03-27-2022 06:27 PM
I wish when I request to speak with a supervisor someone would get back with me. There has definitely been an error on my account. My account has been in good standing and top rated I since inception and all of a sudden it just gets shut down with no explanation. It’s very frustrating. Even after I uploaded all necessary documents. And that is including receipts and bank statements that match for purchases that I made for items I sold on eBay recently. I did mess up one document when I uploaded them so they said I had to appeal that which did not make a whole lot of sense to me because it should’ve been “oh I realize you uploaded the wrong document can you Please upload the correct one so we can do a thorough review”.
So I re-uploaded the correct document and instantly received an email after uploading it saying my account was permanently suspended after review. I don’t know how it is possible for someone to look at entire months bank statements and match them with receipts less than a minute. That does not seem like a very thorough review. I did over half a million in sales last year and paid eBay almost $100,000 in fees while maintaining top rated status with very minimal buyer complaints/issues. It just makes Zero sense to me how eBay can encourage people to build their business but if there is an issue, instead of discussing what happened and how we need to resolve it ebay just shuts down someone’s account that has been and honest seller and has a good metrics their entire time on the platform. It’s like eBay says they want to help people build their business but then if there’s a single issue they show the complete opposite, without any chance for the seller to reconcile whatever the issue may be. It would make sense if it was a seller that had issue after issue and eBay has given them at least one or more warning but it doesn’t make sense seller like myself that has had zero suspensions or any warnings from eBay while maintaining top rated status and very high feedback. It would sure be nice of a supervisor would actually get back to me.
03-27-2022 06:56 PM
If this is the account you are talking about it looks to still have items listed for sale.
03-27-2022 08:18 PM
Are you referring to the one item that we have left on auction?
03-27-2022 08:26 PM
03-27-2022 08:31 PM
Did you get this corrected? Looks like you have 222 items listed.
03-27-2022 08:35 PM
“… while maintaining top rated status with very minimal buyer complaints/issues…”
This account has 35 negative feedback and 24 neutral feedback. That’s not ‘minimal buyer complaints/issues’.
You would have received emails from eBay along the way informing you of your status. This didn’t happen all of a sudden.
03-27-2022 08:40 PM
That’s weird because on my end it shows it’s restricted. And I have not received an email from eBay unless they finally got a supervisor to look at my account which I highly doubt because no one has gotten back to me.
03-27-2022 08:50 PM
My guess is it’s because I still have a item on auction that has not ended since the suspension happened. It’s such a shame too because I love selling on eBay and it has become my full time job. My account has been in such good standing and if there was something that I inadvertently did wrong that eBay can only see on there end that does not show on my metrics or feedback it would be nice to I get a warning or a temporary suspension some sort. At least a conversation with me and to be treated like a human being. Like if they would actually give me a chance to correct whatever it is and show some compassion and realize that we are only human can learn from mistakes. It’s like eBay does not understand when they do this they can completely destroy someone’s livelihood with a click of a button. And again I would completely understand if my account was one that has had issue after issue and I had received warning after warning but there has literally been nothing until this. I’ve always thought of them as a business partner and try to stay within the policies/guidelines and take advantage of new offers they have to grow my business per there support and encouragement because when business is good for me it’s good for a eBay and I know both of us are in the business of making money. eBay did teach me a lot when it comes to e-commerce and it’s a shame that I can no longer apply that knowledge I learned from ebay on their platform because of their unwillingness to work with me over reasons unknown.
03-27-2022 08:51 PM
03-27-2022 09:07 PM
Well I see 222 items. Maybe refresh your page?
03-27-2022 09:08 PM
Just this one. I’m About to start selling the other platforms since I cannot sell on here anymore and I have a ton in inventory and a family to support. I’ve learned from selling on the eBay platform how to make money reselling online and have gotten really good at it. The good thing about eBay’s platform is how user-friendly it is, but tough part is having to relearn other platforms and how they operate. My biggest take away from this whole situation is not to keep all my eggs in one basket. I have about 20 friends that I’ve started selling on eBay after seeing my success. I feel like if I was eBay I would want to get everybody that resells online to be on my platform only. But then again I mean there’s probably something going on behind the curtains if they can just shut down a good seller and other sellers that bring them millions of dollars every year.
03-27-2022 09:23 PM
I did. I Don’t think it will let anybody purchase anything though because the only sales I’ve had have been auctions that have ended.
03-27-2022 09:30 PM
You are correct. I tried to purchase one and received this page
03-28-2022 06:44 AM
We received zero emails. I challenge you to go read the feed back. We have had over 3000 sales just this year so far. Our item sales number to feedback makes the negative feedback less than one percent. A good amount of the Feedback doesn’t make sense either. There is a few about items that were bought from other sellers that we received negative feedback from the buyer thinking they bought it from us and we requested the feedback revision from the buyer and they just ignored us. Some of that feedback is somebody mad clearly because they did not read the item purchased was for parts when it was listed that way and they are mad the item is broke and not working . And we still offered to do a return and work things out with them, as we always do. Having worked in management retail prior to eBay you learn you can’t make everyone happy. People can be angry for no reason whatsoever. It’s what you do to try to when you realize they are concerned is what matters. My account accepted returns on any items for any reason. I always went about and beyond if someone’s concern was in regards to an error made in one of my listings. So again i never received a single message from eBay.
03-28-2022 07:00 AM - edited 03-28-2022 07:01 AM
@kcvalue Okay, this is a long shot but it certainly "could" apply. Does your eBay business run off of one computer and/or one mobile device? Accounts can become "associated" when another account shares the same IP address on the internet or a WiFi system is used by another Seller OR the Seller in question uses another Seller's WiFi to show them something on their eBay page. If a friend or family member visited and used your WiFi to access their eBay account then your two accounts are "Associated" ... if one account gets a suspension or restriction then any or all "associated" accounts can and have suffered the same fate.
If you have workers using your company computer then they log in to their personal eBay account on your computer then the accounts have become "associated" ...
If you suspect this may be a possibility then request a call back from eBay and ask for the Trust and Safety Department, no other, they deal with this sort of thing ...
Mr. L