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Help! My shipping and handling keeps changing to "free" after I list an item

Okay, I primarily sell new, used, and vintage clothing on eBay, and for the last month or so, about 1/3 of my listings have changed to free, or - Seller pays - shipping AT SOME POINT AFTER I LIST IT. I don't know if it's an anomaly in the site code, or a hack, or (and I think this is most likely) a glitch in the mobile app. I say this because the durations of auctions often change on me (back to the default of 7), OR when I try to modify the duration, my starting price will DISAPPEAR right in front of my eyes, if I've already entered it (no biggie, just retype it, but my point is that there are clear glitches within the mobile app specifically).

I NEVER pay shipping. I weigh every item on a scale with its packaging and select from First Class, Parcel Select, Priority 1-2 lbs., or flat rate priority envelope. I'm not the eBay master or anything, but I know what I'm doing with shipping. I thought I was going crazy and accidentally listing things with no shipping charges, so my husband and I went through EVERY ACTIVE LISTING, to make sure there were no more. Now today, three of the six things sold (which we had just made sure were charging the customer for post) have FREE SHIPPING!! W.T.@#$...??!

My prices for pre-owned jeans are often lower than the price of mailing them - I can't keep absorbing these hits. What do I do?
Message 1 of 18
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Help! My shipping and handling keeps changing to "free" after I list an item

This problem has been reported by sellers on and off for quite a few months now (I can't remember exactly when it started) and eBay hasn't done anything about it, which tells me they don't intend to fix it.



I don't know what to tell you, other than to call CS, explain it to them and ask them to add your name to the "trouble ticket" for this problem. If they claim there isn't one (I know there is), then ask them to start one because it's a serious problem.



eBay is happy when buyers get good deals at the seller's expense. The big rich company would rather the small sellers, many of whom are disabled or disadvantaged, foot the bill for the "lower prices" that attract buyers. I'm not holding my breath hoping they'll fix it. I've given up on that.

Message 2 of 18
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Help! My shipping and handling keeps changing to "free" after I list an item

Because of the constant changing fields after you enter on the SYI form, I always proofread my listings immediately after listing. Hassle, yes, but a grief-saving move. 


In my opionion, eBay did not design the SYI form to be a "heads down" data entry process, and unfortunately they do validations/refreshes every time certain fields are entered, effectively wiping out or changing fields you go on to enter down further in the form. So, not only do I proofread after submitting, but I pause after certain fields are entered (price, duration, shipping, among others) and let the field validate/refresh before entering the next. For example,the price field has validated/refreshed when it right justifies and adds ending zeroes (if there are any). 


The SYI form is a very poor design for those of us that do "heads down" data entry and expect to move quickly through a listing. eBay should start over and re-design this form the way users actually use it. 

Message 3 of 18
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Help! My shipping and handling keeps changing to "free" after I list an item

I had this problem a year or so ago.  I don't know if this will help, but I solved it by unchecking 'local pick-up' on all my items.  It seemed to be substituting this 'lowest price' shipping for random buyers, even if they weren't local.  I use turbo lister, so I don't know if that was the source of the problem, or what. 


Hope this helps!

Message 4 of 18
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Help! My shipping and handling keeps changing to "free" after I list an item

vintagesilver wrote: "In my opionion, eBay did not design the SYI form to be a "heads down" data entry process, and unfortunately they do validations/refreshes every time certain fields are entered, effectively wiping out or changing fields you go on to enter down further in the form....The SYI form is a very poor design for those of us that do "heads down" data entry and expect to move quickly through a listing"


You've just described the exact reasons why I never use the SYI form and stick with the "advanced" form. I can glance up and down at every field on one page and check back up to make sure nothing changed without walking back and forth between windows and trying to remember what I entered previously (or having to go back several steps to change it).


I think the designations "simple" and "advanced" are flawed. In many ways the "advanced" form is easier. Yes, it has access to more features but the basic design of it isn't more "advanced" than the simple form, it's a different way of entering data that gives you access to everything on one page, in any order you want to do it, instead of relying on memory and having to add data in a specific order and having to go back and forth between several pages to make adjustments as happens with the SYI form.



