06-26-2021 12:15 AM
06-26-2021 12:18 AM - edited 06-26-2021 12:19 AM
Howdy there mr. oldcoin,
Look, nobody lacks patience more than me. 😉
That's why i ALWAYS go with buy it now/fixed price/immediate payment required.
06-26-2021 12:20 AM - edited 06-26-2021 12:21 AM
Can second this.
The "Immediate Payment" may deter a small amount of buyers (have to be honest lol :P) but it makes sure that you get your money and can deter unpaying buyers and scammers
06-26-2021 12:33 AM - edited 06-26-2021 12:35 AM
>I usually go with the auction format
I used to list both auction and BIN, but since eBay forced GTC, I list only auctions. eBay was obviously hoping many sellers would ignore the switch and get caught by the eBay "gotcha" when their items rolled over and were charged extra listing fees automatically, thereby generating more profit. You still see posts now and then from surprised new sellers who haven't read the rules when they get stuck with extra fees because their free listings have been gobbled up by GTC.
There were a lot of threads discussing various methods of ending GTC item early so as to avoid the rollover fee. I imagine some sellers are still doing this. I just didn't want to be bothered with the extra work and went for auctions only.
Whatever works for you.
06-26-2021 12:36 AM
Hi - That helps, thanks. Don't you sometimes find that pricing on a buy it now is a tough call?
06-26-2021 12:39 AM
Check other similar items see what they sold for and get an idea that way.
I too am impatient, I want it now! LOL
06-26-2021 12:48 AM
Hi - You guys are nice & very helpful. Thanks for that. I am glad you are not busy slamming me into dust like some posters on this site. L
06-26-2021 01:27 AM
You check sold items. From there you check the price in which you items typically sells. Then you see how many are listed compared to how many have actually recently. 50 listed and only 2 sold is not an item you would put up at auction. 50 listed and 35 sold could be an item worthy of auction but only if priced correctly. You have to be willing to allow the buyers to set the selling price. Too may try tricking the system and start their auction at the BIN price and buyers hate that and will not even bid.
06-26-2021 01:31 AM
@oldcoin007 wrote:You guys are nice, I am glad you are not busy slamming me into dust like some posters on this site.
All was good until you put gas on the fire. I guess you'll learn eventually.
06-26-2021 01:33 AM - edited 06-26-2021 01:34 AM
BIN, immediate payment required, no best offer, always and only.
What I don't have patience for: Auctions and to wait 5-7 days for someone to make the payment or to deal with non paying bidders etc.. no thank you.
06-26-2021 01:56 AM
Well it varies what you are selling. Sometimes I like the "Buy it Now" if there is an item of high value on demand. I will say auction is good, but it can be a hit or miss depending on what you sell.
06-26-2021 02:19 AM
I really think auctions are becoming a thing of the past. I use them only if I have an item that I don't care what it goes for but I want it gone. I recently sold a Jeff Gordon leather jacket. It had been hanging in the closet for years. I wanted it gone and did not want it to sit on the site forever waiting for someone to buy it. I knew in 7 days it was going to sell. I started it at .99 and it drew a lot of attention in the beginning.
But for the most part I play the buy it now game with best offer. I set the best offer parameters so that I don't get those low ball offers.
Have great weekend!!
06-26-2021 03:52 AM
Usually if I'm sure of how much to ask = BIN. If I'm not, auction. but may stop doing auctions all together because I usually have them go bad on me for one reason or another. About the only time auctions work well is if there's a lot of buyers out there looking for a specific item you have. But it's hard to tell that given the system and how things work. I've had BINs blow up on me because I had confirmed multiple interested buyers.
Not sure if there's really a good way to know.
06-26-2021 04:05 AM
@oldcoin007 wrote:Hi - You guys are nice & very helpful. Thanks for that. I am glad you are not busy slamming me into dust like some posters on this site. L
Any poster that asked a real question will get good real answers. Any poster that creates posts to only get people to agree with their opinion or to argue will get push back.
06-26-2021 04:10 AM - edited 06-26-2021 04:11 AM
How to decide if item should be listed as a "buy it now" or as an auction?
Hey - @oldcoin007 you could FLIP a COIN
See what I did there ? You are a 'oldcoin007' and you sell coins LOL LOL
Oh I crack myself up.