08-05-2023 03:24 PM
Chicago is unsafe. We do not travel to events there anymore. Chicago Government does not care. They promote criminal actions and mob actions by doing little or nothing to perpetrators. Sad. Would loke to attend. Might I suggest Lewistown Illinois instead.🙂
08-05-2023 05:44 PM
Heh - I used to live in a couple of those "dangerous" neighborhoods. Violent crime is actually dropping, through you'd never know it by the lamestream media - 'if it bleeds, it leads' and crime reporting has soared.
Chicago is loads of fun - I'd never say 'no' to another trip there!
08-05-2023 05:57 PM
Unfortunately, Chicago gets a bad rap with all the media publicity of gang violence. As the news people say.." If it bleeds, it leads", meaning the violence sells the newspapers.When I visited London a few years ago, and would tell one of the lovely Brits I was from Chicago, they would immediately point their finger at me and say 'bang! bang!' Annoying? You bet, but understandable with all the bad pr this city gets.Or maybe it goes way back to 'The Untouchables' on tv..who knows.The bad guys all seemed to be in Chicago, with their last name ending in a vowel.My last name ends in a vowel too!
08-05-2023 06:02 PM
I haven't been in a long time, but do to hourly flights from MSP-ORD every day, I often went 30x a year. Loved that city so much! So much to do & such great pizza! It's been over 20 years now, but my sis just had a business trip there & was telling me about all kinds of cool new stuff that I want to see, so I need to get back.
I will say it was the only city I ever got pickpocketed in though. Idiots got my snakeskin cigarette case, not a wallet. I was bummed though, as it was the first gift my husband ever gave me 😞 , way before he was my DH.
08-05-2023 06:09 PM
I think you're right! When I was younger & I said I was from Chicago, all I ever heard was AL CAPONE. That's all anyone ever associated Chicago with. Very annoying!
08-05-2023 06:10 PM
08-05-2023 06:23 PM
Maybe you didn't have a state CCL. Besides, almost every dealer at the show carries. They have to with the amount of cash and coins some bring in.
Conceal carry with a reciprocating state CCL is legal in Chicago. Only the Cook County Forest Preserves are gun-free.
08-05-2023 06:32 PM
Hi @robertb953
Not everyone is afraid of cities. I’d be more afraid of the media hype you’re absorbing than a trip to the Windy City.
You’d prefer a convention in a town of 2500 people? Not sure what to say about that. 😴
08-05-2023 06:51 PM
If I was going my personal choice would be #5 (or #10), I was their very briefly in the 1960's.
08-05-2023 06:58 PM
@silverstatetreasureboxes wrote:You think Las Vegas is safe? What happens in Vegas doesn't always stay there, it goes out in body bags but shhhhh it's a well kept secret.
Yes; Population of 640k people compared to 12,000,000 in LA/OC Cali???
BOTH places are safe.
ALL places are safe.
Stuff happens when it happens and it is ALL micro percentages of what happens (at least in the USA).
08-05-2023 07:13 PM
Those are old records, California's peeps are moving here by the boatloads!
LA is nutty. I'm thinking of Montana would be nice.
08-05-2023 07:18 PM
Chicago....Lake Shore Drive many miles is unsafe....you couldn't even afford to visit or live there....I grew up in Chicago.
08-05-2023 07:59 PM
Don't try to explain how it really is.
Certain people aren't interested in "facts".
Only what they believe are "facts".
08-06-2023 03:57 AM
Living in fear is not living. How many small towns have had devasting killings? Plenty. The USA has some serious issues to work out. Stop allowing people from dividing and conquering through the use of hate and fear.
08-06-2023 07:42 AM
Not old records; you are comparing a City to an entire County.
Las Vegas is a city in Clark County and the Population for 'just Las Vegas' is just under 700,000. North Las Vegas, Nellis AFB, Mount Charles, Searchlight, CalNevAri, Henderson, Laughlin, Boulder, etc etc. are all a 'part' of Clark County (2,359,000)
Like LA (3,822,000) is a City....
in LA County (9,861,000)
Heck, the entire Nevada State Population of 3,100,000 (110,000 Sq Miles) is less than just Orange County Calif 3,190,000 (948 Sq Miles)
08-07-2023 01:14 AM
Yep. And it’s not working as far as I can see. It is one of the most dangerous areas of the country. What a shame. It is a beautiful city.