Also, if you list in the simple form and then need one of the features in the advanced form, you can't change it without ending the listing and using up an insertion credit (or paying an additional insertion fee). If you list with the advanced form, you always have access to all the features—you can revise it without having to end it.

Message 5 of 18
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Help! My shipping and handling keeps changing to "free" after I list an item


I had 10 items relist yesterday that automatically were changed to 2 day handling and free priority mail shipping(items all under 13oz). Had to go revise all of them and double check all of my listing.

Had an auction restart too and they changed it from $9.00+$3.14 ship to $9.00, free priority mail shipping. Like really!? What.
Message 6 of 18
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Help! My shipping and handling keeps changing to "free" after I list an item

Smart sellers ship for free.

Message 7 of 18
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Help! My shipping and handling keeps changing to "free" after I list an item

This same thing just happened to me. Man, it's frustrating. I'm going to have to check all my listings. Not that I have that many. 

Dear God, please help me to be
the person my dog thinks I am.
Message 8 of 18
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Help! My shipping and handling keeps changing to "free" after I list an item

I consider both the simple and the advanced as SYI form - just different versions.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 9 of 18
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Help! My shipping and handling keeps changing to "free" after I list an item

I had a cancellation because the buye was apparently shown FS, but when they checked out it charged them the (correct) flat rate shipping cost.

Not sure which is worse - buyer being po'd because they paid for something they thought was free and requesting a cancel or buyer paying free as shown when it actually has shipping and selller being royally po'd LOL


Either way, seller loses.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 10 of 18
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Help! My shipping and handling keeps changing to "free" after I list an item

I think the app.sometimes defaults to free shipping. The buyer sees free but when they go to check out it charges shipping. Anywho why can't these stupid things be corrected?
I'm on my phone now but I refuse to.use the app. I can't stand it.
Dear God, please help me to be
the person my dog thinks I am.
Message 11 of 18
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Help! My shipping and handling keeps changing to "free" after I list an item

I basically only use the app on my phone to browse (and even then I don't trust it's search results) and get the kaching sound on this ID lol


To list from my tablet I use the Classic site

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 12 of 18
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Help! My shipping and handling keeps changing to "free" after I list an item

A new listing that I created a couple of days ago had Free Shipping marked on it in list view when it first got indexed by the search engine even though it definitely had a shipping charge.


I almost ended it on the spot (rather than revising), I was so freaked out, but when I checked it again a few minutes later, it had updated to the correct shipping cost.



What if a buyer looking for newly listed items had grabbed it? I would have been out the shipping cost.



It makes me wonder... if listing or indexing an item is some kind of multipart process, maybe the reason some listings erroneously show "free shipping" is because they didn't get updated down the line, something got missed. I know that can't be the only reason because it's sometimes related to the mobile app, but perhaps it's the reason for some of the problems?? (Or maybe what I saw was just an anomaly.)




And as for Sam's perennial insistence that smart sellers use "free" shipping, it doesn't hold well for items that are purchased as multiples. Buyers are not stupid. Many of them know if they have to pay the extra shipping rolled into the price for multiple items, they are being significantly overcharged the more they buy. I like my buyers to buy multiples and they do, sometimes 30 or 40 at a time. Free shipping would discourage them from doing that.

Message 13 of 18
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Help! My shipping and handling keeps changing to "free" after I list an item

I know it's never going to happen but wouldn't it be loverly (as the song says) if eBay was quietly behind the scenes constructing a whole brand spanking new site that actually WORKS, with none of the current known glitches and then once THOROUGHLY tested to be glitch free, suddenly one day they'd go down for maintenance for a few hours and everything would be migrated to that sparkly new glitch free site?

One can dream can't one?

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 14 of 18
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Help! My shipping and handling keeps changing to "free" after I list an item

Dear God, please help me to be
the person my dog thinks I am.
Message 15 of 18
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