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Ebay sales have dropped dramatically! Anyone else having this problem?

Since January my Ebay sales have dropped dramatically! Anyone else having this problem?

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Re: Ebay sales have dropped dramatically! Anyone else having this problem?

what's the 16 mo. rule?

Message 16 of 42
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Re: Ebay sales have dropped dramatically! Anyone else having this problem?

Everyday gives rise to hundreds of new online web stores, garage sales have started, people are thinking vacations, sprucing up the yards, home projects ect....


Many of the items you sell - and you've had some nice sales - are found at these garage and rummage sales for pennies on the dollar. The generation that was interested in these items are now clearing out and preparing for retirement - they aren't buying - they are selling.


There have been problems with Ebay - but with all the online stores and alternate venues people are listing on these days - this is the norm now - better get use to it. You will have to change things up to attract buyers as you have a lot of competition out there.

Message 17 of 42
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Re: Ebay sales have dropped dramatically! Anyone else having this problem?

Re: Ebay sales have dropped dramatically! Anyone else having this problem?

ours have dropped from about the same figures. very frustrating

Message 19 of 42
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Re: Ebay sales have dropped dramatically! Anyone else having this problem?

This is their usual scheme - pay more and we'll send more sales your way. Year or two ago it was upgrade to a thing ever...yadda yadda. This is their next scheme - promoted sales...

Whatever. I'm not going to pay more just to get back to where I was. They keep taking more while I get less, no thanks. I'll be closing up by the end of the year.

Message 20 of 42
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Re: Ebay sales have dropped dramatically! Anyone else having this problem?

More and more people wants to do Ebay and the result is a lot of same items on the market. When a lot of same things the price will go down on them.

Message 21 of 42
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Re: Ebay sales have dropped dramatically! Anyone else having this problem?

No, there are less people doing ebay now than before.  Selling and buying

Message 22 of 42
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Re: Ebay sales have dropped dramatically! Anyone else having this problem?

same here. Only 9 orders in the whole month of May! I've tried discounts on practically everything in my store, and even have offered free postage on $50 or more with no one taking advantage of that one. Don't know what to do? I've searched my items, have the lowest price but still am way down on the list that comes up. I've about had enough. Been doing this in 1998, maybe time to retire!
Message 23 of 42
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Re: Ebay sales have dropped dramatically! Anyone else having this problem?

When a lot of same things people get picky and don't want to buy unless it is perfect item. So " not perfect" items don`t sell fast and sellers start to panic and drop prices to sell fast.

Message 24 of 42
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Re: Ebay sales have dropped dramatically! Anyone else having this problem?

I've doing this 2000, same boat.
Message 25 of 42
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Re: Ebay sales have dropped dramatically! Anyone else having this problem?

@vintagepatternsplus wrote:

When a lot of same things people get picky and don't want to buy unless it is perfect item. So " not perfect" items don`t sell fast and sellers start to panic and drop prices to sell fast.

that's not quite true, just saw an antiques roadshow recently and an appraiser told the attendee with (I forgot the make & model) lamp that had a burn spot on the shade from an excessively hot light bulb (maybe a 100 watt? and should have been 15 watt?) LOL and the appraiser told the guy it was a $5,000.00 lamp but with the "bad" shade now still a GOOD parts lamp worth $2,000.00 since the base was still immaculate.. just because something is not perfect does not mean it has no value...

Message 26 of 42
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Re: Ebay sales have dropped dramatically! Anyone else having this problem?

in other words, that damaged imperfect lamp will sell just as fast if a person is looking for a perfect base to the lamp..

Message 27 of 42
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Re: Ebay sales have dropped dramatically! Anyone else having this problem?

I agree, I sell unique and rare hard to find items that are one of a kind.
Message 28 of 42
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Re: Ebay sales have dropped dramatically! Anyone else having this problem?

so daneiac.... have your sales gone up or down then? be truthful
Message 29 of 42
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Re: Ebay sales have dropped dramatically! Anyone else having this problem?

@4stringfiddle wrote:

No, there are less people doing ebay now than before.  Selling and buying

This statistic shows the number of active registered users on the online auction platform eBay. In the first quarter of 2017, the site reached 169 million active users after surpassing 167 million active users at the end of 2016.

Message 30 of 42
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