03-22-2019 04:59 PM
Well first of all there is obviously nothing we can do about this change.
Ebay likes NEW LISTINGS. They don't like it when you relist things that did not sell right out of the gate, or after 7 days. So now those Good Until Cancelled listings will be GOOD AND HIDDEN if they are automatically relisted at 30 days. You will only have visibility the first few days.
SO here is what I am doing. I listing just 3 or 4 things a day EVERYDAY. That way I will always have something new being listed.
ALSO, I am using the SORT feature to keep track of what is about to end. Before the 30 days is up on any fixed price listing, I will then send it to an AUCTION LISTING for 10 days The Auction listings WILL NOT automatically renew. At least that is my understanding.
When items are not bid on and the auction item end, I will then be able to DECIDE MYSELF what items to relist out of the unsold items, and WHEN to do this.
You need to have some control over what to relist so that you are not relisting a heavy sweater in July ! Instead you can wait until closer to the next season to relist it again.
Just makes more work, but what can you do ??
03-31-2019 05:59 AM
If they want to get rid of small sellers they will also get rid of many one of a kind items. Ebay cant compete on every day items...Ebay is only interesting with the one of a kind items. Ive reduced from about 200 listings to under 20...and will take those off soon. Ill only post a few at auctions and only those where Ill make a large profit..my $5 to $10 items are over...I may put 5 or less on Good Til Cancelled..Im now a Bronze Level power seller and looking for ward to losing that monikor
03-31-2019 06:34 AM
so If I'm understanding this right, Auction style listings aren't automatically relisted correct? I have two other part time jobs and don't have time to check daily if my listing are going to end and end them before they are automatically relisted. I only relist things during the free periods right now.
So I guess from now on I'll just be using the Auction 7 day format. Sucks cause I know many don't go that route but I guess there's little to no other option. I already have been phasing out Amazon because of their ridiculous fees.
04-02-2019 09:05 AM
can you explain how to use the sort feature to see when good until canceled lists will be automatically renewed? I need to be able to see the dates, so I can cancel stuff I probably don't want to relist automatically and incur a fee. Thank you!
04-02-2019 10:33 AM
Here is how I am dealing with it.
I am not relisting any items that have ended and require GTC status.
I am not listing any new items, to auction or our store.
I have called eBay and nicely stated my disappointment with this decision.
I will review options, both on and off eBay.
I have personally been on eBay since 1999.
I have sold tens of thousands of items on eBay for myself and for other companies.
I will put a vacation hold on all sales soon and take some time to reflect on how best to proceed.
I do thank eBay for everything they have done, it's been a good run, one that I would hate to see come to an end, but hey, life goes on and we have options.
Is that enough "I's"?
Thanks for reading,
goewayllc & others
04-02-2019 10:58 AM
I started my own discussions on Good Until Cancelled and posted what I wrote and the ebay like to it. Look at what I wrote about Canada at the item which all of you will see that the changes made hear were not made there!
I thought there was some glitch in the ebay system until I called them to find out about the changes of fixed price listing being Good 'Til Cancelled which is stupid! I am not one for going to the boards, the chats the blogs I do it once in a blue moon and I know most sellers don't even bother with it. So EBAY YOU SHOULD SEND OUT MESSAGES AND EMAILS TO ALL YOUR SELLERS! Before there listing auto roll over and you have sellers calling you for refunding there money! Because I see that happening big time coming down the pike with calls to state and federal AG's
Next we sellers have these options
First move to auction style 10 and 7 day listing
Second do the 30 fixed price Good 'Til Cancelled but after 28 or 29 days de list the item as we know there are last minute people so maybe explain eBay's policy in you listing and state what your doing so people will know. Also
2)A talking with a ebay you can also by day 29 remove the quantity and move it to 0 which puts the item into a limbo state for people going on vacation?
Third option list on other web sites also sell on your own web site. No doubt Fix price listing will drop as people either move to auction or move off site. This is not 2000 when ebay was the only game in town and controlled over 90% of the online market place as well as it was auction only back then, and Amazon was just a place to go buy books. Lots of other sites to sell on today.
