11-06-2022 07:55 AM
I have many listings that need to be updated with the same exact wording placed at the end of the description. When I attempt to use the bulk listing tool it says that my listings are not eligible for this.
These following instructions don't work, when at the Item Description I cannot edit it "Your listings are not eligible".
Is there a criteria? If so, what is it? How do I know or where to find this info? These instructions simply don't work for the listings I'm wanting to update the description on.
11-06-2022 08:30 AM
Seller Hub/Listings/Active listings
Tick the upper left box to Select all listings, tick the Edit button. When the page prefills, tick the upper left box and tick 'Bulk edit' and scroll down to 'Item description'. When the page prefills, tick the option to 'Add at the end'. Enter your addition to the text box and tick 'Apply'.
11-06-2022 08:42 AM
You're providing instructions to exactly what I'm saying is not working.
Those steps you provided, come up with the "Your listings are not eligible".
Can you re-read my post please?
11-06-2022 09:21 AM
@czekl123 wrote:You're providing instructions to exactly what I'm saying is not working.
Those steps you provided, come up with the "Your listings are not eligible".
Can you re-read my post please?
Sorry... here's a link to read through. Hopefully, your issue will be covered. Good luck.
Revise a listing | eBay
11-06-2022 09:27 AM
You have 29 auctions. Try leaving those off the bulk edit and only update the fixed-price listings.
Not sure, but I think the auctions cannot be edited with the fixed-price listings at the same time.
11-06-2022 11:00 AM
The link provided above says I can:
I meet all guidelines to add to the end of a description. I've experimented, trying to do just a few. The listing I need to edit I cannot, and there is no reason I can find why.
11-06-2022 01:34 PM
Are they possibly your Fixed Price listings with 'No Purchases'? We're really trying to figure this out...
11-06-2022 01:42 PM
@czekl123 wrote:The link provided above says I can:
I meet all guidelines to add to the end of a description. I've experimented, trying to do just a few. The listing I need to edit I cannot, and there is no reason I can find why.
Tell us what the item is and what wording you want to add.........
11-13-2022 02:37 AM
Hi, what does this mean? Fixed Price listings with 'No Purchases'?
What do you mean by No Purchases? Can you elaborate on what this means? Unfortunately without any detailed explanation I don't understand what you're referring to at all.
11-13-2022 02:37 AM
It's all my items and why does the wording matter? The verbiage of what I write in the listing shouldn't matter at all.
11-13-2022 05:20 AM
@czekl123 wrote:It's all my items and why does the wording matter? The verbiage of what I write in the listing shouldn't matter at all.
I was just taking a guess that it could be one of the bot obscenity catches....... the pen is blue ....... can or, at least used to, prevent a listing from passing the check.......
11-13-2022 07:49 AM
The problem is the line spacing between paragraphs that you copy and paste. The directions won't work if you copy and paste text that includes a blank line.
For example, from your listings, if you are copy and pasting the sentences below, it won't work.
Cards ship in penny sleeve, top loader, blue painter's tape, team bag & bubble padded envelope as shown in last pic. Will combine shipping, blah, blah, blah.
Good luck.
11-13-2022 12:00 PM
I'm not doubting you, but where in the world of Ebay does it say this? Can you point to something instructions that Ebay states this?
But at this stage, I don't even know if I can put that text in re: combining shipping, and then having my customer ask me for an updated total as I'm finding it's also impossible to do. I have a customer with a cart full of my stuff and he cannot request an updated total from me so I can adjust his shipping. "You cannot request a total because the seller has already offered a discount for these items.".
Ugh. My customer want's an adjusted invoice because of combined shipping and I should be easily and quickly able to adjust any and every line item, including shipping which is not correct. He can't and I lose business. ALL THE TIME.
I'm so frustrated at how not easy Ebay is for the most basic things. New Listing Tool takes 2-3 times longer to list an item, unable to add simple text to every item to help increase sales, and now I can't even have my customer ask to help make adjustments to make the sale.
Does Ebay want me to sell stuff? Because I spend more time now trying to figure out how to just make things work. It's becoming a time vampire and it sucks.
11-13-2022 12:20 PM
Because I spend more time now trying to figure out how to just make things work.
With this post, I wonder if you don't need to revise your items, but need to adjust your Account's Shipping Preferences. 🤔
Have you gone to your Account Settings/Shipping preferences/Allow combined payments and shipping?
Do that and tick the drop-down 'Combine payments' menu. Make a selection and tick 'Save'. Fingers crossed...
11-13-2022 12:40 PM
Now what? Looks like it's checked. Which option do I select? What do I do? There's no simple option to combine, and it looks like if I do select these other options I have to select in there and then go back and change hundreds of listings again?