02-07-2019 12:48 PM
Up until yesterday when auctions sold I'd open the item link in the eBay sold email. The item would open and you used to be able to click 'send invoice' from there. Now its replaced by 'RELIST.'
eBay I sell unique items why on earth would I want to relist a sold item that I only have one of?? I think eBay is thinking only of sellers who sell common new goods. This new change is no good. Now I have to go to send payment details in awaiting payments. Stupid change.
Did anyone else notice this?
02-07-2019 01:03 PM - edited 02-07-2019 01:04 PM
@duncanvr wrote:Up until yesterday when auctions sold I'd open the item link in the eBay sold email. The item would open and you used to be able to click 'send invoice' from there. Now its replaced by 'RELIST.'
That'll happen if they've already paid. You're sure the item is/was still unpaid at the time you're looking at the listing?
All that aside, and I know you didn't ask this, but... I wouldn't recommend sending an invoice anyway, unless they've requested one, or it's for a combined shipment, something like that. The invoice will act to lock in the current Shipping charge, which won't be helpful if you're listing with Calculated Shipping and the buyer's Ship-To: address received with the payment is directing the package to someplace significantly elsewhere.
eBay also pings the buyer with an immeiate email containing a Pay Now link anyway, plus a followup reminder two days later if needed, so it's not as if the buyer doesn't know he's won.
02-07-2019 01:11 PM
No these are all unpaid auctions as they ended I checked several of them as I do daily. The buyers get combined invoices from me as they often win multiple lots daily. I offer free shipping so no issue there. Yesterday I would get 20 sold emails all in 30 minutes first thing in the morning and I'd get the buyers their invoices. Most my buyers are repeat customers so want the invoice. I'm saying that I sell one off items, if its unpaid I want to send the invoice for the buyer, and I don't want to relist it. Why did thsy replace send invoice with relist. I just emailed eBay about it.
02-07-2019 08:28 PM - edited 02-07-2019 08:30 PM
I don't invoice unless it is combined but did just check an auction that ended & you are correct .
From the email when I opened the item it does show relist & not send invoice.
It is definitely not paid yet so this must be a new change .
With that said the only thing you can do is go to either Seller Hub if that is what you use & invoice there from orders or
the old my ebay all selling & invoice that way.
02-07-2019 08:48 PM
Good screen shot. I always send invoices unless paid at the end of daily auctions. I always used the sold email opened the item link and clicked send invoice. Now as your screenshot shows send invoice is replaced by relist. Now we must go to hub, awaiting pauyment, select the order and send payment advice. Why did they have to change it? Just seems like an extra step again.
02-07-2019 09:26 PM
One more thing where is 'CONTACT BUYER' in paid listings now?
02-07-2019 10:55 PM
I use Seller Hub.
From Orders > Awaiting payment > More actions (the down-arrow) > Contact buyer
02-07-2019 11:03 PM
It was easier to contact them from the buyer listing
02-08-2019 11:27 AM
I noticed it right away as you mentioned it now requires extra steps. Also you aren't able to print a label from the item like you used to and have to open up seller hub and wade through your sold and paid for items to match the ID up with the guy that paid to see what he bought. As usual someone needed busy work at headquarters and created grief for all the sellers. There were other options like upload tracking and stuff that you could access from that item's page and they are all gone.
I for one am getting really sick of changes with no representation when I'm paying ebay around $1300 a month in fees. Plus I buy almost all my items on ebay to resell so they get two slices of pie out of every sale I make, not to mention the shipping charges that they get their percentage of.
I tried to send an invoice for my wife on her selling, which she does just a few items a year as she couldn't do it from he Ipad. On my Imac I could pull her selling page up and the sold items page, but it wouldn't let me click the send invoice button no matter what I did. It's there and the other buttons work, but not the send invoice.
02-08-2019 01:22 PM
It looks like we have to maually do it all from hub now days. I particularily often opened up a sold item and hit view order details. Now that is gone I have to go to paid and despatched, search buyer id then find his details from there, everything takes slightly longer now. Why was this not announced? CS rep tried to tell me how to send invoice from Hub, I'm a veteran seller I already know how to do it that way. Seems no one addressed the real issue of loosing features in a sold buyer listings. And all I see now is relist or not relisted on sold items now. I sell unique I don't want to relist sold items. I guess they will change even more stuff and not tell us.
02-08-2019 02:15 PM
@randyshotrods wrote:I noticed it right away as you mentioned it now requires extra steps. Also you aren't able to print a label from the item like you used to and have to open up seller hub and wade through your sold and paid for items to match the ID up with the guy that paid to see what he bought. As usual someone needed busy work at headquarters and created grief for all the sellers. There were other options like upload tracking and stuff that you could access from that item's page and they are all gone.
While we're tallying up all the omissions from the Sold Item listing, I have one more that I haven't seen mentioned yet: the Leave Feedback link has also disappeared. It looks like, in order to leave feedback for a buyer, I now have to muck around with the Seller Hub Orders page and get into yet another form there.
Previously, when I received feedback from a buyer and wanted to do the same in reply, I'd just click the View Item link off the entry on my feedback page, and there would be a Leave Feedback link for me on the Item page. No more. Too convenient, I suppose. Sigh...
02-08-2019 02:18 PM
Yes this is a real dumb/not smart change, once again, done without regards to sellers.
02-08-2019 02:28 PM
I also note seller paid by PayPal on has now gone as well from sold listings. Sellers please complain about this to eBay its stupid that all we see now is relist. The other options in sold listings were useful and they never bothered to ask sellers if we still used these features. Yes leave feedback from a sold listing also vanished, what else?
02-08-2019 02:28 PM
What will they do next?
02-09-2019 06:39 AM