03-20-2019 08:29 PM
Here's your chance to voice your opinion. I'd appreciate it if before you describe why you dislike GTC you begin with NO WAY or if you're one of the very few who has no issue with it please start with OK. It just makes it easier to see what the percentage is.
03-22-2019 08:27 PM
This is a death blow for my business model. I sell one off very high end (mostly) iPhones..My strategy that WORKED perfectly was always to use a 3 day BIN starting on Saturday Morning, and ending on Tuesday morning. This was perfect because most of my buyers shop on the weekends, and the URGENCY that was created using the 3 day BIN was awesome, very powerful.
Now? Thats completely dead. This policy makes ABSOLUTELY no sense for sellers like me who sell one item at a TIME, and NEVER have repeat inventory, never. GTC is good in my opinion if you have static inventory which you replenish on a constant basis, and its excellent for that kind of inventory.
With my business model and what I sell? Using GTC is one of the worst decisions you can possibly make. It's senseless, and it is the ANTI - THESIS to what I have to do to stay in business which is to TURN MY INVENTORY QUICKLY AND CONSTANTLY WEEKLY..
.GTC does the OPPOSITE OF THAT..It gives Buyers all the time in the world to make a decision, watch an item forever knowing its going to be there, and gives them no real incentive to take any action..
3 Day BIN auctions were awesome also, because they got the search boost of a new listing, and then very shortly after they went right to an "Ending Soon" boost..That was exactly what I needed and I was thriving as a result...This is the first week I am dealing with this IDIOTIC change, and I already see my sales #'s diving off a cliff..It's ridiculous..
This "update" totally wrecks the businesses of probably 25% of eBay sellers (only about 1.7 million sellers, thats all) who not only DO NOT benefit from GTC in any way, but actively HARMS THEIR BUSINESS...HAS THE POTENTIAL TO DESTROY IT
I see alot of people complaining about the possible added fees with the relisting, and the added work of ending all of their listings, etc. They are missing the much larger picture here, which that now you CANNOT run a short term BIN auction, which is ESSENTIAL to selling certain products..
That time duration OPTION was there for a REASON..What is the sense of totally eliminating this and no longer giving sellers A CHOICE???
I know what works to sell my items eBay, you know how I can prove that? Take a look at how much I have PAID you in FEES over the last 6 months...Wanna know how those fees got there? Because I MADE SALES. How did I make those sales? By BEING GOOD AT WHAT I DO...AND BY KNOWING HOW TO RUN MY BUSINESS!!
Was it fun this week to get almost no fees from me because I didnt SELL ANYTHING?? Thanks to your new wonderful "update"? Well it was equally as TERRIBLE FOR ME MAKING NO MONEY!! Because I no longer have the very SIMPLE TOOLS that were THERE for 20 YEARS FOR A REASON!!!
03-22-2019 09:18 PM
OK. It's what I've been doing for years.
03-22-2019 09:52 PM
I'm a small seller. I sell my used clothing, most of which is designer and in excellent condition and sells for close to what I ask for. I ALWAYS sell Fixed Price. Now If I put a GTC, I get watchers but no one buys. There is no time incentive for them to make a move. Fixed Price Listings that have a 7 or 10 day duration give buyers a sense that they need to move before the listing expires. It is human nature! Psychologically, people act when there is a deadline. If no deadline, they just wait and wait. I tried GTC on a few of my listings and they still have not sold! Even though they have multiple watchers! So, now, my - the small seller of unique items - is screwed. I don't expect to make money anymore on eBay.
03-22-2019 10:03 PM
With Fixed Price there is ALWAYS an incentive to make a move as any one can come along at any time and buy it before you do.
Buyers are not stupid, they know that if an item ends unsold it will just get relisted and maybe even at a lower price.
03-22-2019 10:04 PM
@ms.rodriguez* wrote:All of you folks that like GTC obviously have a store or very DEEEEEEEEEEP pockets. I have 400 items now on 1 acct. thanks to a recent big promo. No way , do I want them to relist. I am not going to get a store either. It's a money grab. Also I don't want an item that did not sell to relist at the same time. I would rather hold it a few days and then if it didn't sell in an ad that ended at 8 am EST, I will relist it to end at a later time hoping to get a buyer that is looking for that item.
I dont want folks to see an item relist and relist . People will realize it and not even look to see what else you have to sell.
@ms.rodriguez* question....what is keeping you from ending the listings? You can assign a day in the month to do it... like lets say on the 15th of the month and relist again...
03-22-2019 10:09 PM
@domineone wrote:But I don't want everything re-listing every month. I've found that using some simple investigative work allows me to get things listed when something is hot. I also like the idea of "hands-on" when items relist, to keep myself in check in case there's an error or something like that. I've never seen any advantage to simply relisting everything every month, been there, tried that. Either way, I believe you should be able to choose what fits better into your schedule. I'm currently unloading and getting ready to bail.
@domineone you have the option of ending the listing... so put it on your calendar and end them . Once ended you can save them in a folder and relist them when ever you think an item is Hot, keep watch of them for 29 days and end them if you want then .
03-22-2019 10:23 PM
@this*old*attic wrote:That must be new(ish)? I’m guessing it happened during my 5 year gap?
yes and you can also have them pick up if you have a return 🙂
03-22-2019 10:25 PM
I got a Store as soon as they became available -- even before they were in Search.
I went to GTC, because it was less work and I had a full-time job.
I've occasionally done 30 day listings, usually of hard to sell products (my hard to sell might not be your hard to sell) and found no real difference in sales.
I rarely use all the "free" listings I can in any of my Stores, so automatic relisting after 30 days doesn't bother me.
I do review my About to Close listings daily and End those that have too many views.* I keep those closed listings in my Unsold Items list until I see a promotion I can't resist.
That being said, if eBay wanted to solve the angst about 30 days listings and monthly freebies, they could change the monthly fees to 30 day fees. Simple.
* Because with Fixed Price listings, if the product and price don't end in a sale after 100 views, the chances of it selling are pretty low.
03-23-2019 05:04 AM
Wow, I remember when stores weren’t included in search!
Nevertheless, I had one too. I’d auction items first, then pop what didn’t sell in the store - at the price I wanted/a higher price.
Sigh. I truly do miss auction activity. I never did let go of any of my inventory when I stopped for awhile, and I’m planning on getting serious once summer rolls around (after close to 20 years, I’d really like my garage and extra bedroom back!)... perhaps I’ll experiment with a few auctions once I have enough items up to feel like a legitimate presence on the site.
03-23-2019 08:22 AM
03-23-2019 08:33 AM
03-23-2019 09:02 AM
03-23-2019 09:16 AM
NO WAY! I feel like Big Brother has come in to tell me how to run my auctions. It should be my decision as to how many days I want to list an item with a BIN. Right now I have 7 items listed GTC. Zero activity! I won't do it again!. From now on I'm just doing regular auctions. Another example of eBay dumping on sellers. This is right up there with the decision to take away the option of sellers to give negative feedback. Nothing like being held hostage.
03-23-2019 09:31 AM
03-23-2019 09:38 AM