09-11-2022 02:50 PM
I have seen that there is a good demand for female nude pictures (charcoal art/water painting) on ebay. Do we need special permission from ebay if we offer such pictures?
09-11-2022 03:07 PM
09-11-2022 03:10 PM
This is probably a great place to start in an effort to get the correct information.
Restricted adult items policy | eBay
If you don't find your answer, drop to the bottom of the page for instructions on how to contact Ebay.
09-12-2022 02:14 AM
Where have you seen a good demand for female nudes? What business study shows this? Certainly, you have done research on the subject. We know many who think that the opposite is true.
09-12-2022 04:36 AM
There are plenty of smut pictures and drawings listed on eBay. That does not mean "high demand". It just means there is a lot of smut listed.
IMO, hooha's and tata's are not art. Also IMO, since there is no way to block kids from seeing said smut, it should be taken OFF eBay. But it's not my platform, so I have no say in it.
09-12-2022 05:37 PM
Sure, eBay should remove a category because of you don't know how to protect your kids from adult content.
09-12-2022 06:11 PM
There are protections available. Learn to use them. Depends on the age of your kids, but they might know more than you do.
09-12-2022 06:51 PM
@play.tr wrote:Sure, eBay should remove a category because of you don't know how to protect your kids from adult content.
That would not be the only reason. Ebay is not trying to parent all the kids. Not in their wheelhouse nor has it ever been. You want it to seem more simple than it really was.
09-13-2022 04:06 AM
Since eBay no longer has an "adult" category, there is no longer a page that requires AGE verification. It has nothing to do with "parenting" and everything to do with exposing kids to porn and adult only content. Only a degenerate or a pedo would think it's ok to expose kids to that kind of stuff.
It is illegal to give kids pornographic materials, no matter WHO you are. And with good reason, I might add. If you want to look at that stuff as an adult, fine whatever. If all this "art" had to be age verified then I would have no problem with it, but that's not the case.
09-13-2022 10:41 AM
I didn't understood what you mean to, sorry. But it is simple than you think.
09-13-2022 10:47 AM
Where did you read that? Just curious. Maybe on other artisan sites. Not really sure about Ebay or if it's even allowed anymore.
09-13-2022 10:57 AM
09-13-2022 12:15 PM
So, bringing kids to see the sculpture of David in Firenze is being a pedo exposing children to smut? 🧐
Not all nude art is pornographic.
09-13-2022 12:56 PM
Your kids may also know more about "hooha's" and "tata's" than you do, depending on their age.
09-13-2022 01:53 PM
Gosh, yet MORE female nudes? How...creative.