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Finally! ebay launches first marketing campaign in three years! Today's AdAge ---

"ebay targets Gen Z with first brand campaign in three years"

That's the Headline from AdAge Dec 19, 2022 (unfortunately, behind a PayWall, and I don't have a subscription)


According to the article, ebay is "reintroducing itself to younger consumers as a trusted source for luxury goods." The campaign's catchphrase seems to be


"In a world full of fakes, how do you avoid buying fake items?” a voiceover asks, with the message “Never get f*ked over again."

devon@ebay     Any chance you could post the actual ad video here? 






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Re: Finally! ebay launches first marketing campaign in three years! Today's AdAge ---

I agree. Everybody says they don't want to get "faked over" 



Message 16 of 50
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Re: Finally! ebay launches first marketing campaign in three years! Today's AdAge ---

@my-cottage-books-and-antiques wrote:

"ebay targets Gen Z with first brand campaign in three years"

That's the Headline from AdAge Dec 19, 2022 (unfortunately, behind a PayWall, and I don't have a subscription)


According to the article, ebay is "reintroducing itself to younger consumers as a trusted source for luxury goods." The campaign's catchphrase seems to be


"In a world full of fakes, how do you avoid buying fake items?” a voiceover asks, with the message “Never get f*ked over again."

devon@ebay     Any chance you could post the actual ad video here? 






Hey @my-cottage-books-and-antiques! I reached out to our Marketing Team and we were able to find this link that has the summary of the campaign. 

Message 17 of 50
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Re: Finally! ebay launches first marketing campaign in three years! Today's AdAge ---



Or how about the "OH Ship!" campaign?  Please...🙄

Message 18 of 50
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Re: Finally! ebay launches first marketing campaign in three years! Today's AdAge ---

@luckythewinner wrote:

eBay has made many marketing efforts in the last three years. I'm not sure what "first brand campaign" means, but there was a HUGE eBay campaign for Motors over the past year featuring J Shia (remember the Amphicar ad?)

I've been seeing ads all over Reddit for several months now. The last one I saw was an ad for refurbished video game consoles on a gaming subReddit.

Message 19 of 50
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Re: Finally! ebay launches first marketing campaign in three years! Today's AdAge ---

@my-cottage-books-and-antiques  - it looks like they finally loaded it to their YouTube  channel.


Message 20 of 50
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Re: Finally! ebay launches first marketing campaign in three years! Today's AdAge ---

I'm related to an awful lot of Gen Z and "luxury brands" do not seem to rate particularly high in their world view.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 21 of 50
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Re: Finally! ebay launches first marketing campaign in three years! Today's AdAge ---

No way will it work.  Ebay's rep with younger people is ruined.  I know because ONE issue I've had in 20 years that I wanted ebay to help me is met with 'we don't help go to the government' This generation created apps and ways to buy and trade that are innovative and working.  Yes, ebay big wigs will most likely buy them out and start their payola ways BUT younger people will bail fast and create fair places again.  The over 40 crowd and generations before us ate crap from crooks running businesses forever.  Ebay was a good idea but the mobsters that run it are now exposed.  And if they are not I will be sure to remind everyone I can whenever I can and since I've been at it for a while turns out I don't have to...people my age bailed on ebay surprised that I still used as of 6 months ago.  So any advertising is mute because word of mouth (mine for sure) is far more effective.... I still have my account simply because I will give ebay every chance to help me...and if they don't I have 20 years of 5 star transactions.  I am not the enemy but it is my lifes work to expose them when I see them.  Ebay is far from #1 public enemy but is clearly an enemy of humanity.   

Message 22 of 50
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Re: Finally! ebay launches first marketing campaign in three years! Today's AdAge ---

@luckythewinner wrote:

@my-cottage-books-and-antiques wrote:

"ebay targets Gen Z with first brand campaign in three years" 

eBay has made many marketing efforts in the last three years. I'm not sure what "first brand campaign" means, but there was a HUGE eBay campaign for Motors over the past year featuring J Shia (remember the Amphicar ad?)


I could probably almost type out that commercial if I thought hard enough. Amazon Prime ran that commercial *ad nauseam* until I thought I'd get sick of seeing her and that stupid car.


I do like those little Amphicars though. Just not that yellow.


