09-20-2021 11:32 AM
I am the seller. A customer paid for a listing that is no longer available. How d
o I cancel her order so that she can get her money back?
09-20-2021 11:34 AM
Be prepared for the negative feedback coming soon.
09-20-2021 11:38 AM
Go to the transaction in question.
(Make like you're going to print out a shipping label)
From the dropdown menu, go to "cancel order".
09-20-2021 11:38 AM
@coolections wrote:Be prepared for the negative feedback coming soon.
And a selling defect.
09-20-2021 11:51 AM
Here's a link:
How sellers can cancel an order | eBay
This should help you.
09-20-2021 11:53 AM
Sorry, that was not a link. I'll post one right now.
09-20-2021 11:56 AM
this should help you
09-20-2021 12:02 PM
I have canceled orders numerous times and even one yesterday. Never received negative feedback because of it. Apologize to the buyer and explain why you had to cancel. When you refund apologize again in the remarks section. If you do it correctly you should have no problems with receiving neg feedback.