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Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

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Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

Message 136 of 147
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Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

Of all the stupidest ideas Ebay has come up with this is the stupidest. Whoever thought of this should be fired!!!

Message 137 of 147
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Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

@bottleman12 wrote:

eBay will loose revenue from me in the long run by making GTC mandatory. I get 50 free listings a month. I have 80 items total in either my unsold or currently for sale. I refuse to pay the 35 cent insertion fee so I rotate my listings so I only list 50 per month even though I have 80. I'm now going to delete 30 listings that could potentially sell to get back down to 50 per month. Call me cheap but as a seller, I'm only here to make money.

30 listings @ 35¢ = $10.50.  You would forfeit the possible sale of 30 items to save $10.50?


My business plan is:  If it's not listed, it won't sell.  YMMV, obviously.


PS - I'm not being snarky here; I truly don't see how deleting listings "makes money" for you.


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Message 138 of 147
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Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

ANOTHER COLLATERAL DAMAGE THING THAT I HAVE NOT SEEN ANYONE TALKING ABOUT:  When you have a listing end after 30 days, and then you relist it, It will show up on peoples "watching/saved searches" and send them an email stating that a "new item has been listed".   That drives many of my sales as well.  When I relist items after their 30 day run, I ALWAYS get more offers/sales within a day or two of relisting them.  With GTC, the buyers who have saved search lists will NOT get emails of 'new' listings because your GTC listings will NOT be 'new'.  Think about that for a minute.  Your  GTC listings will NOT moved up to the top of the 'newly listed' items because it has the same item number and it is technically not a 'new' listing in the eyes of the ebay AI system.  SALES ARE GOING TO FALL FOR MANY MANY SELLERS.   Thank you for your time in reading this post.  

Message 139 of 147
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Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

@stampguy01 wrote:

Continuing my previous thoughts on this subject and some suggestions....

I wonder if Ebay is growing in number of sellers.  Ebay needs to reexamine its business model. You would think they want to increase Revenue. You do that by increasing  the number of listings and  by increasing the number of sellers. Wonder if  that is happening.   I wonder if seller retention is an issue for Ebay or do they really care.


Consider an alternate strategy: work with sellers as your partner!  Increase Ebay Revenue by significantly increasing the number of listings and sellers. Put additional resources into maximizing "SELLER SATISFACTION". Make it easier for sellers to sell more -- incent additional listings instead of penalizing them. Seller retention is crucial to increasing revenue!! Find ways to increase Final Value $$ for the seller and thus for Ebay too.  Stop trying to make more of  the revenue on upfront listing fees -- instead make it easier and cheaper to significantly increase the number of listings. You could compensate for some of this by creating additional store tiers between the $59 / 1,000 Fixed/500 Auction level and the super store levels.


Ebay should want to have more sellers join and clamoring to join. We now appear to have the opposite. Consider creating a joint panel with seller representatives to provide input on  changes such as GTC  and strategies. Create a "Seller Satisfaction" metric and measure and report on it monthly or quarterly.


Ebay sellers are an Ebay asset. Don't keep trying to push us away!!!!


This is what a successful company would do! Will you please run Ebay?

Message 140 of 147
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Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

@sharingtheland wrote:

@bottleman12 wrote:

eBay will loose revenue from me in the long run by making GTC mandatory. I get 50 free listings a month. I have 80 items total in either my unsold or currently for sale. I refuse to pay the 35 cent insertion fee so I rotate my listings so I only list 50 per month even though I have 80. I'm now going to delete 30 listings that could potentially sell to get back down to 50 per month. Call me cheap but as a seller, I'm only here to make money.

30 listings @ 35¢ = $10.50.  You would forfeit the possible sale of 30 items to save $10.50?


My business plan is:  If it's not listed, it won't sell.  YMMV, obviously.


PS - I'm not being snarky here; I truly don't see how deleting listings "makes money" for you.

Obviously depends on how many times its rolled over and profit margin of the items. Listing fees are outdated. Just make listings freee and focus on moving items for revenue. 

Message 141 of 147
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Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

IF IT'S NOT BROKEN.... DON'T FIX IT!   When you fix things that are not broken, you only make more problems than the one you were trying to 'fix'.   

Message 142 of 147
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Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

I am Going to Put My Previous Post Up again.. 80% of My Sales with My Anchor Store I pay $300 a Month for are on 7 Day Listings... 90%90%, Maybe 10% off GTC 10%10%.. My One of a Kind Antique and Vintage Items are NOW at the Bottom Of the Barrel. Since Ebay Did this to Sellers Like Me Making Everything I Relist GTC I Have Had 1 Lousy $40 Sale this Week. I Live off of My Daily Sales and I KNOW WHAT WORKS FOR MY STORE!!!!! I NEED MY 7 DAY LISTINGS WITH BUY IT NOW!!! 30 Days People Put it in their Watch List which Renews Every 30 Days, NO HURRY TO BUY!!!!!! I Have JUST ONE ANTIQUE AND VINTAGE ITEM and 2300 Listed. I DO NOT HAVE 200 Tank Tops in 6 Different Colors to Sale, I am NOT A BIG BOX BUSINESS. Quite Frankly I Don't buy New Clothes on EBAY They Come From China and Are CHEAP QUALITY. If I Want a Tank Top I will Head to the Nearest WalMart, Choice of 12 Colors for $3.99 and Go Home. That of Course is Just an Example... GTC WORKS FOR BIG BULK SELLERS, NOT FOR ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES!!!! Bring Back our Store Durations of 3 , 5, 7, 10, 30 PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am Sinking Fast Here. Now I will put Up My Previous Post.