Firesteel Surplus

Message 23 of 50
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Re: Finally! ebay launches first marketing campaign in three years! Today's AdAge ---

Thanks @valueaddedresource   


I would have thought the Marketing Team could have provided that, you know, as part of ebay's dedication to "seller engagement", but I guess "seller engagement" means something very different to the Marketing Team.


devon@ebay  Thanks for the link, but I read it and it appears to be referring to an entirely different campaign, a micro-influencer campaign. Nothing about "everyone deserves real"....which, it seems, even has its own ebay page, although the marketing team could not provide that to us either.


I'll never understand why we sellers have to work so hard to get details about the marketing that impacts us all, and that is paid for with our fees. I've been suggesting for years that ebay should keep us up to date on its marketing efforts, and I know some former community team members agreed with me....but just why a company that touts its transparency insists on hiding this stuff, I have no idea.



Message 24 of 50
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Re: Finally! ebay launches first marketing campaign in three years! Today's AdAge ---

Ebay's idea of luxury goods is apparently confined to sneakers and people who spend $6000 a year on them. This ad campaign does nothing for 99% of sellers. I have heard nothing but complaints about the "authenticators" and items being lost in transit to or from them and eBay doing nothing.

Message 25 of 50
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Re: Finally! ebay launches first marketing campaign in three years! Today's AdAge ---

@chapeau-noir  If you do a google search, you will find a lot of articles like this, which indicate Gen Z and Millennials are fueling the luxury goods market (in part, because many of them live at home with their parents and don't have to pay outrageous rent):


Keep in mind that ebay , regardless of the "generation" involved, is primarily interested in marketing to the "enthusiast" or "high value", while there are plenty of Zoomers and Millennials who have no interest in luxury, ebay isn't really focusing on them with this is focusing on the relatively small number who DO have the disposable income and desire for this stuff.

Message 26 of 50
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Re: Finally! ebay launches first marketing campaign in three years! Today's AdAge ---

@my-cottage-books-and-antiques wrote:

@chapeau-noir  If you do a google search, you will find a lot of articles like this, which indicate Gen Z and Millennials are fueling the luxury goods market (in part, because many of them live at home with their parents and don't have to pay outrageous rent):


Keep in mind that ebay , regardless of the "generation" involved, is primarily interested in marketing to the "enthusiast" or "high value", while there are plenty of Zoomers and Millennials who have no interest in luxury, ebay isn't really focusing on them with this is focusing on the relatively small number who DO have the disposable income and desire for this stuff.

@my-cottage-books-and-antiques   I thought later on that it may be just my milieu - the kids in my family as well as their friends (I have a very large extended family and their friends are always welcome, so it's a pretty good sampling) are a very independent lot who go their own way, and tend to spend their money on travel and experiences (lol, kind of what their parents and grandparents do). They like fashion, new stuff or whatever, but don't see the point in luxury items when something solid and nice will do. 


ETA:  eBay's campaigns just want to make me cry they're so, I dunno, Tryhard.  But I am totally NOT the market they're aiming for so I don't judge their efficacy.  I found the not getting farked or whatever it is to be kind of twee, though.  The F word is so incredibly overused that it's meaningless.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 27 of 50
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Re: Finally! ebay launches first marketing campaign in three years! Today's AdAge ---



Well, like you, I'm definitely NOT the target audience for this campaign, so I won't pretend to judge its likely effectiveness either. I agree, the "faked over" thing feels like the kind off efforts advertisers made in the Sixties to be "hip" by randomly inserting the word "groovy" somewhere in the ad. It just feels too forced.


But, as I say, who am I to judge? For all I know, "Faked Over" will become a new catchphrase among the younger set.


I admit, I'd like to see ebay advertising the whole site, and not just the verticals. But if this is the Way going forward, I wish they would be up front and tell us that. Maybe the Marketing Team will be the guest for January's Monthly Chat?


(Yeah, and maybe I'll flap my arms and fly to the moon.....) LOL



Message 28 of 50
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Re: Finally! ebay launches first marketing campaign in three years! Today's AdAge ---

Guess that is why I have missed the ebay ads - had to google Reddit as I have never been to the site.   Asked my three Gen Z grandkids if they used it - two as unfamiliar with it as I was - only my IT grandson knew much about it.   All three are dedicated online shoppers but not of "luxury" goods - crossed ebay off their shopping list before the pandemic - the river is their first choice for most things. 

Message 29 of 50
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Re: Finally! ebay launches first marketing campaign in three years! Today's AdAge ---

Your three Gen Z grandchildren do not constitute anywhere near a statistical sampling. No conclusions can be drawn from three people who are from the same extended family, presumably come from similar backgrounds, income levels, educational experiences, family values, geographic influences, etc.

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