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Error in Monthly Limits

Is anyone else experiencing this Ebay Glitch that is erroneously elevating and miscalculating your Seller Monthly Limts ? We are a Top Rated Seller and have been on eBay for over 15 years and our account has been for all practical purposes FROZEN because eBay claims we have exceeded our Monthly Limits.: See below:  

Monthly limitsGlobal

4Mmore items

88listed and sold / 4M limit on quantity of items

No more items

$4.4B listed and sold / $2.4B limit


We CERTAINLY have not listed and sold $4.4 billion moreover there is NO WAY POSSIBLE we even came close to exceeding our $2.4B limit. We spoke to Merchant Support over a dozen times and each time we call, they admit it's an eBay error and promise a quick fix and a call back from them. A month later our account has still not been fixed and we have NEVER gotten a return call as promised. Again, we have spoke to a dozen Merchant Support Representatives, they all act surprised and sympathetic assuring us that a Glitch Ticket has been submitted to their Tech Team, they are always cordial and promise a call back but still no calls or solutions. We have had to lay off our eBay Lister Staff right before Christmas becasue we can not list any items and we are at our wits end. Who can you call ? Who can you Emai ? Frustrated and Perplexed !  

Message 1 of 18
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Error in Monthly Limits

Keep in mind that when you run listings that have multiple quantities, it counts against your limits.  For example if you ran a listing with 10 items available at $100 each, $1,000 would be counted against your limit.


When a seller desires to increase their selling limits, they are allowed to request an increase once every 30 days. Mark your calendar and every 30 days request an increase until you have your selling limit well above anything you think you will ever need. Below is a link to where you can go to ask for a selling limit increase. It is the third option in the link below.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 2 of 18
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Error in Monthly Limits

2.4 billion limit.  WoW!


Color me impressed!!!

....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 3 of 18
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Error in Monthly Limits

NONSENSE  We calculated our price per unit even with the multiple variations and to get to the $4.8 billion listed or sold, our average cost per item listed would have to be  approx $37 million per item. We sell computers not Celebrity Castles. It's a glitch pure and simple. What about the repeated calls to eBay and confirmation from them that it is a glitch on their side but nothing fixed and no calls back. At the very least we would expect some help. Some assistance in resetting the limits and restoring our account. They are losing revenue because of our account getting choked. AND if their was a $2 Billion Limit, how are we at $4 billion listed and sold ?   Thats over the "limit" Again, we laid people off. These are real people with familes whose livliehoods are reliant on eBay. We just need help and we want to do the right thing. No resorces available to us. We just sit dormant waiting for help and a call back that is repeatedly promised but doesnt come. 

Message 4 of 18
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Error in Monthly Limits

OK, I was trying to help.  What I shared with you is accurate, but you are welcome to walk your own path.  I have no need to try and help someone that is rude.  My time has value too.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 5 of 18
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Error in Monthly Limits

Did you try reaching out to eBay for Business on Facebook?  As many here can attest to, they are usually WAY more responsive and helpful as compared to the eBay CS reps.

Message 6 of 18
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Error in Monthly Limits

@knifeaholic wrote:

Did you try reaching out to eBay for Business on Facebook?  As many here can attest to, they are usually WAY more responsive and helpful as compared to the eBay CS reps.

You realize that the people on Ebay for Business on Facebook are also CSRs.  But I agree with you that this is the better place to go because the CSRs are better trained than those on the phones.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 7 of 18
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Error in Monthly Limits

This seller came here with a REAL problem in REAL time. The answer you provided was worse than a robots. They are frustrated and you only added to that by providing a beginners response that I'm sure the seller was already aware of. Do you have a quota for the amount of responses you give? Are you trying to get your name at the top of the list for most helpful? This is not helpful, but aggravating.

Message 8 of 18
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Error in Monthly Limits

@the-hook-and-the-loop wrote:

This seller came here with a REAL problem in REAL time. The answer you provided was worse than a robots. They are frustrated and you only added to that by providing a beginners response that I'm sure the seller was already aware of. Do you have a quota for the amount of responses you give? Are you trying to get your name at the top of the list for most helpful? This is not helpful, but aggravating.

Because you nor the OP liked the info I provided does not make that info incorrect.  You have shown to have a personal dislike for me on a few threads for whatever reason you have.  


You'd be surprised at how many very seasoned sellers don't know the info I provided.  In fact there was another one just a week or so ago.  That seller was a good size seller too, not as big as this one for sure, but still they had lots of experience too.


Now stop with the personal attacks on me.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 9 of 18
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Error in Monthly Limits





Is there a way to escalate/assist this Seller??


Appears @digitalmind2000 has tried the normal routes.  Realize it is the weekend and no one may respond until Monday.



....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 10 of 18
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Error in Monthly Limits

Definitely reach out to eBay on Facebook:


they will make you verify who you are and it will take some time, but you will be helped properly.

