10-11-2024 01:32 PM
I tried to list 1000 Jumbo Sweetheart drinking straws. They have Coca-Cola on the wrapping.
The Bot says I can not list them Because they are used in DRUG paraphernalia.
How do I list them? You can walk in a fast food restaurant and pick up the one straw you need.
10-11-2024 02:02 PM
What did you list them under? A quick search shows quite a few straws for sale, you may want to look at existing listings and see how they are set up, review the wording of your listing, sometimes a word in the Title will trigger the bots when adding the same info in the description may work.
10-11-2024 02:12 PM
If your ad was removed already that you can't list it then do not attempt to relist your straws.
10-11-2024 02:12 PM
@jmcdj wrote:I tried to list 1000 Jumbo Sweetheart drinking straws. They have Coca-Cola on the wrapping.
The Bot says I can not list them Because they are used in DRUG paraphernalia.
How do I list them? You can walk in a fast food restaurant and pick up the one straw you need.
It could be that the bot is picking up a word or phrase that is leading it to believe you are trying to sneak something into the listing.
Sometimes finding it can be tricky because two words in a listing that are benign can still trigger the bot because the end of one word and the start of the next word combine to trigger the bot.
For example, "demur derby" could be seen by the bot as "murder".
10-11-2024 02:16 PM
Just curious did you mention the word "Coke" anywhere in conjunction with the straws?
10-11-2024 02:36 PM
@jmcdj wrote:The Bot says I can not list them Because they are used in DRUG paraphernalia.
In those cases it's usually a word in the title that's the problem. My last problem one was when I was trying to list a tiny phone. Which was flagged as encouraging illegal activities.
A quick experiment showed while I could use tiny in the description I couldn't in the title. So I just changed that to small and all was ok. I suppose the bot thought that "small" was too big for a convict to shove up ...........................
I wonder who programs these bots and what an imagination they must have.
10-11-2024 02:37 PM
The bot probably thought you were selling "coke" (cocaine) straws.
I would change the wording around and try again.
Get rid of "coke" or "coca-cola".