03-12-2020 04:27 PM
04-01-2020 06:07 PM
Even though eBay banned the sale of hand sanitizers and disinfecting wipes there are still so many sellers that have auctions up. Also continued Price Gouging of all cleaning products alcohol, gloves, and masks as well.
04-01-2020 08:07 PM
04-01-2020 08:11 PM
04-01-2020 09:43 PM - edited 04-01-2020 09:47 PM
04-05-2020 02:44 PM
Why report?? It’s not in stores!!! If people are willing to pay for a sense of comfort then I say why not?? Again, it’s not accessible anywhere on shelves so if I’m willing to pay then let me!!!
05-03-2020 05:55 PM
05-03-2020 06:00 PM
05-03-2020 06:04 PM
05-03-2020 06:05 PM
05-17-2020 12:53 AM
Thats unfortunate for people who need them and have only ebay to shop on. Let people sell what they want for what they can get. If prices were higher than items wouldnt get hoarded.
05-17-2020 12:57 AM
How is this stealing? What right do you have to tell me how much I can pay for an item? Or to prevent me from getting what I need at a price Im willing to pay? Ebay is creating the shortages, not the sellers who HAVE to make a profit. People buy and sell for a profit every day. Why is today any different?
05-23-2020 07:41 PM
I have an idea DONT BUY IT...If you dont buy it then the price will fall and you can buy it somewhere else. No one is forcing you to buy anything if you dont want it go find it yourself or just DONT BUY IT. Stop being a mini dictator and just put your dollar somewhere else. Didnt mom tell you no one likes a tatal tale.
05-23-2020 07:45 PM
05-23-2020 10:23 PM
@colinmarie wrote:It's not just hand sanitizer now. Isopropyl alcohol can be used to make your own hand sanitizer. I've never paid more than $1.25 for a bottle of this stuff. It's being sold here for about $30.00 a bottle. eBay has been pulling down the auctions for hand sanitizer but seem to be unaware of the price gouging on alcohol. This is disgraceful.
Yes, that is true however...
1. Rubbing alcohol is NOT needed for sanitizing hands of the virus.
- Public health experts advise that cleaning your hands with either soap and water, or an alcohol-based solution, is one of the best ways to avoid infection.
Either / Or.
2. Nobody is forcing us to buy these things, I personally would highly recommend not giving them your money. Buying from these sellers only reinforces their behavior, do not buy from them and they are stuck with the inventory, take it from me I know all too well how that feels (getting stuck with inventory that won't sell, especially when it's as a result of a brilliant idea).
05-24-2020 07:03 PM
I agree with what you said. Because nobody is lying, tricking, or forcing people to buy those items. They are adults and they know what the value of that item is to them. Just look at state & local tax & insurance if you want to see price gouging. And your not being forced to buy those either, you can live somewhere else to avoid the taxes and you can buy insurance from elsewhere. But people chose to live where taxes are high just like people chose to pay $75 for Toilet Paper. They need it or else they will get sick & could die. Who are you to prevent them from taking care of themselves and their family? If someone puts Toilet Paper up for sale for $10.00, that is not price gouging! It's the buyers who make the price go higher.