started to dislike certain types of eBay buyers!

Selling on-line is no escape from people doing the stuff people do. 


At least this way, you can roll your eyes, shake your head, stick out your tongue, mock them, give them suitable nicknames, whatever you like, because you're not face-to-face.   Of course, your written responses to them are unfailingly professional and polite, but you have the satisfaction of using appropriate epithets and casting doubt upon their ancestry as you hit "Send."   😈



Message 22 of 36
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I have started to dislike certain types of eBay buyers!

I agree and have experienced much the same over the years. The only difference, in my experience, is when some one lowballs me, it doesn't "jinx" it for me. When that has happened to me, usually the item sells for the price I listed, soon after. 

Message 23 of 36
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I have started to dislike certain types of eBay buyers!

@debbie6438 wrote:

Then other well meaning members will email

me and say “this item will never sell at the price you're asking, it's only

worth about $300 to $600.” Which means they want it, but at their price!

I have found that once this happens the listing is jinxed – and doesn't sell?

Don't ask me why, but it's inevitable.

I don't believe in jinxes. Maybe they are right and it really isn't worth that much. Nobody buys it because it's overpriced but your pricing is up to you. 

Message 24 of 36
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I have started to dislike certain types of eBay buyers!

@iart wrote:

Our biggest peeve is buyers who send offers for 80% off of asking price - which often won't cover free shipping and fees.


Sometimes we'll counter, in hopes that it was just an odd way of asking what our best price is. But they rarely buy. Wish they'd realize they are just wasting their time and ours.

Set an auto-decline price on the listing, and you won't have to look at (or even know about) offers coming in below that point, as they'll be bounced automatically.

Message 25 of 36
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I have started to dislike certain types of eBay buyers!

The problem with that is that many of our items take years to sell. So, our low price depends on how long the item has been up. We'll take less for something we listed in 2019 than we will for something we listed last week.


We can also sometimes sell cheaper to people who live in our postal area than those who live 3000 miles away. And we change our promoted listing percentages often enough that we need to figure all that in.


It's really a science, and a coin flip.


@a_c_green wrote:

@iart wrote:

Our biggest peeve is buyers who send offers for 80% off of asking price - which often won't cover free shipping and fees.


Sometimes we'll counter, in hopes that it was just an odd way of asking what our best price is. But they rarely buy. Wish they'd realize they are just wasting their time and ours.

Set an auto-decline price on the listing, and you won't have to look at (or even know about) offers coming in below that point, as they'll be bounced automatically.




Message 26 of 36
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I have started to dislike certain types of eBay buyers!

I don't understand the increase in buyers who win auctions and never pay and never respond to messages.  I haven't sold a whole lot in past years, but I never had a buyer not pay within 24hrs. Not to mention having to send payment reminders. I hate this waste of time. 

On the opposite side of the coin, I have a seller who wouldn't ship the auction won. So while I was waiting for her to respond to me, figuring there was a problem with the item, I found a similar item and placed a bid. I bid on the item I had already won, ok. So now I am stuck waiting the time required for her to not send the item again. How is that allowed?

Message 27 of 36
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I have started to dislike certain types of eBay buyers!

You are spending WAYYYYYY to much time on things that just don't matter. Stop worrying about other people and move forward, you'll save a lot of time.

Message 28 of 36
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I have started to dislike certain types of eBay buyers!

very true!

Message 29 of 36
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I have started to dislike certain types of eBay buyers!

I also dislike certain buyers.

I dislike buyers who don't buy from me.   😉

Sea Of Love - The Honeydrippers
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