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How do you remove stickers/store price tags/stickers from items you resell?

I have googled this and found many results, but, nothing I try seems to work.  Mainly I work with getting stickers off of plastic or glass.  I think I've tried almost everything!  What do you guys recommend/use?  Thanks so much for your input!

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How do you remove stickers/store price tags/stickers from items you resell?

Goo Gone.

Message 2 of 31
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How do you remove stickers/store price tags/stickers from items you resell?

I have taken thousands of stickers off and hate it.

lighter fluid which is Naptha is half decent.............its low odor compared to nail polish remover

fingernails and Qtips work good

Germantown proud Germantown strong
up the whiskey hickon
moving right along
Message 3 of 31
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How do you remove stickers/store price tags/stickers from items you resell?

hair dryer

One sale a day, tomorrow the entire Galaxy!
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How do you remove stickers/store price tags/stickers from items you resell?

Goof Off 

Message 5 of 31
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How do you remove stickers/store price tags/stickers from items you resell?

Not applicable

Patience, tweezers and rubbing alcohol for the sticky residue.

Message 6 of 31
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How do you remove stickers/store price tags/stickers from items you resell?

I vote for Goo Gone!  Especially for removal of sticky residue!

Message 7 of 31
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How do you remove stickers/store price tags/stickers from items you resell?

Patience ...... and Goo Gone.  Like all cleaning products one must be willing to give the product time to work.  Apply a liberal amount to the sticker then wait about 5 minutes.  Most stickers will lift off in one piece at that point and you can easily wipe away any sticky residue.

Message 8 of 31
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How do you remove stickers/store price tags/stickers from items you resell?

Goo Gone is the best

Message 9 of 31
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How do you remove stickers/store price tags/stickers from items you resell?

Before I try solvents mentioned already, I use a hair dryer on low heat for a few seconds to warm up that stickiness and then attempt to gently scrape off. Mostly works.

Message 10 of 31
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How do you remove stickers/store price tags/stickers from items you resell?

Mineral spirits, alcohol or finger nail polish remover

"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
The Devil made me do it! - Flip Wilson
If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too J.R. Johnson
Message 11 of 31
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How do you remove stickers/store price tags/stickers from items you resell?

@johnrj1226 wrote:

Mineral spirits, alcohol or finger nail polish remover

All of which "may" cause damage.

Message 12 of 31
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How do you remove stickers/store price tags/stickers from items you resell?

Hasn't yet and I use them often depending on the adhesive.  By the way all 3 of those  products come in  plastic containers.

"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
The Devil made me do it! - Flip Wilson
If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too J.R. Johnson
Message 13 of 31
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How do you remove stickers/store price tags/stickers from items you resell?

Hair dryer is by far the safest manner. But be careful not to melt the item.


Message 14 of 31
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How do you remove stickers/store price tags/stickers from items you resell?

I use hot water running over the sticker.  After a few seconds, give the sticker a rub and its gone, sticky residue and all. 

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