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Feedback, lies, and EBay on the wrong side of right

Someone left me false feedback stating that my item was counterfeit, never requested a return. eBay refuses to help, says they have a right to their opinion. 


Advice would be greatly appreciated.

Message 1 of 36
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Feedback, lies, and EBay on the wrong side of right

Besides contacting the buyer and basicly begging the buyer to revise.  We would just move on and try not to let it get you upset.  Best regards

Message 2 of 36
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Feedback, lies, and EBay on the wrong side of right

I would have left out the "total **bleep**" in your response, makes you look very unprofessional..just block the numpty and move on.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 3 of 36
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Feedback, lies, and EBay on the wrong side of right

Never reply with "b.s.". It does make you look unprofessional. 

You can request feedback revision from the buyer, but it's not a guarantee they will. 

Message 4 of 36
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Feedback, lies, and EBay on the wrong side of right

You've negged a seller who sells Nikon, take a look and see if you can find a connection between the seller and the buyer because this could be a revenge neg.


Message 5 of 36
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Feedback, lies, and EBay on the wrong side of right

Feedback is not worth getting upset over.  Just let it go.  Buyers have a money back guarantee now so reviewing feedback before purchase is not as important for buyers as before.


Strangly enough is that if you look on the NikonUSA website they do not even carry that strap as an authorized item?


Good Luck Selling!

Message 6 of 36
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Feedback, lies, and EBay on the wrong side of right

The strap came boxed with a D810 that I boughtdirectly from nikonusa. I’m not a professional seller so I don’t care about coming off as professional. I had no idea that eBay had such an anti-seller mentality, to the point where they won’t even allow someone to appeal a blatant lie. Based on all the weak roll over and take it responses here, that is obviously working well for eBay.
Message 7 of 36
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Feedback, lies, and EBay on the wrong side of right

I haven't suggested you roll over and take it, have you taken a look to see if there is a connection between the seller you negged and the buyer who negged you?


If it is a revenge neg, ebay might remove it.



Message 8 of 36
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Feedback, lies, and EBay on the wrong side of right

@pugnacious33 wrote:

Someone left me false feedback stating that my item was counterfeit, never requested a return. eBay refuses to help, says they have a right to their opinion.

Ebay can not determine over the phone if something is counterfeit, except under the VERO plan (if you are Gucci reporting a fake handbag, say). It is possible, if you had certificates of authenticity to scan and upload, that you might be able to call and find a rep that would remove the feedback.


You wrote here on 11-27-2018 07:36:47 AM, but you had already replied to the negative feedback on Nov-23-18 08:23


And while you lost perhaps your only chance to redeem yourself, this may be a learning opportunity for future sellers.


You left a rude and unprofessional reply to the buyers feed back. You wrote " **bleep** " and even Lithium robots know that doesn't stand for Butterfly Sugar, it is a vulgarism.


Stop and think for a second who you are writing that reply to, who is going to read it? That buyer may never read it. But, certainly when checking your feedback future buyers and sellers will.


A clear, professional, unemotional response will say more about you than one negative from a single buyer (with 10 feedback) ever will.


"It was graded as authentic. So you are mistaken. We did offer a refund."

Message 9 of 36
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Feedback, lies, and EBay on the wrong side of right

Its not a take it and roll over attitude. Its a business decision not to waste time on something a seller cant do anything about.

Its the answer to the question of, do I want to spend my time beating my head against the wall on an issue that doesn't really affect my business in the long term or do I want to spend my time working to grow my business.


We have all received unfair negs. With all due respect, get over it and move on to more productive things.

Message 10 of 36
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Feedback, lies, and EBay on the wrong side of right

Your id fits you well.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 11 of 36
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Feedback, lies, and EBay on the wrong side of right

We have been accused of fakes.

once was a sports program, when we were at the event.

That buyer returned. (Fake sports program? I messaged another seller who sold sports memorbilia, and they said the complaint happens routinely, for authentic items) 

Another was small carvings, they said the material was plastic. Didn't ask for refund or return. Of course, without the item in hand, couldn't double check. 

 Just move on. People are weird sometimes.

 Keep being as accurate as possible, and honest, and hopefully(!) it all evens out.

Message 12 of 36
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Feedback, lies, and EBay on the wrong side of right

You don't have to be a professional to be professional.  It looks like you had some nice sales there.  Madison might be on to something concerning the feedback, since you freely gave out negs/neutrals with this selling ID.   That low cost item might have been appealing to one of them.

Message 13 of 36
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Feedback, lies, and EBay on the wrong side of right

Screw eBay. I’m not taking it. I’ll delete my account and sell on amazon. Fees are lower anyway. If they can’t fix this they’ll never take another penny of mine. Like I said I’m not a professional seller so it doesn’t matter to me.

Madison, I have no way of knowing how to tell if there is a connection. Any thoughts?
Message 14 of 36
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Feedback, lies, and EBay on the wrong side of right

The old wives tale that Amazon fees are cheaper than Ebay's.


May 15, 2018 - 'eBay charges 10% FVF, while Amazon charges 15%. … The only fee that eBay chargesthat Amazon does not is the Paypal fee. This is 2.9% of the sale price plus a flat rate of $0.30. Winner:eBay – sellers keep an average of 5.13% more of their profits than if they sold the item on Amazon'.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 15 of 36
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