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Economy is nearly dead. Can that cause low sales?

I keep seeing tons of eBay sellers complaining about low sales. If there is a very weak economy caused by very poor leadership that would have an effect on sales. Crooks. 

Message 1 of 72
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Economy is nearly dead. Can that cause low sales?

Has anybody been to the grocery store lately? 

Message 46 of 72
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Economy is nearly dead. Can that cause low sales?

Who owns America? 

Message 47 of 72
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Economy is nearly dead. Can that cause low sales?


An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.

Message 48 of 72
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Economy is nearly dead. Can that cause low sales?

Who's running America right now is it our politicians or is it our corporations? 

Message 49 of 72
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Economy is nearly dead. Can that cause low sales?

There probably all trying to buy groceries with their minimum wage jobs at Wal-Mart.  

Message 50 of 72
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Economy is nearly dead. Can that cause low sales?

Agreed, this site is broken. They don't know how to get it together like AliExpress, Temu, etc. 


The economy is not the issue, as I did my best on this site during the Great Recession. 


Sorry but i have no idea what  AliExpress and Temu are like as i don't shop on Chinese websites

Message 51 of 72
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Economy is nearly dead. Can that cause low sales?

Where does the working class fit into this equation?

Message 52 of 72
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Economy is nearly dead. Can that cause low sales?

Work harder, Millions and growing are depending on you. Remember the Government is only going after the rich corporations 😂🤣 

Message 53 of 72
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Economy is nearly dead. Can that cause low sales?

Chapter 7, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy just to think how many of these people applied for that. Probably got it. Maybe a few times? 

Message 54 of 72
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Economy is nearly dead. Can that cause low sales?

According to financial experts, the percentage of Americans in debt is around 80%. 8 in 10 Americans have some form of consumer debt, and the average debt in America is $38,000 not including mortgage debt. Owing money just seems to be a way of life for Americans, as collectively we have $14 trillion in debt.
     Actually if you toss the US National debt into the picture it becomes much worse and the figure goes to 100% and the total debt jumps to around 45 Trillion. So each man, woman and child's share of just the national debt is around $94,064.00. When it comes to personal debt maybe it's a case of follow the leader. 
Message 55 of 72
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Economy is nearly dead. Can that cause low sales?

Who's running America right now is it our politicians or is it our corporations? 


     It's more of a question of who is winning the war the politicians or the corporations and I believe that has been a stalemate for many years. 

Message 56 of 72
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Economy is nearly dead. Can that cause low sales?

Ever since Citizens United I think the corporations have been gaining.

“The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” - Henry Kissinger

"Do not obey in advance." Timothy Snyder "On Tyranny"
Message 57 of 72
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Economy is nearly dead. Can that cause low sales?



"Ever since Citizens United I think the corporations have been gaining."


Add to that, that the U. S. Supreme Court now is unashamedly pro-business and anti-individual.


And with a huge swath of Congress openly acting as tax-payer paid lobbyists for corporations.


This is NOT the United States of America envisioned by Washington and Lincoln.



Message 58 of 72
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Economy is nearly dead. Can that cause low sales?

@1786davycrockett wrote:



"Ever since Citizens United I think the corporations have been gaining."


Add to that, that the U. S. Supreme Court now is unashamedly pro-business and anti-individual.


And with a huge swath of Congress openly acting as tax-payer paid lobbyists for corporations.


This is NOT the United States of America envisioned by Washington and Lincoln.



Lincoln and Washington had quite different views...  My ladies Great Great Great Great Grandfather was the Major General in charge of the Indian Campaign in the Revolutionary War and one of the most staunch advocates of the Constitution.  He's considered a founder in fact.  None of them knew where it would lead the nation and in as much said so as it'd never been tried in known Human history.  That'd be a long discussion and yes, likely they'd be astonished at American History.  People think it's bad now but they didn't live the past America as "now" is easy peasy compared to most any other generations history in this nation.  Every generation in this nation has met emergencies and overcame them because the nation and mindset of the people, for the people and by the people always bound us.  That's no longer the case and whilst politicians certainly have their role they are of "Us" and the difference is citizens put themselves first and choose lifestyles of entertainment and self above that of those to come after them.  It's that simple, that complex.


This past weekend I was speaking with a man at our camp who served in two armed forces, was fireman afterwards for many years.  Both his sons are in the military and he told me that THEY'RE biggest fear presently is that we end up in a ground war in Europe.  He told me that his son's (special forces) do not "THINK" but instead "KNOW" that regular Infantry based will have HORDES of our serviceman and women running in the face of war that resembles WW One and Two.    He told me that his sons commanders are so fearful of that prospect as it will display to other potential combatants around the world the softness of what regular serviceman and woman have become it will stand as an invitation to taking us to a war we cannot win.


Lincoln... Well, Civil War followed the Mexican American War which basically was a staged land grab from Mexico as silver and gold became the West.  The fear in the East was that those new territories would become slaver states and shift the balance of power from the North.  Lincoln was against slavery but as the Civil War ensued he literally said if it would stop the bloodletting he would allow the South to keep slavery as an institution.  After his death and subsequent election of General Grant, he too did nothing about the propaganda (Southern Media) which propagated countless lies about Black folks resulting in near 80 years of misinformation, horror, suppression all the way into the 1950's and 1960's.  It still lingers to this very day.


