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What does this mean? 

Seeing it under the price on books

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Where are you seeing this?  Examples?


Otherwise... who knows.  'Good to Buy'?  'Great to Borrow'?  🙂

Message 2 of 8
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@stepdaug90 wrote:

What does this mean? 

Seeing it under the price on books

Acronym / Definition
GTB Google Tool Bar
GTB Gran Turismo Berlinetta
GTB Guaranty Trust Bank (Nigeria)
GTB Global Transaction Banking
GTB Grand Traverse Band (of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians; Michigan)
GTB Great Tythe Barn (UK)
GTB Gestion Technique du Bâtiment (French: Technical Management of Buildings)
GTB Global Trust Bank
GTB Ghana Tourist Board
GTB Go To Bed
GTB General Terms of Business
GTB Greg the Bunny (TV show)
GTB Globally Threatened Bird
GTB Gay Teen Boys (band)
GTB Gangwon Television Broadcasting (South Korea)
GTB Global Telecom Brokers (This is the nick name for the company)
GTB Ground Turn Back (aviation)
GTB Grow the Business
GTB Golden Thief Bug (Ragnarok)
GTB Gran Tourismo Berlinetta (Ferrari)
GTB Ground Training Branch
GTB Good Time Boys (movie)
GTB Groupe de Travail Bruxelles 1952
GTB Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux (French: Grand Theatre of Bordeaux; Bordeaux, France)
GTB General Tool Box
GTB Going To the Bathroom
GTB Grand Tourer Bilstein (Subaru Legacy model)
GTB Guidance Telemetry Building
GTB Greater-The-Better (principle)
GTB Greater Trochanteric Bursitis (medical disorder)
GTB Guilderland Town Band (Guilderland, NY)
GTB Grid Toolbox (IBM)
GTB Galactic Terran Bomber (gaming, Descent: Freespace)
GTB Gas Turbine Bulletin (mechanics)
GTB Giant Tiger Boutique (Canadian discount store)

Message 3 of 8
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You might try asking on the Booksellers board.

Message 4 of 8
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I have no idea what GTB would mean as it applies to books. Hmmm...

Something Something Bound???

Message 5 of 8
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Under the PRICE?

Are you sure you're not seeing GBP? (British Pound Sterling?)

Are you looking on instead of .com?

The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
Message 6 of 8
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There are books "shelved as GTB" on goodgreads. it's the gay/trans/bi category. Is that it?

Message 7 of 8
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Good Tight Binder?

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