07-13-2021 07:34 AM
Opening a new thread because eBays ONLY response to the old mega thread of tons of people getting scammed, was to close the thread.
I have been scammed 5 times in the last month. 3 by the same person, using the same payment info. eBay let’s brand new accounts file “Item not as described” cases, auto approves them, and then asks ME to buy the shipping return label, or SEND THE SCAMMER CASH TO DO SO.
Unbelievable. The scammer had admitted to receiving the items as described, sent a photograph showing so, and even said he didn’t want anything back..... eBay STILL REFUNDED HIM and made him not have to return the item.
My question is, why does eBay offer ZERO seller protection? I spent probably 6 hours on the phone speaking to 5 different people, NONE of which spoke fluent English, meaning my complicated in depth problem was not TRULY understood. I could tell by the incorrect and random responses I was given.
Top rated seller, over 10 years on eBay, I’ve quit because of this. Closed my store and all, after making eBay $10,000 alone in fees and invoices in 3 months. Death to eBay.
I recommend Facebook Marketplace to anyone looking for a new venue! They ACTUALLY care for their sellers believe it or not! Facebook is way bigger than eBay too, yet they seem to find the time to have an unbiased look at a situation between buyer and seller.
eBay, I hate you and each employee with all my heart. I wish you would close up shop and all link arms and jump into a fire.
Thanks 🙂
07-13-2021 07:59 AM
You are selling in a retail marketplace. Sometimes people will return things. I put no returns in all of my listings only to scare those buyers away who are planning to return things but I happily accept returns for any reason no questions asked. I have sold many thousands of items (cell phones) and have never been scammed.
Even if the return is for the stupidest reason, better to just approve the return. First try to figure out if you can quickly help the customer. Some customers want to be helped and if you can help them do so. But if not just approve the return and move on. Click approve, send label and forget it.
Not once has someone returned something different or tried to scam me.
07-13-2021 08:06 AM
I feel my situation is much different due to my niche. I’m done on eBay now so no need for “we’ll choose a different niche” but eBay took trading card sales head on as if they were ready for the amount of transactions that would come with it.
Dare I say the trading card audience and buyers are a bit less professional/more likely to be trouble than the cell phone buyers. All trading cards weigh nearly the same, same size, same backs, there is zero protection for if a buyer simply claims this or that.
I’d be more willing to simply “accept the return” if my items would truly arrive back to me. It’s a classic trading card scam, you take the card you want, return a garbage one. All can simply be avoided if eBay would just REVIEW INFO.
id be more inclined to accept returns if I hadn’t already been screwed over by that 4-5 times. Example, I sent a raw Justin Herbert RPA football card to a buyer (VERY expensive card), he filed a return case, send me back a toploader with a Pokémon card in it. I lost nearly $3000. But I’m supposed to just eat that cost because “a successful business should be able to absorb those costs”.
07-13-2021 08:14 AM
I see you still have 103 active listings
Just an FYI in case you think 'closing your store and all' was successful
07-13-2021 08:20 AM
7719 ratings and you don’t know how eBay works. Strange.
Do you know what an eBay store is? Closing a store does not automatically remove your listings, It also take 30 days to close a store.
I love these eBay army comments though 😂 anyone else have anything to contribute to the actual conversation, or are we just gonna poke fun at my ratings and grasp at straws LOL
Arms must be tired swinging on eBays **** all day
07-13-2021 08:32 AM
This has nothing to do with loving or hating ebay.
You are the one that posted you hate ebay with all your heart and that your closing 'and all'
Just click on 'end listing' duh
07-13-2021 08:41 AM
I think you may wanna re read. This post isn’t about ending a listing, it’s a post asking if other buyers have been scammed at the assistance of eBay. I know there are millions, eBay just closes the threads on them to hide em.
I know you die hard ebayers love to sweep things under the rug ASAP but I for one would love to hear other peoples stories.
im sure you’ve got endless free time though so go ahead and fire off some more useless comments 👍
07-13-2021 08:47 AM
You have 103 listings still open waiting to be scammed again.
You can get scammed the same way "with or without a store"
You can "end" all listings with just a few clicks of the mouse.
07-13-2021 08:49 AM
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me a third time and I really shouldn't be selling on eBay until I get my fecal matter unified!
It's probably best for your blood pressure that you've found another venue. Best of luck.
07-13-2021 09:12 AM
I can't tell it's not about ending your listings when you said>
"Top rated seller, over 10 years on eBay, I’ve quit because of this. Closed my store and all, after making eBay $10,000 alone in fees and invoices in 3 months. Death to eBay."
Since you have over 100 active listings "Death to eBay and I've quit" doesn't quite match up
07-13-2021 09:14 AM
Part of your frustration seems to stem from an expectation that eBay will (or should) protect your interests. But as you have seen, buyer interests are protected, sellers are primarily on their own.
Seller protections are limited on eBay, some do exist—but not in the case of a Not As Described claim. Every seller is at risk of a fraudulent NAD case, though in over ten years of selling, i have never encountered a dishonest buyer.
Not every buyer with an issue is a scammer. Unhappy buyers deserve the benefit of the doubt, at least until they prove otherwise by their actions.
Sorry to hear you have shut down your enterprise here. Wish you better fortune elsewhere.
07-13-2021 09:15 AM
Amen @buyselljack2016
Exactly what I've been saying
Seems like OP doesn't HATE eBay so much after all and is actually LOVING it!
After all the hatred and complaints, he still keeps his eBay listings active
Sort of passive aggressive behavior
07-13-2021 09:23 AM
3 clicks, and done. Maybe 4. May be asked to confirm the "action".
07-13-2021 09:36 AM
this to me sounds like a clear case of return abuse and MBG cases being filed
return abuse is not mean to be amusing or fun.its just return abuse
you can call it wat you want but return abuse is not a scam.its just ebay return in action
I do not ever let a return bother me.why shoud I
I have been used and abused by the old return prcoess but its not hard to put up with
its been a long time since I cared about a return.......i have 30 days free returns and
its a real piece of cake
i recommend not getting all worked up over a buyer using a tool that ebay gave them to use.
07-13-2021 10:09 AM
Are all the freebay cheerleaders done ripping another seller yet? I mean, dispute his concern why don't you. Or do you all go to the same school and learn how to dance all around any **bleep** off sellers concerns? There is no doubt, what so ever, that the posts regarding being scammed are increasing. These scams are all over the place and becoming more and more ingenious. All it takes is to catch them and read them before they are deleted. The scammers know this is the new freebay freemarket. They will get away with just about everything they try. They seldom loose while the seller seldom wins. The scamming posts will attest to that fact.