03-25-2019 12:18 PM
Have you ever wondered why you see the same television commercial over and over again, day after day? Have you ever wondered why the sponsor don't just show the commercial once every 30 days? That's because repetition works!
Yes, I've read all the arguments against the new GTC policy for fixed listings......the sense of urgency that the 3-5-7 day listings create.....and I completely agree with all of those comments. But, I think another, and even better reason for getting rid of this suicidal new policy of Ebay is that most experienced buyers do not search by "best match". After all, who is ebay to decide what is a good match for me, as I look for antiques and collectibles and ebay wouldn't have a clue what is the right match for me. So, I search by "newly listed". I can't tell you how many times I have seen an item on ebay, didn't buy it, but then it came up the next week, or the week following that and I decided to finally pull the trigger. With the new policy, that item wouldn't come up again for another 30 days! That's hardly an example of an efficient marketing approach. Now, in addition to my buying on ebay, I also sell. What this new policy means is that for all those people who search for particular types of antiques and collectibles using "newly listed", if I don't get that sale right away, then there is a good shot no one is going to look at my item again for almost four more weeks, as it lingers in the bowels of ebay. That makes absolutely no sense. Almost all experienced buyers of antiques and collectables use the "newly listed" option. I check the listing for what interests me three or four times a day. But, I never look down past the items that I already saw earlier that day when I last checked newly listed items. So, for a buyer like me.....and again, almost all buyers of antiques and collectibles search using "newly listed", I'm not going to see that item again for 30 days. There are been many times I did not buy something the first time I saw it on ebay, or even the second time, but then I rethought the item and jumped on it using the Buy it Now figure the third of fourth time. From a seller's perspective.....and that's the perspective from which I am writing this.....that's the kiss of death. The new reality is that with this new policy, if an item I list with a fixed price doesn't sell in the first day or two, it's going to sit there and rot on ebay for 28 more days until it finally comes to the top of the list. Ebay, what were you thinking? Do you have anyone on your staff that actually buys antiques and collectibles? Anyone in this field knows that we have to check the listings multiple times a day to get first crack at an item, but we don't have to look at anything older than a day or two, since we would have seen anything older already. So, this new policy is going to be a knife in the back for almost everyone who sells the way I do .......put the listing up to renew every Sunday night. Get the item in front of people's faces often. After all, that's the exact same approach that every major advertiser uses when running the same commercial continuously. This is so simple ebay. How could you have missed it?
The bottom line is that when sellers sell less, then ebay makes less money. This decision is not only going to cost sellers a fortune, but it's going to cost ebay millions, as well. The people who thought this up at ebay have absolutely no idea how "professional buyers" search ebay. They're under the impression that every buyer is a casual buyer who will look at every item in every search result every time. That is just not the case. Ebay, this is the worst decision you have ever made!
03-29-2019 08:43 AM
That, my friend, was my exact thoughts.. It was there as an option and had I wanted to use it,, I would have!! I truly don't understand why Ebay wants to run our businesses.. I know how to sell my fabric and this good till canceled is just not good for me,, I sell in a store front as well and used the end of listing every 30 days to review my inventory before I relisted in case I had sold in the store front.. They have taken that away from me and with about 1000 a month in my store I'll spend all my time every day checking all this and I just don't have time for it,, Etsy is looking better and better to me. Also thinking a web site,, would be much cheaper than all these fees and NO control of my own business.
For the life of me I just don't see why Ebay made this choice! It don't benefit the sellers and not sure how it benefits ebay...
03-29-2019 12:13 PM
03-29-2019 12:36 PM
03-29-2019 12:39 PM
Naw - putting all of its faith in the star system back a few years ago was its worst. So many good sellers got suspended because the star averages weren't high enough. I never read them and never left them. I still see them occasionally on feedback pages.
Honestly, I think ending FPs every now and then or running short term was like having a yard sale and packing everything up and putting it back out every hour on the hour. Just put it on the table and LEAVE IT THERE. I personally look at my stuff and pull the slow/no movers and I often replace listings with new stuff or switch to auctions or make lots of multiple items. Mix it up.
03-29-2019 03:07 PM
03-29-2019 04:52 PM
@donker55 wrote:
Be careful, there is a fee if you do an auction with BIN option. It's small but still another fee!
Not if you don't have a store. It is us store owners who pay a subscription to sell on ebay and we have to pay an additional fee for BIN. Non-store listers get BIN for free; along with many more categories for auction, and they can schedule their auction start time for free. Why did I ever pay for a store. I quit
03-29-2019 05:01 PM
NOT EVEN CLOSE TO WORST DECISION. The worst ebay made was hiring Donahoe, then Wenig. 2 clowns who ruined ebay.
03-29-2019 07:36 PM
I started using Auctions again which are horrible. But using them as a Buy Now with the Starting Price being My Buy Now Price and I'm having More Sales and No Good Till Canceled. I agree Buy Now is the Buyers Choice they don't like auctions. For a Short Run (5 to 7 Days) this will Work. hallmarktown
03-30-2019 02:05 PM
Oh I'll be that doesn't happen to the mega foreign sellers if you know what I mean.
03-31-2019 10:54 AM
03-31-2019 10:57 AM
03-31-2019 12:58 PM
04-01-2019 03:32 AM
I agree- for the items I sell a shorter duration creates urgency and interest - please eBay do what you did when you removed the poorly thought out elimination of the markdown sale options for sellers before this duration policy does as much damage to sales as the markdown policy did
04-02-2019 04:43 AM
i used to do BIN 30 days and ;lower the price after 30 days with no sale, spoke to ebay live chat last night and was told you won't even get a notification to say the item has auto relisted.. however you can manually change the price after it has relisted!!! how dumb is that?
04-02-2019 04:48 AM
Wrong, I'm a small seller that moved 3 to 6 items per day and now that is zero. I sell more on other platforms and will have to phase out eBay now.
The typical buyer waits to the very end of "BIN" and so now they are waiting until the end and then these renew. Auctions are a waste of 7 days as well. I moved things on 3 day sales as it gave the buyer a sense of urgency.
eBay only wants you to "promote" your item so they get more off the sale.