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GOOD NEWS - Most items I've ever had listed.... BAD NEWS - Views and Sales are down!

My wife and I have the most items listed on eBay since we have been using it (since 1999).  Sales were very good in January, but February has slowed.  eBay...please quit messing with the site!  Fix the search engine...invest in some advertising for us.  It is hard to be motivated to keep adding to my store on eBay when 50% or more sell on FB Marketplace instead. 

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Re: GOOD NEWS - Most items I've ever had listed.... BAD NEWS - Views and Sales are down!

I just took a quick look at your items.  I wonder on the baby clothes have you considered putting them in a flat rate box?  A medium size flat rate box will take a large amount of baby clothes.  I'm seeing shipping cost of $30 and that is more then you are asking for the item.  Flat rate boxes will bring that way down.  You might also crop your top pictures.  Get a closer view of the items.


Also be very careful on those books which you are offering for free shipping.  Those large hardbacks will cost you nearly the price of the item to ship and that is with media mail.  Add fees to that you maybe paying someone to buy the books from you.  And again, crop you pictures as much as you can.


Shipping costs are hurting everyone as the 'amazon' effect is something we have to fight on eBay.  Buyers are expecting free shipping.  All we can do is try to keep our costs as low as we can.

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Re: GOOD NEWS - Most items I've ever had listed.... BAD NEWS - Views and Sales are down!

Last week we were kidding about Tub-30 being "on fire".    
It's been out there long enough that everything in Tub-30 was dusty and had to be cleaned again. LOL
Newly listed seems to be seen (1st page of a search) for awhile after they are listed.  Then nothing for several months.  Then all of the sudden, back to being seen (for just a few days again).
     Do I thank eBay for burying must items?  Or do I thank them for letting them be seen?

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Re: GOOD NEWS - Most items I've ever had listed.... BAD NEWS - Views and Sales are down!

@redlinear  I'm not sure if there is any actual 'intention' on the part of eBay, but there may be a confluence of factors leading to this - their search algorithms are complex, then factor in human buying behaviour - I'd say maybe just sacrifice a rubber chicken to the Gawds of Chaos and call it good. 😖

“The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” - Henry Kissinger

"Wherever law ends, tyranny begins" -John Locke
Message 48 of 62
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Re: GOOD NEWS - Most items I've ever had listed.... BAD NEWS - Views and Sales are down!

@d.amber wrote:

Also be very careful on those books which you are offering for free shipping.  Those large hardbacks will cost you nearly the price of the item to ship and that is with media mail.  Add fees to that you maybe paying someone to buy the books from you.  And again, crop you pictures as much as you can.

I have been selling books for several years now and if I offer free shipping I have that factored in to the price.  I have never lost money on the books i sell. 

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Re: GOOD NEWS - Most items I've ever had listed.... BAD NEWS - Views and Sales are down!

@chapeau-noirSelling clothes is way different than auto/motorcycle parts.  I have noticed some answers to this thread giving broad answers that don't apply to all categories.  In order to keep items "fresh" I have been doing the "sell similar" and canceling the listings that are not getting views at the end of the 30 days.  I will sometimes tweek titles and lower prices.  It has worked pretty well, sometimes the item sells within an hour. 


looking for the edge is what we are all doing I think 😀

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Re: GOOD NEWS - Most items I've ever had listed.... BAD NEWS - Views and Sales are down!

@natoman777  It's definitely tough to cover all markets - they can be so different, but I'm always interested in others' experiences and what conclusions they've come to and how.

“The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” - Henry Kissinger

"Wherever law ends, tyranny begins" -John Locke
Message 51 of 62
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Re: GOOD NEWS - Most items I've ever had listed.... BAD NEWS - Views and Sales are down!

@movieman630   It might seem ridiculous to you, but I know for a fact the higher the sell through the more visibility on the first page of best match you get. Those who collect dust are always on the bottom and complaining. They are the ones who blame Ebay for lack of sales.


Interesting- how you could "know for a fact" when the rest of sellers are left in the dark about ebay policy and algorithms..... is this you admitting to be an ebay employee?

     If you have a store in a mall and the mall forgets to unlock the main doors and let people in...... is it your products fault it did not sell or the fact that the mall management did not open and let people in?-- this is like the ebay search engine when you search for something but it shows you all the wrong stuff or worse yet nothing but irrelevant listings. People cannot buy what they cannot see.

Message 52 of 62
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Re: GOOD NEWS - Most items I've ever had listed.... BAD NEWS - Views and Sales are down!

@redlinear We have experienced the exact same thing!! its amazing.   We have noticed various quirks about ebay search/sales over the years and this one is always amusing.   It is further proof that whatever ebay "shows" is what sells.  ( that is the whole premise of PROMOTED LISTINGS) Unfortunately that is the rub- its out of our hands as sellers because years ago when the search was better- people sold organically based on the item, price, and quality of listing, etc. BUT now one must pay ebay a PL fee to "really" be shown even though we are already paying fees to "be shown". 

      I also think its amazing when completely different items sell to completely different sellers all in the same out of the blue- and they are all 3 year old listings that were long forgotten about. It shows that they are relevant and sellable if shown. There are billions of people on the planet. every item has a buyer- if they can find it.

    What is so crazy is that sellers would sell sooo much more if ebay would just do what its supposed to do- show people what they search for- give them relevant options that fit the criteria of the search- and let people enjoy shopping, not frustrate them with PL of the wrong items just because "seller A" was willing to pay to be seen.

     When is the last time you bought something you didnt want just because ebay shoved it in your face?

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Re: GOOD NEWS - Most items I've ever had listed.... BAD NEWS - Views and Sales are down!

