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How about some buyer education ?

I know that very few buyers read descriptions but I think I am going to start adding the following to the bottom of my descriptions just for the few that do.


for the best deals on ebay sort your results by "price + shipping lowest first" the ebay default is best match and the top results will be from sellers who paid the highest promoted listing fees, some sellers do not pay for promoted listings and instead pass on the savings to buyers who search price + shipping lowest first 

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How about some buyer education ?

Buyers not reading is not an eBay issue, it’s a buyer issue. 

During my years in retail and customer service, buyers wouldn’t even read what was written in 10 inch tall letter 2 feet in front of them, I don’t see the majority of them reading further than a listing title and the price of the item unfortunately.

Message 2 of 13
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How about some buyer education ?

If anyone would read this, you'd be lucky to get one or two who have the slightest idea what you're talking about.  Generally speaking, buyers could care less about this kind of arcane information.

Message 3 of 13
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How about some buyer education ?

@bashort  Well, if it makes you feel better, go ahead. I doubt it will do you much good, but I don't see that it is likely to do you any harm either. 

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How about some buyer education ?

I did a small experiment and took identical items made 2 different multi qty listings that were only very slightly different, I promoted one at the suggested ad rate and I  discounted the other one a amount to make me net the exact same amount.  I have made sales on the promoted listing and none on significantly lower priced item, very small sample size but ebay buyers do not appear to be real smart.


Yea I know that experiment was in violation of the ebay dup listing policy.

Message 5 of 13
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How about some buyer education ?

for the best deals on ebay sort your results by "price + shipping lowest first"



Has that 'sort' been fixed?  Using the 'lowest first' filter has been reported to remove a good portion of products from being displayed at all. Even with the "see more" button, on can tell simply by the total numbers that something isn't right with that. Just wondering if it is still working in that manner.  

Message 6 of 13
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How about some buyer education ?

Not to be critical but if you do decide to put that paragraph in your listings, it would be easier to read (therefore understand) if it were correctly punctuated.   


Even so, I agree some buyers will not know what you are talking about and the rest of them won't care.

Message 7 of 13
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How about some buyer education ?

@gone.c-33 wrote:

Buyers not reading is not an eBay issue, it’s a buyer issue. 

During my years in retail and customer service, buyers wouldn’t even read what was written in 10 inch tall letter 2 feet in front of them, I don’t see the majority of them reading further than a listing title and the price of the item unfortunately.

@bashort  👆 That is reality in my opinion as well.


However, it does not hurt and there might be a percentage that might appreciate the info. YMMV 

Since you do have a store, maybe consider including this info on your about section of the store.  


-Good luck

- Roasting id
Message 8 of 13
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How about some buyer education ?

Let's pretend that your approach worked - and let's assume that so many buyers did it that the vast majority of people were doing what you suggested.  Wouldn't people then complain about the "race to the bottom" with pricing?

Message 9 of 13
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How about some buyer education ?

@bashort wrote:

I know that very few buyers read descriptions but I think I am going to start adding the following to the bottom of my descriptions just for the few that do.


for the best deals on ebay sort your results by "price + shipping lowest first" the ebay default is best match and the top results will be from sellers who paid the highest promoted listing fees, some sellers do not pay for promoted listings and instead pass on the savings to buyers who search price + shipping lowest first 

IMHO, make it shorter and to the point: 


To find the best deals on eBay, sort the search results by Price + shipping lowest first !


IMHO, the more words, the less likely it will be that buyers will read it.

Message 10 of 13
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How about some buyer education ?

@powell-memorabilia wrote:

Let's pretend that your approach worked - and let's assume that so many buyers did it that the vast majority of people were doing what you suggested.  Wouldn't people then complain about the "race to the bottom" with pricing?

paying for promoted listings is exactly the same as lowering you price, I would rather give it to a buyer than ebay.

Message 11 of 13
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How about some buyer education ?

@luckythewinner wrote:

@bashort wrote:

I know that very few buyers read descriptions but I think I am going to start adding the following to the bottom of my descriptions just for the few that do.


for the best deals on ebay sort your results by "price + shipping lowest first" the ebay default is best match and the top results will be from sellers who paid the highest promoted listing fees, some sellers do not pay for promoted listings and instead pass on the savings to buyers who search price + shipping lowest first 

IMHO, make it shorter and to the point: 


To find the best deals on eBay, sort the search results by Price + shipping lowest first !


IMHO, the more words, the less likely it will be that buyers will read it.

that is true, I do believe in less is more in the description area, most of mine are simply the title, all the pertinent info is in the title, condition notes and item specifics. 

Message 12 of 13
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How about some buyer education ?

@ittybitnot wrote:

for the best deals on ebay sort your results by "price + shipping lowest first"



Has that 'sort' been fixed?  Using the 'lowest first' filter has been reported to remove a good portion of products from being displayed at all. Even with the "see more" button, on can tell simply by the total numbers that something isn't right with that. Just wondering if it is still working in that manner.  

I did a test on one item that I sell, on best match I got 30 results, 11 of the results were not the specific item I searched for, I repeated the search lowest price first and got 19 results 18 were the item I was looking for, 


Oddly my  unsponsored item appeared above 2 sponsored items that were the same item as mine on best match.


The lowest first search eliminated 9 sponsored items that were not the correct item.


In this very small test the lowest first search had better results if returning the item that the buyer was searching for is the goal. 



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