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... Getting lots of crazy offers, how about you?

1. Buyer offered $ 200 on a $ 575 item ... seriously?  LOL!!! LOL!!! Still LOL!!!!!!!!!

2. Three Buyers wanted to do Off Site purchases?  Errrnt, not on my watch ...

3. Two Buyers offered amounts to include shipping, I replied I charge shipping but would lower the price instead to compensate and they could choose whichever shipping option they wanted ... the NEW totals were just a tad under their offers ... still waiting for the orders ... waiting and waiting and waiting ... ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

4. Buyer asked for dimensions on an item, I sent them ... Buyer asked another question, I answered it ... crickets ...

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 1 of 41
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... Getting lots of crazy offers, how about you?

Mostly scams

Message 31 of 41
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... Getting lots of crazy offers, how about you?

Ebay is not commanding the collectibles market anymore. Same exact items on a site like Etsy priced much higher, and guess who's item sells? There is buyer loyalty to sites. Ebay has too much seller competition. Doesn't make sense that a buyer on Etsy for sure knows that they can go check Ebay to find it lower, yet they don't, they buy on Etsy (or Amazon for new stuff). Is it distaste of ebay? Buyers know the collectibles move slowly here now except for the ultimate rare stuff, and they wait, wait for the price to go down, wait to see if they receive that "send watcher an offer" and all the other ploys to get the item cheaper such as sending you a message. Looking for that desperate seller. Used to be I might decrease an item as much as $700 one time, $500 another, but business was brisk and that high priced item had been hanging around long enough in my inventory. I really didn't mind because the cash was rolling in....and my bottom line was padded well enough that I didn't mind passing along the deals. If I was doing extremely well, so would the buyers. Now I stick to my prices far more often because sales may be brisk for a few days, but I KNOW that silence of several days sales falling off a cliff is always right around the corner....seems to work like clockwork these days. Actually in a lull right now or I wouldn't be posting on the selling board, I wouldn't have time for it. 😞 

Message 32 of 41
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... Getting lots of crazy offers, how about you?



Lately I've been finding a lot of fly-by-night websites wherein our item(s) are advertised at a much lower price than what we have them on eBay for.  How do I know these are ours?  The same photo(s), parts of the same wording, pieces of eBay's own wording (i.e. where it defines "New/other", etc).  These sites generally have a two week or so handling time listed if you view their terms.  Nowhere does it indicate the site is reselling from elsewhere or does not physically have the goods.


I'd say these are the source of many of the truly lowball bids.  People advertising other people's goods as if these things were in their own warehouse.



Message 33 of 41
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... Getting lots of crazy offers, how about you?

I'm getting offers from buyers with under 100 feedback for 75% or more off list. 


I'm just not going to deal with that.



Message 34 of 41
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... Getting lots of crazy offers, how about you?

@mudshark61369 wrote:



Start setting automatic decline prices on the Best Offer listings.  I've found the lowballers burn through their offers when I've done that.   I also start the auto decline at about 8% off for the first week of a listing, then increase it as the 30 day cycle runs down.


The thing is ebay has hurt the Best Offer feature by forcing it on sellers who do not want to accept offers. They don't respond and buyers get mad. After awhile they stop making offers.

I'm one of those sellers. Why would I respond to lowball offers I didn't want to begin with? I think the policy should go back offers not being allowed on non best offer listings.


Better yet, add a feature to auto-add to BBL any buyer who makes below a certain % offer.


The only time I will really entertain such offers is when someone contacts me wanting to buy multiple of the same item and wants to find out if the shipping can be discounted. In those cases, I will make a listing just for them and send them a link to buy it. 

Message 35 of 41
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... Getting lots of crazy offers, how about you?

@castlemagicmemories wrote:

No worries. I remember what you are saying. I believe they also said that there were more conversions, thus greater sales, since they went to adding Best Offer to listings independence of seller decision. It's possible if they didn't remove the verbiage about Best Offer, buyers may not see it, or use the drop down to see it, care, or pay any attention to it no matter what it says. So there may be no guidance there and the buyer offers what they think is a respectable offer. There is a thread on buying right now where the OP thinks the seller is rude because they declined a $230.00 offer on an item that I think was listed at $325.00. Seller countered $650.00, buyer was insulted and offered $3.25, so the seller countered at $950.00. This was an auction with no bids so the seller may have expected to get $650.00 when the auction ended. Buyer was convinced this was an "unethical" counter offer by the seller. Not good. Sorry, mr_lincoln, back to your OP. Thing is, even if there were guidance as to what may make an acceptable Best Offer, it would probably be disregarded.

