11-13-2018 01:44 PM
I just tried to re-list a number of my items and only accidentally noticed that the re-listing fee for individual items was WAY higher than the usual 25cents for a BIN item. For example, $2.20 for a $30 item. I suspect this has something to do with promoted listings, but I have never used promosted listings. Any advice?
11-13-2018 01:48 PM
Just don't agree to pay $2.20
11-13-2018 01:51 PM
11-13-2018 01:55 PM
If you're using selling manager to relist ebay has auto checked something that is resulting in higher listing fees you just have to figure out what they checked. Some you can mass edit out some you have to redo one at a time...
11-13-2018 01:58 PM
No, this is definitely a glitch, something is wrong....same thing has been happening to us today....charging us $1.00 and $10.10 for items that normally are $0.10 to relist.
11-13-2018 01:59 PM
Tried... it still comes back. This just started today for me as I haven't listed anything until a few minutes ago.
Ebay is auto checking $1.00 Picture Pack to my "new" listings.... I uncheck it... it doesn't update.
I can't believe Ebay continues to throw curve balls hoping no one notices!?
11-13-2018 02:02 PM
We were charged $1 picture pack for a few items but they are charging $10 for a buy it now fee on $30 items....
11-13-2018 02:03 PM
Hang on I'll go check and see if I have the same problemo....
11-13-2018 02:07 PM
No problemo here might be a motors thing probably something broken...
11-13-2018 02:11 PM
How many listings are you trying to do in one shot? I've found anything over 25 at a time it gets real goofy...
11-13-2018 02:12 PM
There is a GLITCH - they're charging an extra $1 for picture pack.
Call about it and have them do a technical issue report for you
11-13-2018 02:14 PM
I was just going to come here and start a post on this topic as well. We are being charged the $1.00 Picture Pack fee on listings created today and also cannot "uncheck" that box.
11-13-2018 02:19 PM
Spoke to a nice Ebay customer service rep. and they're aware of the issue.
It appears to be Ebay Motors related... but who knows.
Anyways... keep contacting them if you have an issue... as the more that bring it up... means it'll be addressed(hopefully)!
11-13-2018 02:36 PM
Yup they have the fees flipped in ebay Motors. If you list it as Auction only it reverts to .25 cents which is incorrect, but if you do a BUY IT NOW no auction then it charges 2.25 for a $60 listing....... If the ebay website were judged by the same metrics as we sellers are judged by then the ebay website would be banned from ever selling again. It is ridiculous.
11-13-2018 02:46 PM
If you are being charged $2.25 for a 0.25 normal listing and we are being charged $10.10 for a 0.10 normal listing....then I have to think it's a decimal issue.
The $1 picture pack for us is ONLY being charged on FP listings, not auctions.
However, the $10 added charge is ONLY being charged on auctions, not FP.