08-08-2020 10:20 AM
Earlier this week I found A seller that is using my Ebay name to smear my items. That was Tuesday. 4 time I contacted Ebay and they were promising me up and down that they would remove the listing. They said they take these issues very seriously.
Today I called up again, and they said they that the reason it was not taken down was it did not violate any Ebay Policy, and that there is no proof that this will cause me any issues. This is the Description. Judge for yourself if this would bother you.
Original CCM Maska made jersey. This is not a cheap Asian fake or a knock off that jersey..authentix sells, this is the real deal jersey made back in the mid 90s.
whats really funny is I sold him this jersey. He has purchased four jerseys from me. I had to place him on my no bid list for his rude behavior when I wouldnt agree to his low ball offers. He even tried to use another Ebay Id to buy, but I noticed who is was.
So I guess its open season on your competitors . Get out there and smear their names. Ebay is OK with it
08-08-2020 10:31 AM
They are running short staffed since Covid-19 went viral.
08-08-2020 10:34 AM
Report each and every listing with your name in it.
08-08-2020 10:51 AM
WOW!! To me that is a no brainer. That listing should be removed and the seller should be suspended.
I guess it depends on how much time you have to spare, but I would be hounding them constantly.
Short staffed is no excuse for that blatant violation, especially since the OP said they told him they would handle it.
08-08-2020 10:54 AM
I think this would be the way to handle it. Looks like they are actually breaking an eBay policy. I would try to find a more knowledgeable CS agent.
08-08-2020 11:06 AM
You beat me to the reply here but yes - that is exactly the violation to be reported for that listing.
08-08-2020 12:56 PM - last edited on 08-08-2020 01:29 PM by kh-valeria
I have spoken to 6 different Ebay individuals. 5 was on the Chat and 1 was a call in. In 1 of the chats , I was able to talk to one of the people that handle cases. He assured me that this would be taken down. Absolutely make no sense. All the others said this was wrong , so what gives here
08-08-2020 01:00 PM
As it seems , I can take any of your Ebay Ids, and say that you sell garbage or your item are fake , as long has I dont call you any name personally , Which I cant use here.
Sets a precedent.
08-08-2020 01:30 PM
You are simply getting the wrong reps IMO. Getting support from eBay is a game of whack a mole. You gotta keep trying till you get the result you want. I would refer them to that reporting option. I am not sure where the policy page for it is sadly.
08-08-2020 02:02 PM
Definately a violaion. At the least, that listing should be removed.
Keep trying.
Good luck!
08-08-2020 02:18 PM
Just got off with another rep. Hung up on me.
08-08-2020 03:02 PM
I feel bad for you OP, but don't give up!
08-08-2020 03:12 PM
@simba6 wrote:They are running short staffed since Covid-19 went viral.
If ebay can't handle the volume, with the staff they have, perhaps they had best cut back to a volume they can handle.
08-08-2020 03:25 PM - edited 08-08-2020 03:28 PM
@jersey..authentix wrote:As it seems , I can take any of your Ebay Ids, and say that you sell garbage or your item are fake , as long has I dont call you any name personally , Which I cant use here.
Sets a precedent.
I dont know why youre so mad at us when we are the ones trying to help you. The community groups are run by Khoros and not Ebay so as far as rules go you are comparing apples to oranges. Stay focused on your Ebay problem.
The reporting choices that were shown in a screenshot above are exactly the ones to use for reporting it. Probably more than one of the readers here have reported that listing because its easy enough to find it - you dont have to actually post the ID of it here.
If you are trying to phone in your complaint there is a good chance that you are reaching a rep for whom English is not their first language and they may also be only dimly aware of some of the finer points of listing rules. Although I cant explain why you had so much agreement from them after which nothing was done. It might be that they were just trying to get you off the phone at that point. If you can get a reference number of some kind when you call then that will enable Ebay to go back and knock heads together if needed.
There are some Ebay reps who monitor these groups and might be able to help. Trinton is gone now but tyler@ebay is still here and might be able to help figure out how a straightforward listing violation report like yours could go sideways so badly.
08-08-2020 04:32 PM
I don't think jersey is "angry" at the other posters, he is just using that as an example. He is very upset with this whole mess and quite frankly, I don't blame him, I would be thru the roof. That listing made with those comments about Jersey and his wares could ruin his ebay platform and possibly cost him some serious money and customers. Yea I cannot blame jersey one bit for being violated this way.