Business representation interests and Political Action Committee's are nothing new to DC or even State representations.  Coal industry, Steel, Railroads, Lumber and many more have done absolutely nothing different and in fact have a gory history worse really than we see in lobbying today more or less actual actions.


Time's change...


The nation was warned 40 years ago.  The TRUE Republican Conservative disappeared under the guise of "Reagan Republicans" and over time the party shifted the "Conservative" term to the Reagan legacy and Tea Party.  They gave rise to the New Progressive Democrats which have pretty much wiped out old school Dem's.  Progressive party began over 100 years ago and failed three times born from Black culture as a party to attain rights which the White's put asunder time and again.  Now "Progressive" is a term used to hoodwink citizens into believing "Progress" whereby the reality is "Progress of Governance OVER the people" hence why they get tagged as "Socialist" putting forth government social programs, replace "social" with "society."  The Limbaughs, Beck's, Hannity's, Savage etc. convinced Rural folks that the Dem's spend and only care about cities social programs taking their rural wealth and distributing it.  They were not wrong and Rural America turned Red waiting for promises from the "Country Club" of they're portion of "Trickle Down Wealth" which they still wait for.


And there you have it, the division predicted in the 1980's.  Rural America wont vote Dem's in due to belief that they're money just gets funneled out to city social programs so they vote Red on the promise that's not been delivered for 40 years.  City folk tend vote Democrat as they provide the social programs yet are never uplifted enough to not need said social programs.  They make can make a better living on social programs than they can seeking jobs and opportunities where they actual loose lifestyle.  Thus the Dems have sequestered those folks into voting blue and the GOP rural America into voting Red.  Yes, its more complex than this but overall its the picture.


Now that said, the popular vote of 2020 showed the GOP that they CAN NOT WIN THE PRESIDENCY IF THE LIONS SHARE OF CITY FOLKS TURN OUT.  Trump had the largest number of voters of any GOP President in history and they still lost.  That's why trying change the game suppressing voters, literally no other reason.


Now half of Bidens infrastructure bill was to pour money into rural America and help those folks with a significant push towards forward movement but the GOP Congress **bleep** it down, "You're not buying our sequestered voters."  Anyone rural can be sure that they are not going to be uplifted as for 40 years hasn't happened yet via "The Country Club."  Instead, they build millionaire's which control ultimately the wealth of those rural folks and they try keep the "eyes" on the Billionaire's, huge corporations and foreign entities.  Yet, those entities are the EXACT same one's that make for the wealth building those 22 million millionaire's.  It's a wag the dog.


It's the young folks ain't buyin' in anymore as Independents now outnumber registered Dem's and GOP's.  Did you know that our governance primary elections are not a matter of law?  They were invented within the party system.  Educated young folks today are just literal leaps and bounds more intelligent than the Boomers or Gen Z but they've a problem, they are all about being entertained just as they're Boomer or Gen Z parents.  They are going to shift, they have no choices as they have no future and as that becomes more apparent to them they inherit the mess.


Now that either goes two ways... 


America will end up in uncivil war whereby nations such as China will be asked intervene as control is lost and America threatens world stability.  That is what many a 1980's think tank predicted and economies over a period of 25-40 years localize and stabilize as if being put back in time to the early 1800's economically and then the North (New England/Eastern Midwest) rises again for the exact same reasons it did in American history,  Great Lakes, Ocean Access, on and on.


The other is that the youth seize governance and systematically strip personal wealth towards a more socialistic nation and utilize that to put America back into play paying off significant national debts.  To do this the land becomes more militaristic and this is accomplished by empowering youth no matter they're color, race, religions or nations of origin as White America will resist.  This was the other prospect big prediction of think tanks back in the 1980's.  Sort of self-fulfilling prophecy that White's/The Wealthy try so hard to not deliver uplifting opportunities and wealth to the rest of general population especially what are called minorities that they become the minority through they're own deeds.  This is seemingly the current path as the so called minorities which in reality poor common White folk were back in time become the lesser in number's to Black's and Latino's, Asians etc.


Remember, the exodus of White's from Europe to American occurred due to both spiritual and wealth oppression in W. Europe.  This is WHY the promise of "All Men Are Created Equal" came from yet almost from word "Go" as America took root the old reappeared, "All Men Are Created Equal... Just some are more equal than others..."


America needs to melt again for both the promise of the big words we claim stand for and that of our children no matter the origins, color, beliefs or lifestyles.  Anything the other than that one of the two above mentioned paths is not just likely but written already IMHO.  

Message 59 of 72
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Economy is nearly dead. Can that cause low sales?

Ebay is somewhat recession proof in that, yes, when times are tougher, some people will stop shopping on Ebay.  But others will BEGIN shopping on Ebay instead of, say, going to the department store and paying $150 for three sundresses on sale like my friend's kid just did.  And then there are those who indulge in retail therapy to chase the blues away. 

If you look at Ebay's overall level of sales over the long term (*cough* the aggregate of our level of sales *cough*)  you will see that, while there are fluctuations, the longer term trend is remarkably stable in increase.  It looks more like a company that sells necessities, than one that sells furbelows, even though that's what a lot of us are peddling. 

Message 60 of 72
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