Fourth option oh you all are just going to love this option sell on ebay fixed price with 30, 10, 7,5, 3, 1 day durations. WHAT? The heck did he/me really just say that?
Here's the deal they did not make this change in Canada. So the ebay.ca web site in Canada still has the old Fix price setting. Now isn't that some messed up stuff!
04-02-2019 12:24 PM
04-02-2019 12:31 PM
@vcoheda wrote:
the GTC change has killed ebay for me. i was only a small, part-time seller (around 75-100 items per month) but given that i have been on ebay for 10+ years, it is disappointing. i sell CDs and some audio equipment, all from my personal collection. i consider these items "collectibles". ebay wants me to do one of two things: list my items at a fixed price like a store and leave it listed indefinitely until it sells (which for various reasons, i don't want to do) or list my items at auction for .99 cents (or some low amount) so it will sell in 7 days (another undesirable outcome). so, i plan to stop selling or mostly so.
I wish you the best of luck! Ebay just doesn't work for the majority of sellers these days. I hate to see sellers leaving and taking their inventory with them but I was there at one point so I fully understand
04-03-2019 08:46 AM
Ebay is screwing with the wrong person.When I relist from my "unsold folder" I noticed that my "payment,shipping and return policy's"have been removed by Ebay.I have to fill them in again.Also I am adding to the beginning of my "item description" to warn possible buyers of the GTC that I say " I WILL BE ENDING MY LISTINGS ABOUT 24 HOURS EARLY TO AVOID "GOOD TIL CANCEL" TAKES EFFECT AFTER THE 30 DAY LISTING." After I relist it I just happen to go back and check on it and that part was deleted.Shame on you Ebay.I then revise it with the same notice and it is not deleted.Now I have to relist and revise it on 2 separate occasions.This is not right for Ebay to do this.I now have lost all trust and faith in Ebay for them to put me through this.Since GTC took effect I had to change my store to be committed to 1 year subscription to save $6 a month from a monthly fee.But I guess that is not enough for Ebay.I suggest all sellers to review their listings to make sure Ebay hasn't changed them.Hey Ebay;how many more hoops to I have to jump through.Remember Ebay your checks come from us sellers.
04-03-2019 09:42 AM
Well Ebay you have done it again for the second time.I list some of my record albums with a music sample.To do this it takes me 30-45 minutes for each album.I notice when I check on my listing the music sample is removed.I then called Ebay and got it back.Now they have done it again and I called Ebay about this and the other 2 problems that I am having.I did not get much help.I get the feeling that when GTC started it screwed all my listings and re-listings.I keep complaining but not much is being done about it.Ebay is out to lose sellers if this doesn't change.
04-04-2019 10:55 PM
04-07-2019 12:49 PM
Well the problem also is nobody really goes on ebay to search for what they are looking for. Most people use either Google search or facebook to find a item they are going to buy. Why search you on one website to find what your looking for at the price you want, when you can use Google and facebook to search all the sites on the net for what your looking for. Ebay knows this so it drops our items low in it's own search/hidden after a day or two unless your a seller selling a lot of stuff.
Also the if they want all fixed price to be GTC then don't charge us a listing fee when the item relists then no one would be complaining about it any more people would use it and not sell there stuff on other web sites since many other web site's only charge there sellers final value fee's when the item sells.
04-07-2019 12:52 PM
04-07-2019 12:55 PM
@yccomo wrote:Here is how I am dealing with it.
I am not relisting any items that have ended and require GTC status.
I am not listing any new items, to auction or our store.
I have called eBay and nicely stated my disappointment with this decision.
I will review options, both on and off eBay.
I have personally been on eBay since 1999.
I have sold tens of thousands of items on eBay for myself and for other companies.
I will put a vacation hold on all sales soon and take some time to reflect on how best to proceed.
I do thank eBay for everything they have done, it's been a good run, one that I would hate to see come to an end, but hey, life goes on and we have options.
Is that enough "I's"?
Thanks for reading,
goewayllc & others
This is my pan too, I have been on since 2003 and have done the same thing.
04-07-2019 01:07 PM
04-07-2019 04:10 PM