@natoman777 @chapeau-noir 

      I have not done the end/sell similar thing in a few years although i did find a percentage of sales pop up when doing that.  I guess we all try different tricks overcome the ebay algorithms lol.  I also have found that listing allot in one day spurs on a flurry of sales from unrelated items. sort of like account level momentum.

  The funniest one i have noticed is by sending out offers- 8 x out of 10 the item will sell out of the blue to someone else at full price within the day- this tells me that listing activity of any kind improves its results in search- almost as if ebay knows a potential sale is probable at a reduced "offer" price, so they have programmed the algorithm to boost its results in regular search to hopefully squeeze out a full price FVF sale. 

     Of course i do not have an issue with that but it does show how potentially over complicated and manipulated the search really has become.    I have a feeling that they have added so many different parameters to the algorithm that it just is so incapacitated at this point- What we have left is a confused AI that is overwhelmed and cant decide what to show us so  what have what we have now! we have to use google search to find ebay listings....sad


Message 54 of 62
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Re: GOOD NEWS - Most items I've ever had listed.... BAD NEWS - Views and Sales are down!

@siamjane8 ,   Think that last thing through a bit.  Sellers won't sell more.  Instead, more sellers will sell less.
I'm just guessing here, based on what I see on my search results and sales.   It would APPEAR that what's seen is almost designed so that all sellers, sell a few.  Rather than a few sellers, selling all. 
But I sure agree with everything else.   Was a time when one seller could make it hard on their competition.  But not any more.  At least, not by doing typical things like lower price, better quality, better listings, better descriptions, or just more creative.
Now it would seem, if you want more market share, you have to constantly tinker with already submitted listings, and/or PROMOTE them more and more and more.

Message 55 of 62
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Re: GOOD NEWS - Most items I've ever had listed.... BAD NEWS - Views and Sales are down!

@redlinear I do know what you mean above.   The old algorithms rewarded good service and good metrics and good product.  That did make it easier for good sellers to grow and would also lower the chances of new or lesser performing sellers to succeed.  Although what i sell is vintage car parts and unique items so the competition of similar items is vry low- usually less than 10-15 available at all in the world on ebay.  But people have a hard time even finding 15 accurate results and then use google to find what is listed on ebay.

    Of course what i sell vs someone selling new consumables needs completely different algorithms to do it right. I think that is why ebay suffers- its one size fits all and every category suffers then.

  I do stand behind what i said about relevant results and not turning buyers away with ridiculous results.   if you at least show the items- then you can determine how to "spread out the wealth" of sales between sellers on the first page. Too often buyers leave ebay without purchasing because they are frustrated by not finding what they want....even though its there.... Everyone looses out in this case.

    Like you alluded to, ebay controls very tightly who sees what and because of that and trying to keep sales spread out to all sellers, there is little sellers can do to actually grow or improve here anymore. There is no reward for hard work or good service- its all about giving everyone a few sales.

    The only true way to excel in our categories is to have to only item on ebay so it has to be yours to sell.


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Re: GOOD NEWS - Most items I've ever had listed.... BAD NEWS - Views and Sales are down!

The only true way to excel in our categories is to have to only item on ebay so it has to be yours to sell.


And yet as you pointed out if ebay's search does not drill down to your item so that the buyer can find it - there will be no sales.  I also check out the competition before listing an item.  If I believed ebay's AI - items have previously sold for a median price of twice that I am listing them for - yet I get 0 views and no sales with 0-3 current matching listings. 


What I have noticed since I opted for payouts every two weeks a few months ago is that I sell almost the exact number of items every two weeks - on this account it is two items - on two of my accounts it is three items, and my fourth account it is five items - occasionally less - never more.   This can't be mere coincidence.  For the previous six years of having four accounts - my sales were more of a seasonal nature by account before the 2022 death spiral.   No longer does March Madness bring me more college sports sales or Easter, Halloween, and Christmas bring me more holiday item sales.  


I also occasionally move old listings from this account to my top selling account only to have them finally sell.   I replace them with new listings on this account, but sales do not increase. 

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Re: GOOD NEWS - Most items I've ever had listed.... BAD NEWS - Views and Sales are down!


  Its true - we are all beholden to the not so intelligent AI search.... 

WE have been here long enough and have 15 years of sales data to see very clearly that every sale is very manipulated- we have no control/ ebay decides who buys what and when. Our sales come in natural burst and then end as quickly as they started.  The only pattern we can verify is the constant stifling of sales as you meet you predetermined sales dollar allotment for the day or week. if you sell allot in one day- then abruptly you will sell nothing the next.   This has been admitted by ebay at various times as they actively "spread the wealth" to all sellers with unknown algorithms.   A seller used to be able to build and grow a business here but those days are long gone- now you can just maintain sales if you are fortunate.


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Re: GOOD NEWS - Most items I've ever had listed.... BAD NEWS - Views and Sales are down!

So, My sales picked up, but not when compared to the amount of listing I have been doing.  We hit a milestone today breaking the 1400 listing mark.  I am not wanting to break personal records.  I definitely think there are problems with search.  I am having a harder time finding I have to crack a code.  So what does that mean for my sales??  We need the AI search function to be fixed

Message 59 of 62
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Re: GOOD NEWS - Most items I've ever had listed.... BAD NEWS - Views and Sales are down!

Hi , I’ve been selling on eBay  since 1999, retired from “real job” in July 22 and escalated my eBay quickly, I noticed when I have 100+ items listed every day  and I’m A+ rated, sales slowed, when one review (over a auction item that sold for 99 cents that I refunded w/ shipping and let the seller keep) the let the negative review stay Evan after my protest , and then one out of stock so I had to cancel, my rating went to above average , so I diversified, dropped my listing on EBay down by 50% , stoped chasing the A+ seller rating , started charging for shipping and no more seller paid returns, my sales went up, returns and unpaid buyers went down!!!! 

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