PLEASE BRING BACK 3,5,7,10,30 DAY LISTING CHOICES FOR BIN...On Antiques and Collectibles.. WE ONLY HAVE 1 of EACH ITEM!!! I have Been on Here for Years it is My Sole Living I Have an Ebay Anchor Store. I have 2300 Items Antiques and Collectibles Tried to Take a Few Of My 7 Day Listings when I Relisted them they went to GTC Automatically, I tried to Make them Auctions with a Buy Now Price for 7 Days. But Guess What I Was Told My Start Price Had to be 30% lower than the Buy It Now Price... Plus Auctions EVEN with a Store Subscription COST Me To List even though With My Store Subscription, I get 1000 Free Auctions Listings But Only in Catagories I Don't sell in. So I Have to Pay to Run an Auction. And they are Dictating How Much Can Be Between Start of Auction and Buy it Now. Talk about Losing Money. This Whole Mess is Disheartening. Any Listings I Had on GTC Have Many Watchers for about a Year. 80% of My Income was on 7 Day Listings. A Few Bought off of GTC But Not Enough to Even Pay My Rent.  I Have Weathered all the STUPID Changes Ebay has ever done, But This One Is Not What My Store Subscription Stated when I Signed up for it Nor Renewed it. When This is your Sole Living This Is Not even Good. The GTC and Showing an Item Out Of Stock Does NOT work for Antiques and Collectibles. I Have only 1 of any Item and will never have more of the same. I have Now Only Had 1 sale in 4 Days Since Ebay Changed all my listings to GTC who can Live on or Pay Ebay with a $70 Sale a Week. I feel This was a Way to Take away any Shred of Hope for Sellers Like Me. I am a Buyer also and If I Don't sell I Don't Buy Pretty Simple..I Have Many GTC Listings with Many Watchers But They Have Been Watching forever, I Think Most Buyers Forget they are Watching the GTC Listings because they Have FOREVER to Buy Them. WHAT A JOKE!! What Happened to Free Enterprise and Running Your Business Model with What Works...My Anchor Store Subscription Costs me $300 Mo. Shouldn't I Have the Freedom to run 7 Day Listings and Shake Things up a Bit. Ebay Was Founded on The Antique and Collectible Market. Ebays Changes WORK for Bulk Sellers Selling New Items But Not For the Antiques and Collectibles Catagories. WAKE UP EBAY YOU ARE NOT AMAZON!!!!!!! Where By the Way I  NEVER SHOP. I have Been Browsing today, Very Few Antique and Collectible Auctions are Being Bid on and the Few Sellers I have Communicated with are Struggling to even Make a Sale.. GOOD JOB EBAY! Do You Realize if you Make Your Site Seller Friendly Like it Used to Be You WILL Have More Buyers. I Have Worked My Tail Off. I Find the Items to Sell I Picture them i List Them I Box and Physically Go Ship Them, I Care About My Buyers!!! I Believe in the Old Fashioned Ethic of CUSTOMER SERVICE. I Used to Jump Up in The Morning to See What sold to get My Boxing Done. This whole week I Can Hardly Get out of Bed because I Know there are No Questions about an Item or a Sale... You may Say Well it's Just Business!!! No It Is Not when It is Your Sole Living. I Built My Business from Nothing 11 years ago, and a Year Ago was Making Double What I Made so Far in the Beginning of this Year with All the Changes.. SELLERS ARE NOT DUMB! Anytime Ebay Says Something will Help Sellers Sell More, I Know it is a COMPLETE FALSEHOOD. Because I have Weathered Many Changes They Said would Help Sellers which NEVER DID and They Changed it Back. PLEASE EBAY WAKE UP AND RESEND THE GTC MANDATE NOW BEFORE YOU LOSE MANY GOOD SELLERS. I NEVER BUY NEW THINGS ON EBAY EVER, AND ALOT OF PEOPLE DON'T. OR ONLY MANDATE the GTC For BULK SELLERS!!!! The People Who Made That rule have Obviously Never Had to Make their Living online. And Don't Know WHAT REALLY WORKS in the REAL WORLD OF SELLING. Ebay WAS and STILL IS A VENUE!!! Quit the Big Brother Control, I WORK FOR ME NOT EBAY But My Working for ME BENEFITS EBAY. My Ebay Selling is My Life.

Message 143 of 147
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Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

I pay for 1000 listings per month.


I sell vinyl albums all with a quantity of 1.

I need to modify my listings each month.  My listings are done on any day I have spare time and as a result some end almost every day.  I have 1000's of albums to choose from and do not want to keep listing the same ones.


This is as bad as EBAY taking 10% of the money charged for actual mailing costs.  Seems that should be a federal crime.

Message 144 of 147
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Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

GTC is unfair. 

Message 145 of 147
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Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

Paragraphs are your friend.

Message 146 of 147
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Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

GTC has been available for years and I'm sure many sellers like its features.  That being said, those of us who prefer to control our own inventory and listings were quite happy with the 30 day duration option.  We didn't denigrate sellers who used GTC, or insist that they use 30 day listings like we do.  My problem is having the option, that worked for me, removed with no intelligent rationale.   We're not all the same and there is no reason to remove options and shove GTC down out throats.  Having the GTC  style is fine for those that like it.  But it's not one size fits all.

Message 147 of 147
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