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Ebay says shipping is overdue, even though I've been in contact with the buyer about additional item



I had sold an Item on September 6th, which is 5 days ago.  I have 4 day handling setup(I believe), but I'm being told my shipping is overdue from September 9th.


The seller was interested in other items of mine, but also was extremely slow to respond to me, so I was waiting to print a shipping label, so I don't mess up weight or whatnot, and have issues with shipping carriers.  After this long wait for the buyer to contact me back, and ultimately telling me he now only wants the initial item, I am being told by Ebay that I am late on shipping, and I don't know what to do.


Is there anything I can do about this?  I find it is really unacceptable that Ebay doesn't allow us to able to hold off on shipping, because a buyer is interested in other products.  Is there a way I could change my handling time, after sale?  I have 2 other sales that I'm speaking with buyers about additional items, which need to be shipped out by the 14th, and i don't want the same situation to happen again.


Is it possible that i can cancel the order, and have him purchase it again?  Will that cause any issues or anything with my account?  I also read that if the buyer puts that the item arrived on time in the feedback section, this also could save my account from getting penalized?  Is this true?


I am considered a "new seller" because I just started selling again, so I do not want anything to affect my performance.  I have so far sold 5 items, so 1 of 5 with a late shipping issue, sounds like it could hurt my account.


I tried to be a good seller and work things out with my buyers and try to make them as happy with their purchase(s) as possible, but I don't deserve to be penalized when all I'm doing is trying to be a good seller.


Any help is appreciated with this issue, thank you.

Message 1 of 42
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Re: Ebay says shipping is overdue, even though I've been in contact with the buyer about additional

No, you need to ship your items by what your stated handling time says. eBay is not being unacceptable by any means at all. I have buyers interested in multiple items on a daily basis even after they already ordered one and if they ask I tell them that I have to ship the item in my stated handling time as per eBay policy and that's that. If they want to purchase more then they can. Why wouldn't you just ship it anyway? If they want more items they can still purchase them no problem at all. Ship your items out per your stated handling time and you'll be just fine. eBay will not punish you if you do and if the buyer has an issue with that then you need to tell them that you have to per eBay policy or ask them if they would rather cancel the order.


The only way that I could think of is taking immediate pay off and wait for them to be done "shopping" then send them an invoice or just set up a combined shipping discount & tell them that they can purchase them all at once and get the discount. That's how I do it and if best offers are accepted I charge $1.95 for each additional item so it's always better for them to purchase everything they want all at once and get the combined shipping discount.

Message 16 of 42
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Re: Ebay says shipping is overdue, even though I've been in contact with the buyer about additional

I am in contact with the buyer and will see how they will like to resolve it, hopefully in that way.


I do not believe I deserve to get penalized for this, this is unacceptable, and the fact there is no way to resolve this via ebay is pathetic of a company that as others have said 'handles millions of users."  There are plenty of other websites that make it easy for resolutions, and the fact there is no "Gray area" for shipping, is sad.


I have tried to go above and beyond as a seller to try and make sure my buyers are happy.  This isn't something a seller should have to deal with.

Message 17 of 42
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Re: Ebay says shipping is overdue, even though I've been in contact with the buyer about additional

It's unacceptable that I'm past the "Ship time" and now "Shipping overdue" because the buyer was interested in other items, and there's no way to tell ebay that the buyer asked me to hold off on his items, because the buyer requested it.   Why does Ebay not allow such an option?  If a buyer wants to wait for his items, why is it Ebay's concern when they get it?  They should allow buyers to allow additional handling time if needed.  BUYERS ONLY, since I can see how sellers would take advantage of that.


This isn't an issue of "should I ship now" it's an issue of,  IF I SHIP NOW I GET IN TROUBLE.


I'll have to look into the immediate pay off or whatnot, but even so, the user paid, and then was interested in other items, so I'm not sure how I'm supposed to deal with a situation where a purchase was made, and now a user wants more items?  For example, my last item was paid with a BIN right away, and now we are discussing additional items, but he already paid for the first one.


It seems cancelling is the best option, as long as Ebay doesn't screw me somehow, so I will await my buyer to let me know to cancel the order.


This is definitely a lesson learned, what a shame.


I work as a Software Engineer, the fact there is no way to resolve this better, or even contact someone from Ebay (is that even possible?) is saddening.  I do recall being able to contact ebay directly years ago... Is that not an option now?  It seems all we have is this "Communities" forum.

