02-23-2022 07:32 PM
It is truly remarkable how difficult it is to find even simple basic things here. While admittedly I'm not the brightest bulb, where/how can I toggle "allow bidders from Alaska & Hawaii" in my sales? Talk to me like I'm 5, speak slowly, use small words. Thanks. Appreciate it.
02-23-2022 07:42 PM - edited 02-23-2022 07:45 PM
This is under your Account Settings (next to your USER ID, there is a Black drop down box) and go to Selling
Click on "Business Policies" and then edit the Policy rules for your Shipping to the right
02-23-2022 07:48 PM
Sorry - timed out....
Click on the Shipping Policy you wish to "edit" and when you do, at the very bottom of that page, you will see "Exclude Shipping Locations" - Click on the "edit exclusion list" and edit there. Unfortunately, you will need to edit each "rule".
02-23-2022 08:20 PM
Hi, sounds like you need to update your Shipping Exclusions. To do that go to the Selling page in Seller Hub, then scroll down to Shortcuts heading. Select Site Preferences. Then on the next page under Selling Preferences on the left side of the page, select Shipping Exclusions. On the following page, on the left side, you will see Exclude Shipping Locations. Across from it on the right-hand side, select Edit to update your shipping choices. It brings up the domestic and international shipping list. Under Domestic heading, Alaska and Hawaii are listed first. If the box is ticked, untick it. Then scroll down to Save. Near the Save button is a blurb that you can select that says something like Apply to Current and Future Listings. If that is what you wish, then tick that box too. The last thing is to click on Save. Hopefully that will do it.
02-23-2022 08:23 PM - edited 02-23-2022 08:24 PM
Try here: Manage shipping settings. At the bottom you'll see "exclude shipping locations", click into that.
This will pop up:
You probably have Alaska and Hawaii checked - just uncheck that.
02-23-2022 08:25 PM
Go to the shipping preferences page>exclude shipping locations. https://www.ebay.com/ship/prf/excludeRegions
Make sure the box is NOT checked off for AK and HI if you want to allow shipping there.
02-24-2022 05:04 AM
"Hi, sounds like you need to update your Shipping Exclusions. To do that go to the Selling page in Seller Hub, then scroll down to Shortcuts heading. Select Site Preferences. Then on the next page under Selling Preferences on the left side of the page, select Shipping Exclusions. On the following page, on the left side, you will see Exclude Shipping Locations. Across from it on the right-hand side, select Edit to update your shipping choices. It brings up the domestic and international shipping list. Under Domestic heading, Alaska and Hawaii are listed first. If the box is ticked, untick it. Then scroll down to Save. Near the Save button is a blurb that you can select that says something like Apply to Current and Future Listings. If that is what you wish, then tick that box too. The last thing is to click on Save. Hopefully that will do it. "
Hey! I asked you nicely to talk to me like I'm 5... ha ha. Let me get my caffeine levels optomized here, and we'll give it a try. Wish me luck everybody!
02-24-2022 05:18 AM
Yeah, all the good advice received here sends me to the same page(s) I've been to a bazillion times. I'm not getting the same info or popup or choices. I do see a box that is checked, which I am hesitant to uncheck.
02-24-2022 05:59 AM
This is what appears. (You guys are pushing the boundaries of my abilities!) More coffee
02-24-2022 06:10 AM
Well, no wonder you're confused! This is what I see when I click on the link that was so helpfully provided by @southern*sweet*tea
02-24-2022 06:20 AM
Yeah, I did get the impression that something was horked on the page. It doesn't help that I am easily confused. I did manage to reach a page in the business settings that allows for editing. I've no idea if it worked, or only applies to future listings, or retroactively to all listings.
Some of my auctions show it is allowed, some of them don't. In bold red letters no less. Like it's taunting me. Taunting Me! "Does Not Ship To Alaska or Hawaii."
Sorry, Alaska and Hawaii. I tried.
02-24-2022 06:29 AM
But this time you were legitimately confused! Even those who aren't easily confused would have been confused by that layout.
As a last act of desperation to accommodate those potential buyers, you could add a comment in your listing Description, advising them to contact you so you can put their ID on your exemption list so they can bid/buy.
02-24-2022 06:36 AM
I honestly didnt know that you *could* exclude Alaska and Hawaii. Why would anyone do that anyways...?
02-24-2022 06:40 AM
I think eBay set up that option to accommodate sellers who use FedEx and UPS, which have huge surcharges for any shipment outside of the contiguous 48 states.
02-24-2022 07:19 AM
A lot of these settings in business are confusing to me as well. I understand these are powerful tools to enable people who know what they are doing to quickly and efficiently manage their preferences. What eBay needs to do is have a stripped down, bare bones section for the computer illiterate folks like me. I am hesitant to change any settings,
I'm afraid that I'll check back later on my listings and make some horrifying discovery that as a seller I'm now offering expedited free shipping to the International Space Station, stuff like that. I just want to sell my stuff without a lot of drama.