08-01-2018 02:25 PM
So I got scammed on ebay, I'm a newbie to selling and well did not know people had such malice in their hearts. A few weeks ago I listed my mom's iPhone 7 Plus on ebay for 565$. A week later it was sold, the buyer paid right away and all was good. A few hours later I received a message saying that he had just bought the iPhone 7 and was very happy about it bla bla but that his cousin had recently gotten into a car accident and he needed to take care of him and that he was not going to be home to receive the item. So..... (stupidly, i know guys don't rub it in this was a stupid rookie mistake of mine), I ended up changing the shipping address and sending the phone. A few days later the item appeared as delivered in which I receive a message from the buyer that he had not received the item and that he thinks I sent it to the wrong address. I PANICKED and I went to go screenshot the message of his request only to realize it was an ALMOST IDENTICAL username but not the same username he had bought the phone from. I knew I was in big trouble then. I contacted the other username(scammer) to please send the phone back or I would need to contact authorities, it has been a week and the person is just giving me excuses. Long story short after HOURS of being on the phone with eBay they basically said that I'm screwed. So in my opinion it was the buyer who scammed me because how would the scammer know the exact identical username of the buyer. So now the buyer is asking for a refubnd and I just lost the phone AND the money. What should I do, is there any way of being able to at least stay with the money? I am DISTRAUGHT to say the least. Thank you all fror your help.
08-03-2018 08:05 AM
08-03-2018 08:06 AM
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08-03-2018 08:13 AM
08-03-2018 08:18 AM
I've been scammed out of thousand$ throughout the years. It's all apart of the game.
Give it 10 years & eBay will teach you how to be the best criminal on the internet if you choose.