Message 18 of 42
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Re: Ebay says shipping is overdue, even though I've been in contact with the buyer about additional

when I sell 5 items at auction I make sure they are not payed for. that is the difference


unpaid items can be added to and invoiced for up to 30 days...that is what I do for combined shipping


of course if you have buy it now this is not possible

items that are paid for need to be shipped


Germantown proud Germantown strong
up the whiskey hickon
moving right along
Message 19 of 42
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Re: Ebay says shipping is overdue, even though I've been in contact with the buyer about additional


1- Buyers cannot cancel transactions, only the seller can cancel. 

2- If you cancel using buyer requested there is no penalty for you. 

3- You are incorrect, if an order is canceled then taxes are refunded- because the sale never actually occurred. 

4- Everything is all automated. Like it or not that's how it is on eBay. Yes, it is a shame. 

5- No, you cannot override a late shipment. Handling times are set by the seller in advance of a transaction and are adhered to on eBay. You don't need to agree with that or be happy about it but that's how it is. 

6- You can contact eBay using social media, below are the links.



Message 20 of 42
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Re: Ebay says shipping is overdue, even though I've been in contact with the buyer about additional

There is no gray area.  It is all automated directly with the USPS.  This was implemented b/c so many sellers were not conscientious & marked items as shipped, but didn't ship them.  This is actually a benefit to most sellers.  Sorry if you don't like it, but eBay is not going to change it b/c you don't like it.  Most sellers like it b/c it weeds out the bad sellers who reflected negatively on all of us.  


It is your responsibility to ship within your stated handling time.  You're making it way more complicated than it actually is.  Someone buys, you ship.   The days of holding items for weeks while buyers decide if they want other items is LONG gone.   It's really not a big deal.  You just tell your buyer when you need to ship by & the rest is up to them.   It rarely comes up anymore, as most buyers want their item ASAP.  

Not sure why you feel it's "unnacceptable".  You must ship within your stated handling time, it's been that way for years now & there were solid reasons for implementing it.  There is some leeway for emergencies, so there is that "gray area", but I fail to see how it's unnacceptable for eBay to enforce that sellers do what they say they'll do.  

BTW, you're gonna love this - not.  It even applies if the buyer asks YOU to hold the item before shipping b/c they'll be on vacation.  That's also pretty much a thing of the past.   You may want to acquaint yourself with all the "new" policies, so that you don't have more surprises.  eBay has automated the enforcement of many of the policies.  This one has been this way for years now, it's really not "new".    While I don't agree with everything that eBay does, requiring that you ship when said you'll ship is a good thing for the site in general.  

This one goes to Eleven - Nigel Tufnel

Simply-the-best-for-you Volunteer Community Mentor
eBay Seller since 1996

Message 21 of 42
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Re: Ebay says shipping is overdue, even though I've been in contact with the buyer about additional

Each item you have listed is a unique item with a unique number attached. Every one of those items each have their own rules. You sold an item, was paid for it, you should have shipped it. Nothing "gray or unfair". If these buyers wanted something else, they would not have paid you first. It is this simple - You list unique item, buyer agrees to purchase and pays you, you ship. You failed to execute a legal binding agreement. Think of it as a learning experience and stop getting all worried about the mistake made. Learn from it and just move on.

Message 22 of 42
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Re: Ebay says shipping is overdue, even though I've been in contact with the buyer about additional

1.  Oh, I thought they could, my mistake.

2.  Thank you.  If there is no issue then I will go ahead with that since my buyer just requested a cancellation.  I did read about fees and partial transactions, and that you have to use "buyer requested."

3.  I checked the thread and It seems to mention a "return" which they mentioned goes through paypal, so I can see why that is different from a sale that wasn't finalized since ebay is holding the money.

4.  Automation is one thing, but not being able to resolve conflicts, especially when it can result in damages to your account, is upsetting.  Many big companies are going away from customer support in favor of automation that doesn't help everyone.

5.  That's a shame that a buyer cannot change that, I've read of people being away on vacation and there being issues because a buyer wasn't on top of the sale.

6.  Thank you, if needed I will contact someone there, but since It seems the best course of action is to just cancel the order,  since the buyer has requested it, I will do that.  Since from what you and others said, there shouldn't be any penalties for it?


Thank you again for all of your help!



Message 23 of 42
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Re: Ebay says shipping is overdue, even though I've been in contact with the buyer about additional

@lamber9347 wrote:


1- Buyers cannot cancel transactions, only the seller can cancel. 

2- If you cancel using buyer requested there is no penalty for you. 

3- You are incorrect, if an order is canceled then taxes are refunded- because the sale never actually occurred. 

4- Everything is all automated. Like it or not that's how it is on eBay. Yes, it is a shame. 