To me, this is a perfect example of where it is sometimes better to say nothing at all. 

Message 36 of 41
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... Getting lots of crazy offers, how about you?

@mr_lincoln wrote:


@castlemagicmemories wrote:

No worries. I remember what you are saying. I believe they also said that there were more conversions, thus greater sales, since they went to adding Best Offer to listings independence of seller decision. It's possible if they didn't remove the verbiage about Best Offer, buyers may not see it, or use the drop down to see it, care, or pay any attention to it no matter what it says. So there may be no guidance there and the buyer offers what they think is a respectable offer. There is a thread on buying right now where the OP thinks the seller is rude because they declined a $230.00 offer on an item that I think was listed at $325.00. Seller countered $650.00, buyer was insulted and offered $3.25, so the seller countered at $950.00. This was an auction with no bids so the seller may have expected to get $650.00 when the auction ended. Buyer was convinced this was an "unethical" counter offer by the seller. Not good. Sorry, mr_lincoln, back to your OP. Thing is, even if there were guidance as to what may make an acceptable Best Offer, it would probably be disregarded.

I haven't seen that thread but would have enjoyed reading it ... I think one of the important things is to separate business from personal and definately not to antagonize prospective customers.  Its a rare occasion that I add anyone to the BBL for asking questions.  In the case of my example of the $ 200 offer on the $ 575 item, the reply was simple and that I would be selling at a huge loss at that price so I will pass on it.  While $ 575 sounds like a lot of $$, in this case the acquisition cost was about $ 302 so if the item sells for $ 575 figure eBay & PayPal fees on JUST the item, not shipping, would be (rounded up) about 13% (about $ 74) so the net on sale would be $ 501 less $ 302 = $ 199 ... good money to be sure but unless every sale is like that it's not getting rich.

Don't forget time, materials, taxes, insurance, self insurance for prior losses, licensing, storage, employee payroll, etc etc

Message 37 of 41
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... Getting lots of crazy offers, how about you?

@castlemagicmemories wrote:

@eaux-de-vie wrote:
Yes, I have had those. I say I never ship in any way that is more expensive than I would care to have to refund, because virtually every complaint I have had has been on $5 items.

You know, I have read that before.   Strange how the lower priced items bring this out.  Maybe people have too high expectations for something that doesn't cost much.  Maybe they regret spending anything at all.  

They've been trained by partial refunders and full refunders with no returns that you'll likely just refund their purchase if they complain. 

Message 38 of 41
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... Getting lots of crazy offers, how about you?

@terrycanarsky wrote:



Lately I've been finding a lot of fly-by-night websites wherein our item(s) are advertised at a much lower price than what we have them on eBay for.  How do I know these are ours?  The same photo(s), parts of the same wording, pieces of eBay's own wording (i.e. where it defines "New/other", etc).  These sites generally have a two week or so handling time listed if you view their terms.  Nowhere does it indicate the site is reselling from elsewhere or does not physically have the goods.


I'd say these are the source of many of the truly lowball bids.  People advertising other people's goods as if these things were in their own warehouse.



I've come across some of these with my own listings, but they were always at prices higher than my own. In every case, they directly ripped off the entire listing text and my photos word for word verbatim. 

Message 39 of 41
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... Getting lots of crazy offers, how about you?

@terrycanarsky wrote:



Lately I've been finding a lot of fly-by-night websites wherein our item(s) are advertised at a much lower price than what we have them on eBay for.  How do I know these are ours?  The same photo(s), parts of the same wording, pieces of eBay's own wording (i.e. where it defines "New/other", etc).  These sites generally have a two week or so handling time listed if you view their terms.  Nowhere does it indicate the site is reselling from elsewhere or does not physically have the goods.


I'd say these are the source of many of the truly lowball bids.  People advertising other people's goods as if these things were in their own warehouse.



Some sites like you mention are simply lures so they can get your debit and credit card info. Dead givaway....they claim to take paypal until you go to checkout. Once in checkout there is only the option to input a CC or DC.

"There`s always barber college" - Dalton - Road House
Message 40 of 41
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... Getting lots of crazy offers, how about you?

@hillbillymedia wrote:

Soon it will be the question on Dec 22 and 23...."can you send this $5 item by express mail so we can get it by Christmas?" LOL

I received one of those requests last year... $25 to ship a $7 loss leader overnight express? No thank you. It's my prerogative as the seller to decline such a risk, so I did.

Message 41 of 41
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