Message 11 of 18
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Error in Monthly Limits

... in response to the Limt Increase request advice you provided, much appreciated but we crossed that bridge already  and used that avenue the FIRST time we called Merchant Support. They attempted to use that as a band aid until they had the Tech Ticket fulfilled however, the Merchant Support Team, Tech Team and Limits Team dont seem to coordinate. Seems the Merchant Support Team would PREFACE our limits request with a "Hey Limits Team, we have a Top Rated Seller that needs help here, here is a temporary limts increase request, please approve until Tech solves the issue".  RATHER, the request goes to the Limts Team and they decline it stating something to the effect of  "sorry but you will need all sorts of financial doucemts to assure that you are qualified for the increase".  It really is mind boggling when we speak to LIVE, competent people at Merchant Support and EVERYONE OF THEM agree that it's clearly a glitch. $4 billion listed or sold ? Thats obviously unrealistic. We would be Seller of the Year, our listing fees and final sales fees would be respective and represent the yield of $4billion listed and sold. For the record, I have been on eBay personally for over 20 years with my personal account and I have been managing our companies eBay account for over 15 years, eBay Merchant Suport is Stellar. Great people that really take care of and support Sellers. We have had a LOT of ridiculous buyers, negatives scammers, etc and they are always quick to recognize fraud, unfair feedback etc. I havent always got the outcome I wanted but I have never felt we didnt get a fair shake. That being said, we have spoke to at least a dozen Merchant Support Reps and they ALL see the glitch, crunched the numbers and recognize the egregious error. Why then dont we get resolve or a call back ?   This is the epitome of doing the same thing over and over expecting different results, insanity. Explaining the problem, getting the same response, getting the same promises, getting no results.    

Message 12 of 18
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Error in Monthly Limits

... in response to the Limt Increase request advice (that was) provided, much appreciated but we crossed that bridge already  and used that avenue the FIRST time we called Merchant Support. They attempted to use that as a band aid until they had the Tech Ticket fulfilled however, the Merchant Support Team, Tech Team and Limits Team dont seem to coordinate. Seems the Merchant Support Team would PREFACE our limits request with a "Hey Limits Team, we have a Top Rated Seller that needs help here, here is a temporary limts increase request, please approve until Tech solves the issue".  RATHER, the request goes to the Limts Team and they decline it stating something to the effect of  "sorry but you will need all sorts of financial doucemts to assure that you are qualified for the increase".  It really is mind boggling when we speak to LIVE, competent people at Merchant Support and EVERYONE OF THEM agree that it's clearly a glitch. $4 billion listed or sold ? Thats obviously unrealistic. We would be Seller of the Year, our listing fees and final sales fees would be respective and represent the yield of $4billion listed and sold. For the record, I have been on eBay personally for over 20 years with my personal account and I have been managing our companies eBay account for over 15 years, eBay Merchant Suport is Stellar. Great people that really take care of and support Sellers. We have had a LOT of ridiculous buyers, negatives scammers, etc and they are always quick to recognize fraud, unfair feedback etc. I havent always got the outcome I wanted but I have never felt we didnt get a fair shake. That being said, we have spoke to at least a dozen Merchant Support Reps and they ALL see the glitch, crunched the numbers and recognize the egregious error. Why then dont we get resolve or a call back ?   This is the epitome of doing the same thing over and over expecting different results, insanity. Explaining the problem, getting the same response, getting the same promises, getting no results. 

Message 13 of 18
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Error in Monthly Limits

Thank you for responding again to my previous post.  I know that when we are faced with a perplexing problem such as yours that it can be all consuming and cause us to respond to someone in a way that is just not normal.  


I've been selling for over 22 years and while not at your $$ level, I've certainly ran into many of the problem buyers you have described.  


It is good that you looked at the info I previously provided at an earlier date and found that it was not the source of your current issue.  It may surprise you, but many seasoned sellers aren't aware of the info I previously provided.  On the other hand, it sure would have been nice if it were the answer for you as you would then be able to get your current issue fixed.  Which of course is all you are after.


IDK if you are aware of this, so I'm just going to throw it out there.  Below are all the ways we currently have to contact someone at Ebay for some help.  The folks you get on the Chat or via the phone are often sub contractors.  There are some actual Ebay employees, but most of that is sub'd out.  The folks you get on Twitter or Facebook are actual employees of Ebay and are far better trained and equipped to handle harder more complicated issues such as yours.


Here are your options for contacting Ebay Customer Service.

If when you use the link below you can only get to the Automated Assistant, type AGENT in the box and hit enter. You will then get more options.

For the Payment Team


Another poster already tagged this thread for someone from the Ebay Community team to stop by and see if they can help or at least get you to the right people to help.  That was a good thing.  The team is back on Monday, so you will have a few day wait for their response.  


I wish you nothing but good luck!!!!

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 14 of 18
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Error in Monthly Limits

I was rude ?  I was VERY careful to speak facts and NOT be adversarial. We simply want a solution so we can put our Employees back to work. All due respect.

Message 15 of 18
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