5- No, you cannot override a late shipment. Handling times are set by the seller in advance of a transaction and are adhered to on eBay. You don't need to agree with that or be happy about it but that's how it is. 

6- You can contact eBay using social media, below are the links.



Correct.  Except that the .30 fee, is not refunded.  It's not a tax, so your statement is correct, but there is no refund of the .30 fee.   

Also, I think there is still an allowance for buyers to cancel in the first 60 minutes & I believe the .30 fee is now refunded in those cases.    

This one goes to Eleven - Nigel Tufnel

Simply-the-best-for-you Volunteer Community Mentor
eBay Seller since 1996

Message 24 of 42
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Re: Ebay says shipping is overdue, even though I've been in contact with the buyer about additional

@ratoliprova  The only penalty is that you will pay the .30 fee & of course that your buyer may never follow through on purchasing all your items, that's a risk you take.   


Just chalk it up to a learning experience.  It's really not an issue as most buyers are used to it being this way, since it's been for 3-4 years now.   

As a former software engineer myself, yes, they could put in an exception, but they didn't for a reason & I wouldn't have put in an exception either.  1 exception for you X 1M tx's a day is a whole lotta he said/she said.   As I said earlier, there were very valid reasons this was changed & most buyers & sellers like it the "new" way.  It solves many problems that buyers had with eBay.  


ETA:  I'm not clear on your mention of Paypal, but as you likely know if you're selling again, eBay no longer uses PP.   The only way a return would have anything to do with PP is if the buyer paid using PP originally.  Some do, many don't.  



This one goes to Eleven - Nigel Tufnel

Simply-the-best-for-you Volunteer Community Mentor
eBay Seller since 1996

Message 25 of 42
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Re: Ebay says shipping is overdue, even though I've been in contact with the buyer about additional

One more thing.  Since you are unfamiliar with the new policies, please make sure you familiarize yourself with the MBG (Money Back Guarantee).  It will be super important for you to know about it & understand the ramifications of it (which are often unfair to the seller), this is especially true if you are a "No Returns" seller.  

This one goes to Eleven - Nigel Tufnel

Simply-the-best-for-you Volunteer Community Mentor
eBay Seller since 1996

Message 26 of 42
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Re: Ebay says shipping is overdue, even though I've been in contact with the buyer about additional

You need to know precisely  what your handling time is not just a "believe" you know.   It is your future at stake . Re: your  comment " I have 4 day handling setup (I believe)"

Then you can  go back and see if you  complied on past orders.  then you will know what you have to comply to on future orders.

Here are 4 links  from eBay Help & Contact search.  Tab found on your Overview page top  left.  This is your reading & understanding home work assignment.  Ask specific  question on these boards.


"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
The Devil made me do it! - Flip Wilson
If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too J.R. Johnson
Message 27 of 42
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Re: Ebay says shipping is overdue, even though I've been in contact with the buyer about additional

Thank you.  Hopefully I wont have issues with buyers and trying to scam me via MBG. mentions the .30 cents seems to be refunded with a cancellation of "buyer requested."  


My 3 buyers don't know this rule, as one of them specifically asked to hold his item.  This clearly isn't something buyers know, unless they are veterans, and have experienced this issue(most likely as a seller).

Message 28 of 42
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Re: Ebay says shipping is overdue, even though I've been in contact with the buyer about additional

I find it is really unacceptable that Ebay doesn't allow us to able to hold off on shipping, because a buyer is interested in other products.  

That means your opinion is in conflict with how eBay operates. 


Is there a way I could change my handling time, after sale?

eBay does not let a seller change his handling time, because if they did ... well, then no seller would ever ship anything late 🙂


Is it possible that i can cancel the order, and have him purchase it again?  

What reason would you use for cancelling? 


I tried to be a good seller and work things out with my buyers and try to make them as happy with their purchase(s) as possible, but I don't deserve to be penalized when all I'm doing is trying to be a good seller.

There is a difference between trying to be a good seller and agreeing to buyer demands that don't follow how eBay works. 



Message 29 of 42
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Re: Ebay says shipping is overdue, even though I've been in contact with the buyer about additional

I think this is very good information for any seller, UPVOTED!  I am wondering if there are ways to actually refund, with "no refunds accepted," or are you pretty much stuck with "I wont be able to return your money", with regards to Ebay's system, even if you refund via paypal or other purchase method?  One of the reasons I put no returns in my listings, is because a number of my items are EXTREMELY fragile, so I cannot guarantee that they will ship it back to me properly and not break them, which is why I didn't know if I was SOL if a buyer breaks the item...  Do we sellers have any protection with returns?

Message 30 of 42
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